April 9; 2021 8:44 pm / April 12, 2021 7:44 am / 11:44 am
Update it Saturday, April 17, 2021 7:44 PM
Ezekiel 38:7
“Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.”
Wake up warning change is coming...
Turn to Christ now..
Just look at the world before us full of evil just like in the Day of Noah.
Syria accuses Israel of second strike in 48h; MK Lapid to form government - TV7 Israel News 06.05.21
Another police shooting. Why? Not obey.
As reported : Oscars ratings plummet to record low The 93rd Academy Awards suffered a 13.75 million viewer drop-off from las
What is this anyways in the eyes of God. Want the answer. Probably not if you’re someone that is in reward of such an item. This is idolatry. James 4.4
Oscar-winner Travon Free addresses police killings in acceptance speech The filmmaker also wore the names of those killed by police to the 93rd Academy Awards. 4.26.21 10:44 pm
The police are being vilified while the the evil are being seen as good. Biblical understanding!
Gaza Islamists fire dozens of rockets toward Israel; Jerusalem tensions persist TV7 Israel News 26.4
Evil is evil.
Startling news tonight... pray
Israeli settlers and security forces attack Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem
Israel has been under attack from the Gaza Strip as reported. There are hundreds of Israel is marching and chanting things that are not too pleasant. That’s what they’re reporting. See here
“FREDERICTON -- Families who fear their loved ones are afflicted with a mysterious neurological syndrome in New Brunswick say they're losing patience waiting for information from the health officials who are investigating.
"I can appreciate that maybe the government is afraid to give too much information and scare people, but at the same time, not giving information is also scaring people," said Steve Ellis, whose father has all the symptoms of the mystery illness.” Full article
“FREDERICTON -- Families who fear their loved ones are afflicted with a mysterious neurological syndrome in New Brunswick say they're losing patience waiting for information from the health officials who are investigating.
"I can appreciate that maybe the government is afraid to give too much information and scare people, but at the same time, not giving information is also scaring people," said Steve Ellis, whose father has all the symptoms of the mystery illness.” Full article here
RAW: At least 82 people are dead, more than 100 injured in Iraq hospital fire
Came across this article: Hate crimes up over 50 per cent according to Toronto Police. There has been an alarming jump in hate crimes being reported to Toronto Police. Maleeha Sheikh on which groups are being targeted the most and why experts believe there has been a spike in cases.
More than 100 Palestinians wounded in Jerusalem clashes
BREAKING: Israel Hit By Gaza Rocket Barrage; Plus, Iran Oil Tanker Attacked? | Watchman Newscast
Vladimir Putin issued 'stark warning' to US, NATO
Israel Prepares to Retaliate for Demona Attack
We say end time signs. Some people say people have been saying end time signs for ages. But there does appear to be some evidence of end time signs.
Even to report such things it’s not good as a Christian. To focus on negativity is not good but it should give you a general idea that the world rejects the true God and is a fallen and ungodly world. Why does God let it happen? He gave man dominion until all be fulfilled. You must have faith. The lord put life and death before you as written in the gospel. People choose all the wrong ways. As the real way is a straight gate. Deny yourself.. workers of iniquity. Lawless.
(redeem the time) (Lawlessness abounds) (contend for the faith) (vaccination & christians)
7:44 am 4.24.21 (Abominations unto the lord)
In the end times the evil one is going to work that much harder to take away the faith of even those who are saved. My friend and brother in Christ James is telling the absolute truth when he says such in his teaching preachings. Wake up ...
Here is another story reported today that is a little startling.
First of all Ezra Holy is God. Profaning the temple of God is evil. This next story and videos of such can be seen here
IAF strikes Syria; Germany calls on China to rein-in Iran; Locust swarm threat TV7 Israel News 22.04
The reality of man.. evil intended watch & read. The heart is wicked.
China in Focus (April 21): Defense Department Leaders Underscore Rising Nuclear Threats
Download our app to read more at https://ept.ms/DownloadApp
Oxygen Leak Kills at Least 24 COVID-19 Patients on Ventilators in Indian Hospital
Download our app to read more at https://ept.ms/DownloadApp
Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Effective, Even Against Variants: Trial
Candace Owens slams Democrats, media for 'mob justice' in Derek Chauvin trial
They’re calling it mob justice. As you know by now that Derek Chauvin was convicted for the murder of George Floyd yesterday. While it is true that injustice was done on the part of a police officer there are those who feel things could’ve been better handled as it is obvious that not just protest but a mentality during the trial of media bias and mob justice don’t mix well. Could you imagine if some of the biggest trials in history were run/influenced that way. Then what about Jesus who said you must forgive. I can understand people wanting justice but burning down buildings and terrorizing neighbourhoods that is in the news is nothing more than mob justice. These are the days just like in the days of Noah of course. This is just America. In the meanwhile there is focus on police behaviour. But there is also focus away from the Bible and away from being a civilized society. Police departments have lost funding and they can’t control society anymore like they once did. This is just America. There’s also News here and there of the rest of the world and the horrible things going on. The Russian build up for example and Israel being attacked. The word of God tells us to warn people of the coming judgment. Racism exists on multiple levels.
