Friday 27 December 2019

Reap the harvest

December 27, 2019 10:33 am

Apart from my other blog entitled; "You reap what you sow" The world will reap what it sows.  True prophets will reap what they sow and Christ told us about their rewards. The truth is the world is in rebellion to its own creator. Now of course we know we have people that serve God, being the true God but the world was flooded once by God. The Bible tells us that everything is going to go out of existence with a big fervent heat. Apostle Peter said since we know this what manner of life should we live. In other words he was saying that people should live a holy life. We know about the great day of the Lord when God plagues the entire world and brings his wrath. In that day just before he takes everything out of existence he brings such wrath that people living on the earth  wish they could die. He said mountains will be moved out of their place and he will shake the whole Earth and it will be moved out of its axis/orbit. It tells us the Earth will stumble like a drunk, broken never to rise again. It tells us the sun won't give its light anymore nor will the moon. It tells us people will be running for fear. Naturally this is when grace runs up. On top of that if we go back before that when God allows that one world religion mixed with a one world government most likely it will be communist to come about it will be really wicked and people will have reaped what they sowed.  Then on top of this there is Armageddon being world War 3. It will be a war that will devastate the whole world. It could be some one third of mankind totally wiped out. What this tells us is that people are in rebellion to God. You reap what you sow. God is not mocked. Galatians 6:7 King James Version (KJV) "7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

People will give an account to God unsaved for every idle word they ever spoke. Some people are ignorant and they are brute beasts as Peter the Apostle said. These types of people are made to be destroyed. They "speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;" How could he say that if he was an Apostle of Christ. Because these people made/make fun of dignities, things being holy that they did/do not understand; Obviously they are worldly and in the end there's either Heaven or Hell. There is no in-between but many people think they can counsel God. As Justin Peters the biblical preacher said only a fool thinks he can counsel God. If  I haven't said it already the lord Jesus Christ said it in a parable that those branches that don't produce fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. He talked about the harvest at the end of the world where the wheat that grew together with the bad seeds being the tars will be harvested as he instructs his Angels to do so. What he's saying is they will be divided and those saved that we're blessed and had their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life will enter into eternal life but the tars will be sent to damnation/HELL. Age lasting?? God is the judge in the end of what eternity is. Condemn not as God is the judge.

The reason I wrote this extended blog Part #2 is because you must understand the state of the world. It is in rebellion to its own creator. It is lost and worships other Gods too. In fact it even denies the creator his glory! What is written will come to pass.

Hell & The Occult
End times signs around the world

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Wednesday 25 December 2019

Evil manifestations in Christian values

December 25, 2019 6.19 pm

Evil manifestations in Christian Values

Christians are not better than one and another. Jesus said the least must be first to demonstrate this. What is a Christian? A believer in the biblical Jewish Jesus Christ. In the first centuries they were called believers in messiah. Hopefully they learn and obey Jesus Christ's teachings. Hopefully people believe in the biblical Jewish Jesus Christ and not deny the power thereof.

There is an article in a publication being Christian Media founded by the late evangelist preacher Billy Graham. The article is entitled: "Trump should be removed from office." The editor is Mark Galli. In current times there is so much wickedness is this world and I wanted to address some issues regarding this articles ramifications.


"On December 19, 2019, a day after the U.S. House of Representatives voted to file two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, Galli wrote an editorial entitled "Trump Should Be Removed from Office."[8] The publication said the criticisms of Trump were similar to the magazine's approach to the impeachment proceedings of presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton.[9] "


I've seen them call Street Preachers hate preachers in Canadian media recently and actually bunch them true hate groups some of them being violent of course with Biblical Street Preachers. Scripture tells us that in the end days it will be as so. The word of God tells us good will be seen as evil and evil will be seen as good in the end days/end times. It also tells us that people will be lovers of entertainment in the end days which is very true. People will follow anything that is none biblical, wicked, deceiving with contempt. Scripture tells us people will be into spirituality and deny the power thereof in these end times/days. It tells us a lot more in mind boggling detail. And we have been seeing that.

People will follow anything that is far removed from the biblical truth. Scripture tells us people will be into spirituality/materialism and entertainment and deny the power thereof in the last days. Great knowledge will be increased.  It tells us a lot more in detail as it is exactly as it says in real life. We learn from "The Book of Revelation" that God hates lukewarm preaching/i:e Luke warm Christians and he would vomit such out of his mouth. This is what we have today being the great falling away that scripture tells us about. Matter a fact we're seeing prophecies being fulfilled these days. Did you know the twentieth century has been the most bloody and violent ever. 

