Saturday 27 October 2018

The tongue an unruly evil



Praising the lord on piano. Hope you can enjoy these performances. Worship the messiah (11-2018)
We are living at a time as said whereby evil is sufficient for that day. They say "PRIDE" comes before a fall which is the truth. Today no doubt we have arrived at that time as foretold whereby there is a great falling away from morals and people are more and more vanity based. They have in part legalized drugs and gay marriage. Unfortunately this is against God. 

What does all of this mean? They/people are not ONLY extremely sinful but they have accepted more & more carnal sinful ways that leads to hell instead of life in Christ. So many are blind to the gospel truth and follow men but not God. Not the gospel. People take the name of God in vain and so many smokers today defile themselves and others with second hand smoke. The manufacturers of such will SEE HELL. The gospel says if you destroy your temples God will destroy YOU. Christ said "every liar will have their part in the lake of fire" and when a person is spiritually inclined and aware then it is understood why! No one gets away with anything unless repented and actually changed, but God is judge in the end.  That great falling away is here in these end times/days. The tongue is prideful, boasts and does the work of the enemy instead of God when it is carnal and evil based. People have IDOLS and they dress like them and imitate them. They follow the entertainments of the world that is vanity based and in most cases serves Satin and not God. This does not mean everything is evil but it is said everything is passing away. You must stay away from those that defile you. It is written than God will then receive you. 

The redundancy is that even though many people have built up much they will leave with nothing and parish. They will end up in torment/hell. Many people know people for what they did in life and many people don't "really" know the heart of people. There is such a thing as strict NONE LUKE WARM preaching. There is such a thing as righteous anger. Do not sin in your anger. Many people hate the biblical truth and follow the world of Satin's counterfeit while they are wicked never perceiving how truly wicked they are.  They will think those following the lord in spirit and truth are strange and weird when they are the ones following paganism that is offered unto demons and devils as it is written.

I knew someone who were told by their mom, if you have nothing good to say "bide that tongue". True! But they were under the impression that you only love those who love you. Many follow a foreign Christ. This was foretold.

The very sad thing is so many have TIME for the worldly ways but not for their husbands, loved ones, and God.  Many reap nothing and are spiritually dead!

You MUST get rid of those idols and put God first in everything if it be possible for you today. "If not" pray and call out to Christ NOW.  Please pray for those who are wicked, deceived, persecute you, are evil and for yourselves as a day is coming soon when GOD will bring wrath to the entire earth because of sins. Christ is coming back!! Are you ready?  Will he find you sinful and unready. You will be left behind is so. We are in the end times/days and now is the time to turn back to the God of the bible and away from the defiled evil ways of the fallen world.  Get saved and don't leave earth without salvation in Christ. There is NO OTHER.

It is JUST a matter of time when things will wax worst and worst and it really will become apparent and vivid across the earth. Seek God. WAKE UP from your slumber. Wake up from your sleep and sin no more.

Of course I have covered  "The tongue an unruly evil" before but we do it again in this video audio sermon massage.  People are BLIND to how evil they really are and think their friends are GOOD when they are as wicked as hell. 

Your speech has the power to get you thrown into hell fire. Out of the abundance of your heart.. that is your spirit the heart speaks. They will regret this one day when trembling and giving God an account for their sinful lives and evil ways presents it's self.

YOU MUST be born again of the spirit of GOD. Heaven and earth will pass away but the word of God will NEVER pass away. He does know his sheep!! They hear his voice, obey and listen to him. He is the only mediator between God and man. 

Praise his holy name.


The tongue an unruly evil!!!

Sunday 21 October 2018

Authority to preach the gospel

Updates: 10.27.2018: Audio video sermon

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10 KJV

 What was the great commission?  Jesus Christ commissioned with authority to preach the gospel, the Kingdom come throughout the world since when he walked the earth.  There are many people that will follow anything and these people reject sound doctrine.  When speaking with some of them, one of them told me that there are many different denominations.  True! But there is only one body of believers, one temple that people are baptized into by full immersion since the day of Pentecost.  We are told that this is a spiritual organism.  Christ is the head and there are many members.  In fact Jesus said that he has another fold he must bring.  In the past I have known of one Christian who reached out to her daughter so that she would believe on the lord and be saved.  But in this case that daughter thought that the mothers religion was a cult.  It is a small one perhaps. I can assure you it is a bible believing religion.  But they add the prophecies of the founder whose prophecies did not come true.  The bible warns us in a Revelations that we are to add nothing to the word of god, and take away nothing from it or our name will be not found in the lambs book of life.  One must learn how to rightly divide the living word of the living god.  When a preacher preaches the gospel to you being that king James bible that is a blessing although many people can not perceive the truth and they reject it.  They say do not leave earth without salvation in Christ.  In fact Jesus said if you die in your sins you will be lost.  Hell is real.  God can not lie.  

