Saturday 26 December 2020

The whole world lies in wickedness

12.44 am /  1.44 am / 2.44 am December 26 2020 update January 4, 2020 4.04 am

The whole world lies in wickedness


You know the Bible says that the whole world lies in the hands of the evil one the devil. He is the god/prince of this world.


1 John 5:19

King James Version

“19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.”


Reading about from Luke 4:3-13 we know the devil Satan offered the lord Jesus Christ the kingdoms of the world if he would Bow Down and Worship Him. Matthew 4.9 That is the arrogance and the audacity that he has towards his own maker. Anybody on Earth can easily say if you had any normal business power outlet that you just wouldn't give over your rain to anybody. So you got to ask yourself why would a powerful God allow such thing to be so. Well we can't lean on our own understanding. We have to have “faith” in what he is doing and in what he has decreed. You think of the Martyrs of Jesus and how they laid down their life and did not even love their own life to the death. That tells you a lot. They knew something. Think about Job as the devil told the Lord thy God take off the hedge of his protection off and he will curse you. (Abandon you ) His own wife told him to curse God and die. That should tell you what was in her heart. The heart is abundantly wicked. By their fruits you shall know them. Not apples and oranges but what darkness is really in their spirit. In their soul. There are many nations on Earth and there have been many generations including the world wars and all the evils manifest it onto the world.  The Holocaust alone is deplorable. You have to ask why in all this time all this evil. Forget about evolution which is false of course because if the sun was any farther or even closer life would be impossible. Christ was real and he is real and risen and so is the devil real. We wrestle not against flesh and blood and there are things unseen to the human eye just as Paul said in his Ministry of the preaching of the gospel. I've heard one explanation why God doesn't take out Satan. Basically in the end God's glory is greater. True. There has to be vastly more a profound reason or a number of reasons why he allows Satan to rule the Earth. First of all faith has a great deal to do with it. Also after the fall and then Christs work on the cross the Lord made a mockery of Satin/that Wicked World that we cannot see but he paid with his own blood for his Church. For his congregation or body of believers. Choose this day whom you will serve in your house . He has chosen us even before the foundations of the world were laid. Ephesians 1:4-5 After there was a war in heaven the devil and those Fallen Angels were kicked out as they descended to the Earth. Satan fell as lightning. They were evicted from the kingdom of God. God rules the universe and everything even things we don't know about nor can see. You know as it is written that the heavens glorify the workanship of his hands. The devil wants to be God as he counterfeits everything. Jesus said he was a murderer and a liar who did not abode in the truth from the beginning. So you've got to ask yourself did God make an angel that was faulty. We don't know. We do know is that the word of God says we will be judging angels. That tells you a lot. God has reserved those fallen angels in Chains of Darkness. They must know the consequences of their actions. Satan must have convinced them as he is very cunning, a matter of fact he is a snake that it is possible to overthrow God. But then again he knows his time is short.  All he has to do is get the whole world to worship Him and somehow/somewhere down the line God will be evicted. Think about it he had the audacity to tempt his own maker. That's how arrogant he is and that's how Wicked he is. But the word of God tells us greater is he that is in US that is in the world. The whole world lies in the hands of the devil and his power. His Temptations.  The word of God says I put life and death before you choose life. God's word also says that Nations that forget him are turned into hell. Psalm 9:17 God talks about the generations that hate him and the punishment that awaits them up to the third and fourth generation but he talks about the mercy he shows to 1000 who love him. 


Of course over the centuries God gave us the scriptures and they reveal a lot. Of course they are true. Think of Adam and Eve when they disobeyed God in the garden. When the serpent told Eve her eyes would be opened if she ate from the knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil. Genesis 2:17 Think of how cunning he was to get her to do what he wanted her to do. Have you ever been manipulated by someone and that's how they controlled you. That is the same way many Mega cults control people. Jesus on the other hand never did. He didn't forced the Young Ruler to follow him. Jesus said to repent and believe in the gospel. If we look at the Bible and we look up all the verses under evangelize it's going to tell us exactly what to do with the word of God. Look up If we look at the Book of Revelation it reveals in detail history, in terms of Prophecy and it tells us about the deception that was to come and will come. And it came but there is more. The biblical Lord Jesus Christ told us exactly how we are to be saved and enter into his kingdom. And many people try to go in many other ways and of course but the Lord said they will not be able to enter in the end. God only gave us one way for salvation. I'm not going to get into salvation. I mean the specifics of it. What Christ said is to repent and believe in the gospel.  Yes evil lives here on Earth. Yes the Earth is fallen.  Yes God's will shall be done and the Earth will not be here forever just as he said it won't. Matter fact he'll probably even replace the universe. Abraham knew the real God. Elijah knew the real God. The apostles were fortunate and chosen by the son of God.  Christ knew his father and he did his will. Yet there are multitudes of people who kneel their knees to baal. Think of how many people die in the given day. Think of all the births  in a given day. Yet when those babies grow up they're going to go through the same things others went through if many of them survive. They're going to be deceived massively and they're going to be wondering what life is all about. Many of them are going to be taught evolution. The devil is going to tempt many of them and deceive them.  Some of them are going to discover Christ and have a relationship with him. Of course the devil hates this with passion. 



And then all the Pomp of deception and all the glory in filth of the world regardless the biblical Lord Jesus Christ is risen and exists. Amen. Heaven exists. Hell exists. But in the end there is only one way. That is to pick up your cross and follow after the Lord as a disciple/as a believer.  That is to do his will and not yours. That is to know what’s sin is and not to live in it. Your will is the climb the ladder of success which is basically the traditions of men. You go up and then you just descend into the bottomless pit. What? In the end what do you gain and who is your master is the question. Now don't misunderstand we are not condemning education or any good thing that comes from above. You know Jesus said that the disciple is never above his master but he becomes like his master. That's important. Very important. That's not easy to do if you can't give up your will. It's not easy when one has been conditioned to the world. That's why it is  enmity to God to befriend the world. James 4.4 You can’t serve two masters.


God created the Earth and in all its complexity we have people dying of starvation and people living a luxurious life. We have what is called the Rich and Famous. But Lazarus is now comforted for eternity while the rich man suffereth in torment  and cannot die. Is this what you want? Is it worth for you to perish and reap the the whole world. So what are you to do then? Pick up the bible (King James Bible) read the four Gospels. That is Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. If you could read that over a few times that will be helpful. Then when you have some more time go open the Book of Revelation and read Revelation 17 + 18.  Go somewhere in your room private and pray in the name of Jesus. Ask God into your life. Ask him to direct your path. Tell him you want to know him and live a proper life. Make a commitment that day. Get saved and born again Ask questions as well.



I would suggest You make a commitment to spend time in the word of God and find out how to do his will instead of your own. Pray often and don't lean on your own understanding but in all things acknowledge Him everyday. Give him praise and thanks regardless. Don't follow your friends to bars and smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or do anything that will be an offence to God. I’m not saying you are perfect. Be a  Law Abiding Citizen. Live simple.  No matter how hard that will be especially given somebody who is young  trying to impress women or a woman trying to impress a man be humble and acknowledged the Lord. Forgive others but remember Jesus said in this life you will have tribulation but be of good cheer as he has overcome the world. Look God gave his only begotten son. Come to him. Cry out to him.

I’m going to be posting brother Adams video here as he explained it so well. 

7.07 am finalized same day

Footnotes. If you don’t know the lord Jesus Christ you should. He is the lamb that takes away the sins of the world. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whomever believes in him should Not Perish but have everlasting life. Get yourself born again and saved. So many have a college or university education and yet they don’t know God. Shocking and negative.

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