It's stunning to know how accurate/realistic the word of God is and this is because it is God-breathed. It did not come from man. Men were moved to record those words that came from the Holy Spirit. There's no other book like it on the face of the Earth. The word of God is a Living Word and it is truth. There is so much going on in the world that many people are blind too in these end days. True Christians are told to pray for their leaders. I've heard it said that they are not to take part in politics. The evils we see today are unprecedented. When true Christians stand up for the word of God many see them as hateful. There's a cross to bear. That cross is not in vain. As I say there's been an article written on President Trump. This article is by Christianity Today as written above. It is said that as this publication being Christian Media was founded by the late evangelist preacher Billy Graham. The article is entitled, "Trump should be removed from office." There have been interviews, some debate/discussions regarding this issue on media. They say/report   the president has been impeached. They are waiting for the Democrats to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate. And there is drama present.

Jerry Falwell Junior has appeared on Fox News defending the president. And in his defense he talked about Jesus Christ. In fact Jerry called the president a champion for people of faith. I just thought its important to point out some issues/things as I say. The editor of the magazine being Mark Galli whom is extremely educated and has written published books is calling for President Trump's removal from office. He's basically saying that Christians should stand up for Christian values. He says that people that take the 10 commandments seriously and Jesus seriously should use moral judgment and stand united to remove the president. In other words based on everything known president Trump has an immoral character and he is saying Mr. Trump is unfit for office. Video interviews HERE & HERE

Jesus Christ said the one without sin throw the first stone. My personal view as a Christian in the  biblical Jewish Jesus Christ is that while things  may appear to be as seen/reported in some ways it's best to let due process complete its self before you condemn. Pray!!! condemn NOT!

Jerry Falwell Jr is the Liberty University president. He basically says that there's a far-left extremist group in Evangelical biblical Christianity that took the opportunity before Christmas to point out the difference between true Christianity and fair say, being judgmental Christianity. Jerry's making the case that this is done unfairly and wrongly as the timing was chosen is vindictive and cunning. Jerry says that there's an elite establishment among the religious community just like there is in the government, there is a liberal and left-wing group that thinks they are more moral and smarter than the rest of us.  Smarter??? So Jerry makes an analogy based upon if Jesus were here today how he would be seen as a Walmart shopper and insulted. ((He is RISEN)). He talks about the Pharisees and how they were always trying to trap the lord Jesus Christ and Jerry said Jesus Christ saved his harshest criticism for the religious Elite of his day. So Jerry says that we are seeing that same thread throughout the two thousand year rain of history. So basically, Jerry is saying that this group that's always existed somehow thinks that they are morally better than other Christians. Not in God's eyes perhaps! This is the troublesome issue where Christians are judging Christians now. This is the part that concerns me. Jerry says that Christ said judge not that you be not judged. The Bible says to use moral righteous judgement. It doesn't tell us we are not the judge. It tells us condemn not. You know I talked about the circumcision of the heart somewhat before. Christ told Nicodemus unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. I've read an article where a Christian man thinks that the second rebirth is in heaven and born again Christians are not really born again. But it isn't so. What do you think baptism is. Biblical baptism is the rebirth where people are giving spiritual gifts and the old man is done away with. And with the guidance of the Holy Spirit which teaches all things, in all truth you are given/assisted with the power to overcome those obstacles that you could not in your carnal state.

Now to get back to Jerry as he said this type of left-wing judgmental Christianity has turned more people off to Christianity then on. It could be so but we know there are false converts and we also know that the true way is very narrow. In fact Jesus Christ said that most people are on the broad way to destruction. Many people think there are many ways to God. The truth is the way it is very narrow. Christ said few be there that find it in their lifetime. Why? Because the world loves its own and the world is concerned with its own. People get enslaved to all the worldly ways and then they despise the true way because there's a cross to bear and people are led astray too. As Jerry points out that Christ said look at the beam in your own eye before you look at taking the beam/spec out of your brother's eye. That's true. But we got to be able to "acknowledge" the biblical truth. The Bible makes it perfectly clear what is an Abomination to God and as Jesus Christ made it clear that his followers referred to as his sheep follow him and obey. He told us Satin will not cast out Satan for if he does this how can his kingdom stand. We know Satan has a kingdom. Many people try to serve two masters. We also know that the heart of people is abundantly wicked. This is why Jesus Christ said every liar will have their part in the Lake of fire unless they repent and believe on the gospel. So basically Jerry said that it is ironic that they chose this week to do what they did in this magazine. I guess he's making the case that it being Christmas and the impeachment Articles have to go to the Senate this might help remove President Trump. In other words it's deliberate and Evil. 