Parents that truly love their children or their family will raise them to know the word of god.  I can tell you I've experienced what appears to be a little bit of blessings but at the hands of evil have been blamed for things that are not me or that I have not done.  What I did do was choose the wrong friends.  They were friends of the world.  Friends that loved all the sinful pleasures of the world.  But one day while it was apparent I was being punished in various ways by evil I turned to the gospel and it came alive.  I realized this was a living word.  There was something different about this book being the bible that was different from all other books.  This book breathes life through its pages that are a living word.  And I would read it and pray and ask god questions in my prayers.  I would ask what is the meaning of life and why does an evil world like this exist.  When ever I would open the bible to whatever page it landed on the answer  was in front of me.  I kept coming across the line that tells us the world does not know Jesus Christ.  In other words light came into the world but men perceive it not.  They loved darkness.  We are told about the fall of mankind.  So god created a physical earth to do his will.  You can see from sins that men are very wicked.  His deeds are evil just as Christ said they are.  

There are people that say they believe in God such as couples who live in sin but most of them don't live a Biblical marriage.  One must be reborn of the spirit of God to enter into the kingdom of God.  You can not do this if you can not face the Biblical truth.  Many are ignorant to what this is but they are not ignorant to keep their own traditions.  Jesus Christ said that is a waste of time and it makes to null affect the living word of the living God.  We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against a world of evil that is hidden to us.  Eve disobeyed god as she looked into  those things that are an abomination to the living God.  Today they have no shame and we are living in a time that was written about in prophecy as people would not love the truth and their love would wax colder and colder.  There are countless signs around the earth today that we are in the end days.  It could seem rather superficial but it is not.  It is the truth.  God expects people to take an interest in his word and then to be a born again.  After that he would be willing to do a great working in you where  Christ and his father would come and live in you.  There are many many people who are not saved at all and if they die in their sins they will perish.  Heaven and earth will pass away but the living word of God will never pass away.  God is willing to listen to you if you call out and ask for forgiveness of your sins.  Tell him you want to know him and walk by his statutes.  Pray often.  It is written God hears the prayers of the righteous and of those who love the truth.  Jesus Christ is the truth.  He was rejected, mocked and hated and yet he is the rejected cornerstone.  Yes, he is real and he is risen.  He is glorified and sits at the right hand of the father.  We must learn to renew our minds and not walk in the carnal man.  There is so much wasted time as we are defiled by idols in a sinful world that has sinful speech.  One day that great day of God's wrath will present itself just like it did when God brought the flood as the earth was filled with evil.  We have arrived and there are liars and evil doers everywhere.  It's just a matter of time until God's wrath is known onto the world.  You need a new heart.  Not your organ.  But a new spirit that is able to obey Christ and not the lustful sinful world.  

You know the gospel says men can reap the whole world and lose his soul.  This being of course referring to men and women.  Do you know what this means?  This is very serious.  We are not here for nothing.  We are here to learn about God and his kingdom come and then to turn to his ways.  To worship God. To be more and more like Jesus was.  To love as God does but to forgive too and have holy relationships. That is not to say that Jesus was not strict.  He called the religious leaders of his days devils.  In that the gospel God says he will puke out of his mouth the lukewarm.  Today people want a loving lukewarm gospel but they reject sound doctrine.  Most are on the way to destruction.  It doesn't make a difference of circumstances as the word of God stands in all cases.  When we disobey God that is horrible.  People don't live holy but they do live sinful and vanity based.  When you say these things to people they perceive what they look like and many times. I have noticed for example someone who painted their hair red, but their heart was wicked.  You see they fixed the outside but the inside being their spirit was left very sinful.  These days I hear so many people taking the name of God in vain. 

Just last week I witnessed a bunch of men working and swearing at each other each trying to have the upper hand.  I asked why they do this and they told me you will never find a greater bunch of guys than us.  They get their kicks by having vile language. They are immune to know Christ/gospel. But if they die in their sins tonight they would not see heaven but they might see hell.  I have also noticed that there is a great falling away today.  This was predicted.  It is very heartbreaking to see the sinful world and be part of it.  So many people say they love their kids but they hate the gospel truth.  In fact they reject it.  Jesus Christ said without him that nothing is possible.  This is true because Christ said before Abraham I was.  He and the father are one.  Are you ready to make a commitment and live the gospel truth instead of wasting your life and your time and failing god's test. Call out and repent.  Get saved.