Violent take down in Montreal as reported
Violent takedown in Montreal.. video & story here what do I think of this? Will I read the story. We don’t have the video of what transpired before hand. Humans are sinful regardless whom they are. All of this to happen over somebody not paying a fair. If the person in fact did become violent when questioned then I can understand. But for it to get to this level is a little agitating to watch. Isn’t there a better way. His name is Jesus. Many don’t know him.
IAF bombs Gaza over indiscriminate rocket-fire; U.S. satisfied by Iran talks - TV7 Israel News 19.04
There has been a protest that turned violent and it’s incredible. I want to say also that tonight I heard about the shooting at a McDonald’s drive-through were a seven-year-old was killed and her father was seriously hurt. They do have it on video. It’s disappointing the amount of evil that exists as even in our country I heard of such drastic news tonight. I believe that shooting was in the United States somewhere.
Huge blowback in Ontario over new police powers, enhanced restrictions. Strange days in deed
Islamist rocket-fire draws Israeli retaliation; US intelligence warns of Iran- TV7 Israel News 16.04
The US on the brink of war
We hear that the US is on the brink of war with Russia. What is unfolding before our eyes? Well there are reports of such posted here but here’s a guy who specializes in this sort of thing a little bit.
2021 Is Shaping Up to Be the Year Of Strong Delusion
Change is coming throughout the world just as it’s already here.
His name is Jesus. Many don’t know him. Brace yourself. I know there are some people that don’t take to certain pastures. But what I liked and wanted to project here is a consensus amongst Christians.
There are two videos. Heard another shooting in At Walmart in Indiana today. Then I discovered this one. Wonder if this was a video game player. Take the guns away. As Jesus said in slightly different terms that those who live by the gun will die by the gun.
El Paso suspect showing no remorse for the killings: Authorities
Georgia sheriff: 3 officers wounded, 1 suspect dead, 1 held story here
Dashcam video of Carroll County chase | 11Alive breaks down what happened
Man involved in chase appears in court
There has been UFO sightings. What does this tell me as a true Christian? We wrestle not against flesh & blood. Demonic’s at work deceiving man and playing on his ignorance. Stay close to Christ and away from any sort of idol worship. James 4.4 Of course man may use this as a sign there is life out there.. space exploration.. no life out there.. Christ told the truth. Faith..
Video regarding this by Carl - Fox
What is critical race theory? Someone says it shows for example that the United States is racist. Racism exists on many levels. Not just black and white. How do you solve hatred. The gospel. It is God who change hearts and minds. You can discuss in the classroom but that will not always resolve the issues concerned regarding a nation. You turn to Christ.
Critical race theory is an academic movement made up of civil-rights scholars and activists in the United States who seek to critically examine the law as it intersects with issues of race, and to challenge mainstream liberal approaches to racial justice
This is leaning on liberalism Totalitarianism which is a threat to democracy. The heart is abundantly wicked. Stop looking at the race issue and start looking at the abundance of the heart which is wicked. The Lord said to preach the gospel and to warn people of the coming judgement as hell is eternal. Repent or perish.
Wicked and evil hearts do such things. Reported in media people were murdered in a FedEx facility. God judges people as individuals but also judges the world as he gave man dominion. Repent... turn to Christ. Truly there is not even one. It’s a narrow door. You must be born again. No other name given unto man to be find salvation but that of the name of Jesus Christ. Turn from sin. Pray for one & other christians daily.
“A gunman opened fire outside and inside a FedEx facility near Indianapolis' main airport Thursday night, killing eight people, wounding several others and sending witnesses running before taking his own life, police said.
Tulsi Gabbard issues warning about potential war with Russia
There is talk about the United States going to war with Russia. Tuckers guest who was once a congresswoman explains that such a war would have no winners because of nuclear weapons. The fallout would last for years. And there are people pushing that would like to see such happen. We certainly hope not. We hear about other countries enriching uranium. Certainly hard times of uncertainty.
