Saturday 4 July 2020

Bless them that labor for the lord

July 4, 2020 8:44 am / Updated July 9, 2020 6.44 am

Mark 10:29

"29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel." Now I know in modern times many have left home to do so. Bless them that labor. 

When I say don't judge people if they worship on the Sabbath I am not condemning Sunday worship, nor Monday worship, nor any other day. Although I don't see concrete evidence the Sabbath is nullified or done away with. People who keep the Sabbath in biblical Christianity know they are not under the law. When the faith becomes cult minded that is a problem. In Colossi-ans 2:16 it is written : "6 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy-day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

Grace should not be abused and the day when someone worships should not be condemned. Let God judge peoples hearts. I hear and read people's experiences with the Church system and how they are disappointed with it. I've read other Christian believers condemning people for studying the bible. I've read the negativity of those whom condemn people whom want to seek out his/Christ's actual faith from the first century of the Jewish people as they say to get closer to Jesus. Don't judge a book by its cover. Wicked people! Lets face it as people are ashamed of his Jewish heritage. He will be ashamed of those ashamed of him in front of his father. Luke 9:26 God chose Israel as its chosen people and the gentiles should not forget where the faith came from. They should read the bible and pray for each other. You know I am constantly reminded of John 3:16 and John 2:16. In John 2:16 they turned God's house of prayer into a den of thief's. Into a house of merchandise. God is not happy with this as I would not be reminded of this if it was not so. 

Yes, I've read those whom condemn them whom preach the gospel saying they are not filled with the spirit. While they make some good points that should be taken under consideration, they condemn everything/most everyone. You go out there like street  preachers and do the work that woman make men look bad doing. There is one fella that is negative somewhat regarding this matter and that is why I addressed it here. How does he know people don't have a testimony? Condemn not as God knows their hearts. This fella served in a Church as a pasture and I read his testimony.  Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The measure you use to judge others WILL BE used against YOU! Matthew 7.2 Condemn not them whom help the poor and do unto the lord. For the lord has servants.  

 As written in Matthew 24:14 King James Version (KJV) 
":14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." 

Let me make that bigger for YOU : PREACHED

 Don't trample the blood of Christ! Carry your cross daily and deny yourselves. Pray daily and worship God. Remember he is the life as well. Don't stand idle waiting for the rapture. No matter what don't be a friend of the world but be a doer of the word. Don't follow the wicked world and uphold the things Christ came to destroy being the works of Satin and his team of evil doers. Furthermore, don't condemn and think people are condemning when they are standing up for the body of truth the world cannot and will not receive. God is a God of mercy and he said you must forgive others. The greatest pitfall people make even preachers or former preachers is (1) they judge the book by its cover. (2) People put God into a box. He does not change yesterday, tomorrow and forever. In saying that I do acknowledge that people want Church light or a Luke warm gospel without redemption or submission. People have been sold  this get everything you want under a grace gospel. But they don't read it about running out of sacrifice. Backsliders!!!  Repent if it happens.

 Perhaps when street preachers are preaching it would be more effective not casting your pearls before swineIt's like trying to reach a drunk when their minds are not on those things perhaps when preaching on a beach. I agree there are days signs work better and people will retain such in their minds. Maybe they will go home and read the bible.  

 Preach the gospel and turn people from Satin unto God. Do it and God love’s you dearly. 

9:22 today finalized

Updated July 9, 2020 6.44 am

Gabethestreet preacher was arrested for preaching at a school campus. Please pray for him. His video was posted July 4, 2020. In a sense they are preaching to help people not do evil in society and people complain of course that hate them. In watching the video seems there was no proper dialog, just arrest. Some preachers there is dialog with the police before they are even close to being arrested for preaching the gospel. PLEASE PRAY FOR GABE PEOPLE.

Street preacher arrested & charged with criminal disorderly conduct

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