Today people celebrate holidays that are not of God but against God. How sad.

Preach the word of God people. We are to worship GOD in spirit & truth. So many people think God cannot  see their  evil hearts. So many liars and evil doers today. His word stands forever.

Woman don't have the right to preach even though they do. Now I know there are few laborers in the field but it is common sense they have not been given this right. Woman can be a great christian believer and live by God's standards as well as glorify God and worship him. So many are deceived in all walks of life.

Call out to God and repent of your sins. Get saved today. 

Saturday 10.27.2018 Updated

Saturday 20 October 2018

Satin the great deceiver

The devil "Satin" who does exist is a master great deceiver. There are many lies in which Satin has built a counterfeit Christianity and deceived the nations as it is written.  He is a master deceiver and he works with those who are lost and reject the gospel. He counterfeits everything.  Men follow him and think they are worshiping God but they have been deceived and follow falsehood made to look like the real thing. Can Satin ever be God. No! But there has to be a reason that things are the way they are and it is profound but can appear to be labelled as "The FALL". What fell? Man did! He hates the true light and perceived it not. The lesson has to be learned and the time by grace has to be fulfilled and come full circle until that great terrible day of judgement present its self. After the gospel is preached around the earth then the end will come as it is written. The evil on earth from the beginning is horrible. And when all is said and done whereby the heavens and earth pass away there will come forth a new heavens and earth as it is written. Will you be around to be part of it, reborn of the spirit of God or deceived and hell bound? Where will you spend eternity. Remember "Heaven and earth will pass away but God's word will NEVER pass away." Men are liars and people follow men instead of the true and living GOD. Many will forfeit their own souls because they loved not the truth. They rejected sound doctrine. People are carnal and vanity based but their own ignorance will be their ticket to hell. Not a ticket to ride into heaven some other way but  by the door which is by Jesus Christ the Jewish messiah.  By his ONLY gospel door of believing on the gospel and being saved.

I take a look at where the word "Church" came from today. There is an article from 2015 by Robert Arney which speaks on this matter. I read this article in my video/audio readings/sermon and discussion it. It is written "The truth will set you free". This is VERY true. Yes it is!  Many are lied too and many are spiritually DEAD even though they live. We are so educated but deceived in modern times. The word Church was swapped by the word Congregation.  

You know when Christ told the leader of the Sanhedrin "destroy this temple and I will raise it up on the 3rd day what was he saying?" He was referring to his temple being his body & "temple", "congregation" of believers that would be added since the day of Pentecost to that assembly of believers.  The scriptures tells us that we are not of our own, and Christ paid the price so we are not to defile our temples.

The bible tells us the devil attempts to change the laws of God and that he is a snake and a roaring lion looking to devour people.  He took 1/8 of the angels of heaven with him in his fall like lightening from heaven. Can you imagine? That is most likely in the millions.  So in essence so many say they believe in Christ but "refuse" to pick up their cross and follow him being the messiah of Israel, Jesus Christ. The bible tells us to work out our salvation with trembling. Those who can kill the body can not kill your spirit/your soul. God can in hell fire. Are you hell bound? Turn from sin's today. Hell is real and falsehood will cause countless souls to lost in hell. Those who teach it will stand judgment for deceiving people. This is very serious and these evil men will one day stand the judgment for doing so. Revelations in scripture talks about this. First we look at the word "Church". There is a website when you are not sure you can visit called

Men will tell you, you must follow their following/sometimes their pagan ways but the bible says you must repent and believe on the gospel.  Abraham had a relationship with God as Moses did. The Apostles had a relationship with the messiah, Christ Jesus.  God knows you and you must know him too. The broken bond must be reset/reconnected/reestablished. That is you will be in the father and Christ, and they be in you when you are born again by the hand/spirit of God. Knowing about scripture and what it says will help guide you as prayer will too. The word of God must be rightly divided and you need to take a serious interesting in God's word and in walking with him instead of the deceived, evil fallen world.

The bible tells us there is ONLY ONE mediator between God and man. One! Christ! Jesus always referenced "faith". He also said all liars will have their part in the lake of fire. He spoke the truth. He is risen. Give him praise.

Below I take a look at Revelation 18 which is associated with Satin the great master deceiver and his counterfeit Christianity religion.  God's judgment is set in revelations against all the evil done unto the peoples of the earth through this system from the beginning. The God of this world has blinded the minds of countless people and as it is written the earth/peoples have been deceived. Many live but are spiritually dead and unrepentant. If you leave earth in that way you will parish. 