Montreal Canada is burning because of curfew. This is in the news. Please think what you do in Montreal. Turn to Jesus. Anyways here’s the video.
A man on a bike shot a construction worker and her boyfriend chased the man down. What is going on. This is why God created hell. For wicked sinners. So many are going to Perrish.
Now as of tonight there is a volcano irrupts in Iceland. 4.15.21
You might’ve heard about the earthquake in Saint Vincent. Volcano irruption and sent ashes possibly as far as Barbadoes. The water supply is running out or has been contaminated. There is a smell of sulfur. It’s very scary and serious and they need supplies donated. People please pray and help in whatever way you can.
St Vincent running out of clean water after series of volcanic eruptions
Unionist leaders in Northern Ireland must banish the ghosts of grievance and rage
The story is on the Guardian here
Fearing democracy, the DUP and loyalist groups are retreating into a paranoid huddle
I’ve heard of this before of course. It’s been in the news and Bono from the band U2 wrote a song called Sunday bloody Sunday. Do you know Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers. Of course God would know who is at fault and who fuels the fire. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Pray for peace. John 10:10
Iran Proxy's Attack Drone Strikes U.S. Military Base in Iraq | Watchman Newscast
You see: The apostle Paul said have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth. This is the state of things today. And it’s written in Scripture.
In the next news cast Dr. Fauci is being asked when can people go back and meet and have the freedoms of before. The congressman asks for specific information and Dr. Fauci tells him his opinion but he says it will be when the numbers are low enough as there were perhaps 650,000 Americans killed by the pandemic. That’s a lot of people. It’s not just limited to America but it’s happening all over the world in places where it is. The congressman tells Dr. Fauci that Americans have lost freedoms to assemble in churches and to live their lives according to the freedoms offered in their nation so to speak. These are very hard times for many people and many businesses could not survive this. Agitation is present because of restrictions that seem to complicate things. You can watch this. You probably already have a general idea.
It just never ends does it. Here is the next newscast which is alarming. As reported on Fox news they found tons of people packed into some sort of trailer including kids as they say in the report. I think it was border agents that found them. In one particular report the news caster talked about the police as people wanting reforms as to totally wiped them out. But not at the capital of course is what he said
On the show Tucker & judge Jeanine herself discuss what court packing means. Seems bad for democracy as they explain.
News about court packing.. democratic socialism. What has this got to do with anything? Doesn’t seem to democratic. That’s what President Trump Donald said would happened.. so much in the news. Not just United States but around the world.
Truly it never ends. These are unprecedented times. What is going on? Just look at these headlines.. riots continue in Minnesota.
Iran Missile Hits Israeli Ship as Saudis Declare Iran Should Never Have Nukes | Watchman Newscast
Army drill sergeant charged over viral video involving Black man
There has been in news a story of a young black man being assaulted. They did say that there were some other incidents but they were not caught on video in the neighbourhood. There was a drill sergeant involved. These things are unfortunate and horrendous. I did watch the video. The young man being a young black man has been told to walk on. And when he tries to address the wife of the sergeant who is on the grass he is pushed by the drill sergeant. The drill sergeant was arrested later on and there was a police newscast briefing. So even in commentary people are discussing whether it was racism. It’s hard to tell but the heart is abundantly wicked. There are tensions especially in the United States given all that’s been going on there. I hope this ends well for all parties. People should pray. I have a question. What happened to loving your neighbour as yourself. In the video the Tone of the drill sergeant is protective but forceful. What was he protecting? Did he think the young black man was a threat. Because his voice tone is a little bit leaning towards agitation and possibly anger. To go to the Twitter feed and see the video press here The police video news cast can be seen here Fox News covers this too as did a couple of other news outlets.
Pastor Artur Pawlowski shares his story of Easter confrontation with police: 'How dare they'
Pastor Artur Pawlowski says 'we as lions should never bow before the hyenas'
2 Timothy 3:1-7 "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
“lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God” (The prosperity gospel) If you claim to be a Christian and you don’t care about the people dying of the plagues then what type of person are you. Your only concern is to keep reaping the benefits of this life. Live your best life now. I never knew you. You forgot to love your neighbour as yourself. We claim prosperity and we get carried away by the subtlety of the evil one. How much is enough? Jesus was a despised rejected man of sorrow and the carpenter whom had a face men looked away from. Yet he’s the unblemished lamb of God. Many are tarnished. They have turned the house of God into den of thieves.. John 2:16
Wealthy Fake Pastors | False Prophets | Word of Faith | Prosperity Gospel Scam Exposed - Greedy Rich more here
With the kindness and loving gentleness of my heart. You cannot be holy and claim the prosperity gospel. Yes it is written that you could move mountains with a mustard seed of faith but God is looking for people to repent and believe in the gospel. Wisdom is justified of her children. The evil one is looking to take away the seed of those even who believe.