If you take a look at revelation 18 you will notice it lists colors, it speaks spiritual fornication and the description is profound. How could they have known? The spirit of God moved men to write the prophecies who were prophets and maybe scribes.   Pick up the gospel and live for the gospel. Don't waste your life as you will parish. Turn to Christ today. Those who loss their lives for Christ/The gospel will preserve it, and those who stay in the carnal ways never turning to righteousness and repentance will end up in hell. God is no liar and no respecter of persons. Yeshua the messiah being Jesus Christ knows who his sheep are!

Reference: Video - The truth will set you free

Matthew 16:18, "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church (Greek - ekklesia)…"


Justin Bieber Concert Invaded 
by Ruben Israel & Gang

**MASSIVE IDOL** in front of CATHOLIC church - Preacher Confronts!

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Do not enter the house of mourning

Jeremiah 16:5
For thus says the Lord: Do not enter the house of mourning, or go to lament or grieve for them, for I have taken away my peace from this people, my steadfast love and mercy, declares the Lord." 

+ When someone close to you like one of your parents dies/passes away do you mourn their death? Do you go to the house of mourning and take part in this visitation? What did Jesus Christ say? Let the dead bury the dead. What!  Someone perhaps his disciple or Apostle wanted to go bury their dad whom had passed and have a visitation with his family/relatives whereby he/she would have gone to the house of mourning and Jesus Christ told them to go preach the Kingdom come instead. He appeared to be strict on this matter and not gentile. In other words he is not the God of the dead. The dead bury the dead. What! If you per-fess to serve Christ you must put his priorities first and serve the right Christ. Not another gospel and another Christ!  So many follow another gospel and a foreign Christ. "Other God's". Many are deceived spiritually and they will follow what you call "religion" which the Jewish messiah came up against "religion" and "tradition". Christ died on the cross at the hands of evil but at the hands of what you call "religion" too. 

And Jesus said unto him, "No man, having put his hand to the p-lough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God".  See he is not the God of the dead. He overcame death on the cross. He is risen.  When people pass they either go to hell or heaven. There is no in-between. People mourn death but he overcame death. He said MANY are faithless. This is extremely important.

When visiting these mourning houses you end up seeing many people you have not seen in a long time. Many times they have displayed images of the person who past regarding their lives. This may be a celebration of their lives but these images amount to idolatry as some images may glorify the wicked ways of the world such as drinking and smoking. We end up worshiping self and not Jesus Christ the Jewish messiah. 

Are you TRULY following the real Christ or some pagan version. Do you obey him and his word? Updated today. Found a Christian forum regarding this topic. Should Christians attend funerals. No because the messiah said not too. It becomes pagan worship of the dead that are not really dead. Their bodies die but there spirit is either in heaven or hell. And the gospel tells us NOT to go to the house of mourning as then we loss faith in what Christ taught. He instructed us and knows that the towns people will do the burying. He is concerned with the living.  The gospel tells us not to mourn and that God takes away his steadfast love then. We hate the truth and people will find ways to disobey it. How many people "really" obey Christ and worship him in spirit & truth. Not too many. We just don't obey him.

  Exodus 20 King James Version (KJV)

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Many times at these mourning places you end up seeing all those people you never see and it just seems like the wrong place to see them. Than you chat about carnal things including sinful things. Not everything is wrong you chat about with them but it is just not the right occasion. You see it is sinful but the lost whom are spiritual dead don't  even perceive and they think this is right when it is not.  This is why Christ said to let the dead bury their dead.  They don't love the truth and serve other Gods but they are birds of a feather hating/rejecting the gospel truth. Gods work is more important than wasting your time on people of the world. They love all the ways of the deceived world never ever perceiving let alone living the gospel truth. Yes, we do these abominable things. I could understand the passing at home or in a hospital but the visitation to the house of mourning serves void. People grieve in vain as they keep their own tradition making to null effect the living word of God. People worship God whom favors people worship him in spirit and truth. The world follows false teachers and men whom lead them astray. They reject the gospel truth as Jesus Christ was rejected too. 

The gospel tells us God sent many people strong delusion so they would believe the lie. This is 100% true. It is as nothing can reach them. They are cult minded and they just don't have the truth living in them. They have been SOLD $$$ religion and tradition which includes brain washing. You can say they are NOT born again by the spirit of God as they love not the truth. God's word says they are the lost.

This blog has been updated with video/audio sermon/readings. We must pick up OUR CROSS and follow Jesus Christ "Yeshua" the messiah. We must love the truth and hate the lie of the devil. So many are hell bound and are evil. So many follow NOT the truth but deception.  Many though they live they are dead! They don't listen to Christ. They obey the world of sin. That is their true master and of course MONEY $$$$$.

THOSE WHO JUDGE WHO ARE EVIL WILL PARISH. THEY LOVE NOT THE TRUTH. What do you mean those who judge. Those who are truly lost and evil fills their hearts and minds with the ways of the world. They thinking themselves to be wise or good are wicked as hell in their hearts but they are immune to even perceiving such. They are not born again but are of the world. The gospel tells us if the world loves you than you are made an enemy of God's. What! How can this be. God is above us. They are lost! 

+ "You know I had a chance to really observe what happens afterwards when people worship in paganism which is an abomination to God. That is they talk about the funeral. Gossip later.  I listened. They talked about whom was at the funeral and vanity. Very sinful."
Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.




10.27.2018 Added
Video Sermon message
Are you spiritually dead!

Sunday 14 October 2018

Magnified ignorance & blindness

October 16, 2018 UPDATED

Today we are living in a time as the days of Noah were. We are SINFUL to the brim. We hate the truth but have accepted the lie that vanity is life when it is death. We live with a tongue full of evil but we will give God an account for our ignorance and rejection of the gospel light/truth one day.  God does not think as men do.

In this sermon audio for October 14, 2018 I am speaking about some things that come to mind regarding the faith in Jesus Christ. There are various things that do come to mind but I address just some of them at this time. The gospel tells us to be transformed by the renewal of the mind. Many of us live a life totally ignorant, blind and far away from the gospel truth and light. Many of us blindly serve Satin, demons and those things we say we believe in but then in our own ignorance and hardheadedness we have made the incorruptible corruptible and molded Christ/God into our own cartoon character where we can bend the truth and live the lie/deception.
Over time we have been manipulated into accepting everything that is "vanity" and idol worship which takes us away from the spiritual walk and understanding of the gospel's living word and message. I will elaborate more on this blog later but in my audio message I do talk about some issues on my mind lately. God's word is eternal but we are not unsaved. We need to make the choice to listen and obey GOD.

So many people are LOST in deception and I was once. Yes, it is true we wrestle against an unseen world that effects mankind but we suppress the truth and convince ourselves we are good when we are rotten to the core. We have been sold evolution which is a lie but man one day will give God an account for his ignorance. We can comfort ourselves with lies while failing to realize Jesus Christ otherwise born as "Yeshua" had to pay a very high price for all of us. In our own ignorance and vanities we are prideful, boastful and don't realize the evil we speak with our mouths we will give God an account on the day on Judgment Day. We REALLY reap what we sow but we don't see it. All manner of magnified sins are present today on the earth, and as the messiah said the last generation will be the worst since the very start of the earth its self.

Wake Up as this is very serious. God is going to bring judgment to the planet and it's already started. Sting the musician/singer once had a song entitled "Russians" speaking about war and the evils of men. Sting speaks of ignorance of war and he hopes the Russians love their children too, but than accepting mans evil ideology leads to darkness. The reason I used this as an example here is because the world we live in is very wicked, evil and it's deeds are evil. God put this earth on a timer but it is indeed blind to REALLY think or accept it's true. We must turn to God ASAP. We will ALWAYS fail disobeying GOD. And yes we disobey God in our own acceptance of all those things that are vanity based and sinful. People live as dirty sinners reaping what they sow. We will not go out of existence because of global warming. We will because we hate the gospel truth and God's word says the world will go out of existence with a big fervent heat.  So we are told to live holy lives but do we? NO!! We disobey God. We have him on our lips but our hearts reject the gospel light and is moving away from him. Do you really want to spent eternity without God.

When I was younger I lived for the wicked ways of the world and God punished me. Those things I thought were life were death. Spiritual death and a complete waste of time. There is a real HELL. But there is a HELL on earth and I know it is horrible to live and know how wicked the evil on this planet really is. But people HELL is no fiction. It is REAL and WE must turn and repent today. Not tomorrow. Today! 

For now please listen to these sermon audio's and get saved. The gospel is the truth. Show God you care. Living the gospel truth is more important then life it's self as without it and the work/payment of Jesus Christ on the cross there would have been no hope whatsoever. So many are DECEIVED! It time for you to know the word of God. The bible tells us to pray. Do it. So many people will follow anything. Don't be one of those people. Follow the word of God.