I don’t like to focus on the negative.. this is a time to come to Christ. Just to briefly in depth List some things that are troublesome in our Times.
There is a new brain disease but they can’t understand and as I understand it five people may have lost their lives. They say it affects ages 59 and below. Similar to CJD.
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Talking new unknown brain decease |
They did have a doctor talking about it. The link is here
I believe there is tensions or fighting again in northern Ireland amongst the Catholics and the protestants. As they say in the news report there’s a wall dividing these communities. They burnt a bus. This was in the news recently.
He (Satin) knows his TIME is short believers..
There are Russian soldiers building across a line in Ukraine reported in news. Ukraine's President heads to the trenches as Russia masses its troops.
“In Moscow, the Kremlin says the troop movements are inside Russia, part of a planned military exercise and pose no threat. But at the front lines, the Ukrainian President told CNN a Russian invasion is a very real possibility his country is bracing for.”
“That very day, the military, which had seized power on Feb. 1, gunned down more than 100 of its own citizens”
“More than 700 people have been killed by security forces since Myanmar's military grabbed power in a coup on 1 February, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma). The BBC has spoken to loved ones of three people who have died.”
Truly there are wars and rumours of wars and hurricanes and volcanos that irrupted recently. There are coups and threats of war in Myanmar. Meanwhile people are dying of plaques across the world. There are riots and police shootings and gun violence report it across the world in the news.
There are protests and people have been arrested over that young man that was shot by police. Daunte Wright. It’s turned into something that we would rather not have
3:44 pm today...preach the gospel.... preach...
Daunte Wright in traffic stop
There has been a police shooting and I hate to report this. A young black man apparently lost his life. My condolences to his family. There was a police conference and they said the officer meant to use his Taser. I did watch the video and it’s alarming. What is happening in this world? There has been protest over this incident.
The video and source AXIOS here there is a police chief source audio here As reported in USA today here
'This is murder': Outrage builds over death of Daunte Wright in traffic stop; police chief says officer intended to use Taser.
Please pray and preach
In Montreal Canada reporters or one particularly described in this next newscast has received thousands of citations / fines. I believe he the narrator spoke of Montreal where they have a curfew. Certainly very trying times. Trials and tribulations without a doubt.
The reporters were put on a houseboat. They follow the rules as the narrator said. Perhaps it might be a little better to have them in hotels even better motels with perhaps social distancing still in place. Just a suggestion. Certainly feel for those who have a job such as reporters. Must be very hard for them.
( 2.44 pm today ) See I put this here to bring it to your attention. Street preachers get assaulted all the time. But why would these rebellious agitators assault the street preacher. Either they are people that get a kick out of doing this or they are those worldly people that are lost and have some sort of vengeance against those that are of God. They might not initially think that. They may love all the ways of the flesh. They are no doubt of the world. We could be a tad realistic and say they are brute dogs made to be destroyed. Apostle Peter as in scripture.
The unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom but they will inherit eternal damnation if they don’t repent and turn from their wicked ways.
11:44 am
By how much will you miss the kingdom of GOD.
He will always do this..
Maxwell Smart (Don Adams) used to have a saying in his TV show “I missed it by that much”. And then the audience at the network tapings of the show would laugh. But in real life it’s no laughing matter as the Bible tells us that people will wake up to be damned in shame. They will be sent to eternal hellfire. The lake of fire.
Below is some data I pulled about the end times article. Out of that article I choose some pointers. There is talk about the first four seals of revelation. Where are we on the prophetic timeline? There is a lot of debate amongst Christians and even scholars. The one woman who gave up on the faith believes this already happened within the first or second century. She stated that the Bible is a book of myth. The Bible is not a book of myth. The Bible is the word of God. This is yet to happen because the sky has to scroll up and the stars will fall from the heavens one day. And in that day people will cry out for the rocks to fall on them as they hide in caves and they will understand that it’s the wrath of the lamb. The six seal is very serious. God is angry with a righteous anger of the inhabitants of the earth because of unrepentant sin and a wickedness that has not been seen since the beginning of time. As in the days of Noah. Yes it’s true.

Just look at this next video found on Twitter. The police are being taunted. (2)You know it when it will be bad if those people die and find out hell is a real place. When they have a family and want to protect the family protected by the police it’s the same police but they called pigs and disrespected. What a wicked and evil generations this truly is. Better said an ungodly world. Before warned as Christ Jesus said the judgement is coming.