I always think of Stings song: How fragile we are. We are not only fragile but ignorant dogs filled with sin and hate, rejecting to pick up our cross and follow Jesus Christ. We reap so much to pass on "SIN" to the next generation while being lead by the wicked, evil blind world that rejects the light of the gospel. We need to LEARN to obey Christ and the gospel message/light. Truth is we care about our friends, families who many of them are lost and deceived in regards of what they think. We work harder to impress them in our self denial of pride instead of the real God. Such people never perceive and follow men 's commandments and evil ways but not God's commandments.  

When we talk about cults what are we really talking about.  Mind manipulation to accept amalgamated paganism into Christianity which is vanity and devil worship. So many people I have known per-fess Jesus Christ but LIVE apposed to the gospel message.  You MUST be born again.

Why! Why is this misconception of the gospel truth cancelled out and ignored referenced to above?  Because they worship $$$$$ MONEY and many bought the lie. This is why Christ said "every liar will have their part in the lake of fire".  We love our children but we teach them lies and the ways of the world. Why are we so deceived. WE HATE THE TRUTH. We must accept the biblical truth today, now. Get saved.

Christ came knocking but the world loves the filth of the world thinking they are heaven bound but they will find themselves in hell because a man/woman must be born again to be saved.  Yes the gospel tells us to believe and we will be saved. Some people believe but follow the world and another gospel. How can you believe and then follow the wicked ways of the world. We are not God and there is a door but we refuse to open it because we think we will loss the world but we gain life everlasting. The irony is that what we reap being prideful and vanities joyfulness is not of God but of the world, although we are conditioned to think they are from God. We see the image of things but not God. Ever wonder why you have to seek him in faith. You can not see him as we see each other. Our own ignorance, pride and love of vanity shuts the door to the Kingdom of heaven. We are too prideful, judgmental when it comes to vanities and blind to even see at all. This is why there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth on judgment day. Wake up people. We are HELL BOUND. We are NOT on the way to HEAVEN but on the way to HELL. 

We MUST let go of the worldly things because the cost of spiritual death is greater than the eye can see and perceive. Instead of following men that WILL lead you astray FOLLOW the gospel. Hell is separation from God forever. You are not GOOD. You are not saved by being GOOD. You are wicked, sinful and worthy of hell. That is the gospel truth. You must be born again. 

The not for sale sign is attached to people when they are born again and saved. When they REALLY walk with Christ. When they have made a choice to repent and get saved. The gold's meaning is the pure heart/spirit of rebirth is God's interaction with YOU. God gives you the new heart. Not you! 

Lets face it most our time is spent on VANITY. We learn/school and work for years and have to pay a high cost to live in an expensive world.  But we fail to realize the cost of outer darkness. We just don't get it while sometimes it appears we do. Then we waste the week glorifying all the things that Christ came to destroy that are of the devil. Truth is if we list it out it may get our ears perked up but then at the same time ignorance and pride seeps in and we are angry. We just cannot accept the fact the judgment day will come and many souls will be lost to hell. Preach the word of God.

I've heard people say suffering leads to God. Maybe in some cases it can lead to turning around and seeking God or if someone that pays a high cost for preaching the word then yes. But there are many that will suffer and go to hell. Seeking God with a pure heart of repentance and being born again will open that door that so many don't even KNOW is SHUT solid.  Serving Christ and not Satin is the key that many hate.  

The gospel TRUTH is we are being lead into idol worship and spiritual fornication all the time, and we celebrate death and not life. What we perceive as life is death. We are brainwashed to think that Christ changed his laws to allow the same things that brought the fall. Oh how we HATE and reject the gospel truth. We worship self and money and all the things that turn our thoughts off Gods word and unto the worldly ways. What we perceive is GOOD is HELL BOUND but we are too ignorant to see at all. Our righteousness is a bag of dirt and we judge by success based upon mans interpretation and not Gods. We are also brainwashed to think everyone went to heaven without repentance and the gospel truth. In other words everyone gets in without the being born again. Not so! You must be born again. 

Magnified ignorance & blindness to the true rejected light will be really felt on judgment day when so many will reap outer darkness and not the gospel light of salvation. I never knew you will become the words that MANY will hear. They don't NOW either. It's time for repentance and to accept the gospel truth. Christ said "Believe on the gospel" and get saved. 

Start praising God more and stop living for yourselves and wasting you time. You can do nothing without Christ. Without him there is no life whatsoever. Heaven and earth will pass away but his word will NEVER pass away. 


Christ had nowhere to lay his head. Can you imagine this. There is a cost to follow Christ. In my second sermon audio I take a look at an article about this issue and other issues regarding the gospel.  The King was homeless. Yes, this is the gospel truth. 




  We just hate the biblical truth and man tries to rewrite it and repackage it. Man believe it and believes it not. There is such a thing as spiritual death as physical death. Many people are spiritual dead and they pride themselves on those things in which they have been deceived never perceiving what it REALLY means spiritually. 

I've provided an in-depth blog here. We MUST be born again and many are so ignorant they don't even know what this is. You must be reborn by the spirit of GOD. You can not walk in two kingdoms. 

Choose this day who you will serve. Your choices are heaven or hell. 



Sunday 7 October 2018

Trangression of sins

Monday blog completed (Afternoon)
Today we are living in a time as the days of Noah.  There were many signs then and people ignored them. There are many signs that confirm this now. Peoples love grows colder too. People have no problem with insulting people these days and belittling them. Even the speech of the media is vanity based. Why do we need to point this out. Well, God said show my people their transgressions. If you bring in your car to get it fixed and they say the front brakes are gone and you say change the tires on the front, and don't believe them than you have chosen to disregard the warning and assessment of your car. Even though you know some of your sins many you are so used too they are like nothing to you. But to God they are very troubling. He knows when you are on the path to destruction. So in essence you don't want to one day find yourself in darkness/hell and think "Why am I here". 

Studying scripture reveals how God made a covenant with the house of Jacob (Israel) and how he expected them to keep their part of the obedience/covenant in respect to his laws and statutes. Of course through influence and disobedience, & sin they fell. They started to do what they thought was pleasing to them but not to God. Pride seeps in and spoils the outcome. Jesus Christ proved this as he taught us about these things, but many people don't obey his teachings or him. They want eternal life without sacrifice and repentance, let alone truth. He said you must be humbled before God and if you want to be his disciple you MUST pick up you cross and follow. Many say no to God but YES to SIN.

Transgression of God's laws mean a person, country, province, city, nation, peoples put's God last and disregards his laws/his commandments. Yes, there are people who don't believe these laws came from God but from men. Listen!! They came from GOD. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

 All Scripture is God-Breathed
15From infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.…

The earth is here for a reason but people don't obey God. That same scenario brought forth the fall of mankind. You cannot erase God as he is real. The evidence is seen in the things that are made. Wake up! His word is real. So many people are so deceived. Many will be lost! The universe was created by God and his power is way above us. 
Sure we were not here to see the earth being created and our recollection is null.  But God had a purpose that is way beyond our imaginations. The cost of sin is higher than any gold on earth. Christ had to pay that price and he did. Not you!

Many will be lost if they don't turn from their sins and repent. People have vile language and gossip these days like there is no tomorrow. The speech of the world. Others refuse the gospel but follow some other Christ. They poison themselves with all types of things that defile their temples/bodies. Many keep their own traditions making to NULL EFFECT the living word of the living GOD. Many refuse correction period. God told Israel to stay focused on his fasting and his ways that will be real pleasure. His WILL, and ways must be above theirs. This reading (Audio/Video) message is from Isaiah and in regards to this biblical passage which is about transgressions of sins.  Pride is a disease. Pride is a stumbling block that will shut you out of the Kingdom of God. You must humble yourselves before God. God hates a proud look and a tongue that tells lies. You must be born again. It is that simple.

Your evil thoughts, God knows about them. You ONLY fool yourselves. Those that are naked are wicked sinners and exposed before God. You are undressed before God but do you bear any shame? The evil gossip and corruption, God see's and hears all of it. So you are proud of your evil selves, ways right! Hell does not discriminate. Hell is a very real place. Just go review some near death experiences. There are no vanity rewards in heaven. There is torment in hell. Blessings and cursing are very real. We do reap what we sow. So repent NOW.

If God expects Israel to be righteous he also expects us to be holy, repent of our sins, and stop transgressing his laws.  You cannot do this without cleansing yourselves of those things that defile you. People have no manners today let alone will they be willing to pick up their cross and follow Jesus Christ. So many fowl mouths are stacking up sins, hating the biblical truth, and teaching their children the ways of the world. Not the ways of God. Many people want to win a lottery and then they will find happiness. Working and having an income is important but not when it defiles you and ruins you. When people insult people in such a wicked way it shows others their UN-repentant evil hearts. It shows their worldly connection and membership. We live for vanity, Hollywood, and self worship. Yes this is very true. The more gifts God gives you, the more he expects you to use them righteously. The problem is as Israel had done "pride" seeps in and you start glorifying the sinful world instead of God and you become immune to it as if it is normal. If you take part in any pride parade you are hell bound. The world fell because of pride and your wanting God to accept your sin as if it is a new normal part of his Kingdom is a ticket right into hell it's self. There will be no sinners in heaven. Unrepentant people will have there vacation in hell.