Let me say something to you as a true Christian who was not always a true Christian as I was blinded to the truth. I have met law-enforcement people that swore. But they are being disrespected and assaulted in these later times. Sure there are some of them that are wicked. But not all of them. I think they do a stressful job. They don’t all have that characteristic of swearing. Human beings are sinners no matter what profession. Sin leads to death.
Sixth Seal: Cosmic Signs
When the sixth seal was opened, John saw awesome cosmic disturbances. There was a great earthquake, the sun turned black, the moon became blood red, stars fell to earth, the sky folded up like a scroll, mountains and islands moved (6:12-14).
The “wrath of the Lamb” is an unusual expression — used only once. But we should note that this is something the terrified people call the calamities they experience. They do not see the Lamb of God as the one who gave his life for human sin or God as the one who sent his Son to die(John 3:16-17). The inhabitants of the world still see God only as a vengeful being.
The wrath of God isn’t spiteful hate or personal vindictiveness. It is God’s holy response to unrepented sin that is the cause of the misery and suffering humans bring upon themselves.
Four angels stand at the four corners of the earth
(Revelation 7:1). Later, angels stand around the throne (7:11). A great multitude of the saved stands before the throne of God (7:9). Thus, those with God — the angelic hosts and the saved — are the only ones who can “stand” or remain safe when God’s wrath strikes.
repent of your pagan idolatry.
repent of the prosperity gospel
Repent of your wilful rebellion towards the true God Yahweh
repent of your vomit of sin
repent of your wicked speech
Thou shall have no other gods before me
God has been patient for millennium. God has been merciful for millennium. Despite all the evil since the beginning of the earth it’s still here. One day everyone will be without excuse and will know.
How many people truly understand in this time of plague is upon the earth to repent and turn to the gospel. But what is happening is people are falling away. They can’t wait to get back into entertainment and back into sin. The United States It’s just one country, one nation out of many and the crime and the gun violence is just horrible to hear about in the news. Bickering and fighting even in the news amongst newscasters & guests is disheartening. As they say you can find a gossip even on Twitter every foot.
This next teaching below is something I think that nonbelievers and even believers for themselves should refresh their memory. Are you deceived? Are you truly following the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen to this teaching and see if you can relate it to modern day and all the things that people do to oppose the true God making in vain or to none affect the word of the living God.
Jesus wrote seven little post cards to seven churches. That is the teaching here.
Interesting.. Ephesus temple of Gold. Images of its goddess. Fertility goddess. The good Luke coin.. people carried them around. People have good Luke charms today too. Thousands of prostitution gave themselves to the worship of this pagan goddess.
I agree with the teacher here. So true.. listen. Pick up your cross... faith....
People are doing this as described today too. Resist immorality. Repent of your wickedness. So many are enslaved in idol worship. Hell opens her mouth wider all the time.
Listen to this sermon preaching trenching below & turn from sin. Today its everywhere. It’s in subliminal advertising. It’s in the culture too of entertainment and self worship. This is not the life that the lord Jesus Christ would like people to live. Come to faith. Resist the evils influences found everywhere in a fallen world being this extreme ungodly world..
I seen the reports of a beauty pageant were one of the contestants yanked forcefully the crown off the winner and injured her. Do you know what this is? Idol worshiping. Self worship. 9:44 pm today
Just today I been out there and I’ve heard young people swearing standing around other young people. I witnessed one guy glorifying a Corvette stingray. He’s thinking how cool he will look to chicks when he’s driving that thing and that thing will be married to him. Enslaved to wickedness. You see young people with their hot rod mustangs and can’t wait to get back to the world and back to sin. I seen/heard speech of another guy man gawking / idolizing a woman with black stockings and high heels shoes. She ignored him Mostly. People smoking and filling the air with second hand smoke. Carless thinking.. selfish. Giving kids second hand smoke. I heard a guy in McDonald’s taking the name of Christ in vain. I had a word with him. People do this everywhere. The abortion rate is off the Richter scale. I don’t think God is too happy with the inhabitants of the earth. We can say it’s all foolishness and that God is a figment of the imagination but that won’t stop what is written from happening because God is real. The God of Israel is REAL.
Reported on fox-news below. This is the result of taking police funding away. What would you expect? Jesus said forgive but instead people crucify “only” to bring judgement upon themselves.
Many are storing up wrath.
The real way is a straight gate.. I never knew you
Article here
Lawlessness & wickedness (@)
7:44 am 4.24.21 (Abominations unto the lord)
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