When you transgress God's laws that is serious. You do not want to end up in hell but many will do just that. People have embraced sin and vanity today as they are attracted to all manners of vanities and evils. Everything from the way a person dresses themselves to whoring themselves and doing things to please men. Not the true God. All manner of things become the possession filled ownership of someone who is unattached from God. People are wicked and that great falling away has arrived. Oh yes, it is here. The sins have been magnified. Wake up and turn to GOD. Liars and evil doers are a dime a dozen today. Hell will be full house of the excuse makers. But there will be no water but the thirst then will not be the water Christ would have given you. It will be way too late at that time and now is the time to turn back to God.

Today people curse with their mouths like there is no Tomorrow. Woman dress sexy and UN-Godly. The gospel says some weak woman are hunted by men and some of these woman are looking to be satisfied by all the lustful desires of their hearts.  The speech today is on vanity. The dress is vanity. The attitudes are vanity, The deception is real, ignorant, narrow minded, and evil.  The abortion rate is an indication of how selfish people are let alone very wicked people.  The evil will parish. What does that mean? When they pass from this life they will find themselves awake and in hell. They will think nobody told me. You know what right and wrong are. The bible tells us. The prophets told us. The apostles told us and preached to people. Jesus Christ taught us. There is no excuse. Men are just as bad as woman. All have fallen short of the Kingdom of GOD. Hell awaits you and it does not discriminate. People do! Get saved! 

People are into sports, things, play, gadgets, entertainment, and all manners of sexual sins including abortions today as I mentioned above. If I was to listed most everything you could not dispute this world is really fallen. But the gospel being the good news must be obeyed.  One day people will find themselves before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Many people will then find out they inherited paganism which is worship unto devils and demons. Those teaching them such will stand judgment for doing this. What is baffling is that people whom are educated could be so blind spiritually and morally.  Many will be lost.

People take the name of God in vain all the time. God said he will not let that go without punishment.  I've corrected some people and noticed that they started to do it more. Why? Because in their hearts there is evil. They almost do it to get back at you. All manner of sins lives inside them. Oh how evil people are here today in droves. Have you seen the news lately. God's wrath abides upon the earth. Right now there are reports of many problems around the earth. Christ told us what to look for and all the signs are present but people continue in their evil ways keeping their own traditions making to null effect the living word of God today. People REFUSE sound doctrine. 
So many God gave them up as he sent them strong delusion so they would believe the lie. That are a beckon for Satin. In truth they do the works of darkness thinking they serve God. 

In this biblical passage God is saying here is my way and they headed out on their own highway of disobedience. The lord chose this nation Israel and he expects better from them. One day they will know the lord and say Oh! so that is what we should have being doing! As if you did not know. I realize with the troubles that nation has had it is not always so easy. They rejected their messiah. And yes he is real. So many are so blind that have bought the deception that Christ is not the messiah, Guess what! He is! Wake up!!  The spirit of God testifies to this fact. You cannot undue this and Satin would like you to be deceived. We wrestle with an unseen world. Stay close to God instead of your deceived selves.

Man is not God. Man rejects the true light and this is bringing God's wrath just like in Noah's day. Now is the time to turn to the gospel and get saved.  Call on the lord today. Live for Christ and not for yourselves. You will reap what you sow and in the end it will amount to zero. It may ADD up to HELL. Don't go there. Separation from God for ever.

I've had these prideful friends that in turn deceived themselves.  Once, I lived that life of waste. Of course if someone asked them they don't think so because they are wicked, unrepentant, unsaved and truly lost.

We gain so much and later realize what we wanted was the very thing that will secure our trip to outer darkness/to hell. We are not our own. We were bought with a price. Christ paid that price but many show their respect by living as devils but showing themselves to be good. God knows you. You do not fool him. To him you are naked and hell-bound. You are undressed to GOD. The flood and Sodom and Gomorrah are en-samples of what God thinks about sins.

Listen to my biblical reading and little sermon on transgressions of sins regarding Jacob/Israel and God's people. We must repent and turn to God before it is too late. This is REAL people. God is REAL. Don't be deceived. So is Satin and fallen angels, demons and the things Jesus Christ taught us about.  

Spiritual intuition, chaos, intimidation, and tribulations

September 26, 2021 2:16 pm / 2:44 pm  / 6:44 am / 9:44 pm Updated 6:44 am / 7:44 am September 27, 2021 /  Update it September 28, 2021 5:44 ...