But I think one of the most troublesome issues is Christians thinking they are being better than one another. You have preachers calling out preachers and Christians calling out Christians. I've seen all of this. I seen a writing by Mark Zender a Bible scholar who talked about a bumper sticker that said its not God I hate but his fan club referring to Christians. There are people thinking they are that and are not! There are people whom think they are Christians and are deceived. It can get so overwhelming in biblical Christianity that they use Jesus Christ against the Apostle Paul. People argue all the time about biblical principles. Christ also said he is the life. He said no man can come to the father but through him. The Bible tells us that God searches the heart and he knows our thoughts. It tells us that nothing is hidden to/from God. I think before you make a final judgment you have to let due process fulfill itself. We can make a moral judgment based upon what we hear in media and what we know from somebody's past but it should not be with contempt. Remember no one is perfect. But people that are not involved in the political process that is still in progress should really wait to make any type of judgment that is final as citizens of the US or human-beings. So Jerry is right when he says if you are without sin then go ahead and cast that first stone. No one's perfect but I do think the president of the United States being Donald Trump has done some good/great things. He's not perfect. But as Christians and believers in Jesus Christ that is the biblical Jewish Jesus Christ people should let due process fulfill itself. People should be praying for Donald Trump and everybody else including the left wing Elites. God does not think like people do as he says himself his thoughts are above men's thoughts/ways. He tells us in his word that the wisdom of the world is foolishness. The heart is abundantly wicked and people have many faults, sins and they fall away. People worship people, money and absolute power absolutely corrupts. 

In the interview with Fox News Jerry Falwell said that Jesus Christ hung around sinners being the tax collector and other such people. Yes it's true because he said himself as some people need a doctor/preacher. But he didn't conform to their sinful ways. He change them and turn them to God's ways. You see people use this as an excuse to amalgamate into even biblical Christianity things that are sinful and not biblical. A preacher preached recently that a  little poison added to Gods word takes us off course and changes scripture. Jesus said be in the world but don't take part in its wickedness. But many people do just that and they don't see it as wrong. When you have spiritual discernment and biblical righteous judgement then you could better make a proper analysis focused with righteous judgment. How do you sum this up? The heart is abundantly wicked and what does it profit a man or a woman to gain the world and lose/forfeit their own soul.

People often judge other people but if they could see how God sees them as a bag of filthy  rags they would understand why Christ said he will tell many on the day of judgement he never knew them. He says many have God on their lips but their hearts are far from him. You can see the fruits of people. Christ knew this because he was the son of God. I remember the scene in the Ten Commandments where there was death and mourning as the plagues came upon Egypt. Moses said shut the door and let death pass. I'll remind you as written in the gospel, absent from the body present with the Lord, absent from the body present in torment. What is a life? It's only a short period while you are on Earth. Jesus Christ said that those that listen to his teachings and obey them is like a wise man who built a house on a solid foundation. He gave many parables to explain these things. People should be praying for their leaders and realize that there is evil in the world and the Heart Is abundantly Wicked. Let due process finish. Pray that there is some growth Gods way/will. 

Please listen to my video message on Christian values & forgiveness.


Update 12-27-2019 8.18 pm

The world is deceived and God has a will. This world is EVIL and HATES GOD. Remember the devil is the prince of this world. God MUST have a reason to have it exist as in such a state/condition that it does. Without the shedding of blood you cannot receive forgiveness. He is RISEN ((AMEN))

Jesse Morrell a street preacher has his views as an American citizen and preacher.  In this video below: Jesse an Open Air Street Preacher entitled: "On The Trump impeachment Scam The Democrats are  organized crime." Jesse weights in on this impeachment process in America.

Journalist leaves Christian Post  amid its plans to attack Christianity Today
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Tuesday 24 December 2019


December 24, 2019


Matthew 5:12 King James Version (KJV)12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
The spirit of Christmas is not the spirit of God or truth. A lie can never be truth and when we say these things as written in the gospel we don't say it out of hate or wanting to spoil peoples fun as I see/know as deception. We know mans thoughts are not God's thoughts. A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

Isaiah 58 King James Version (KJV)
"58 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins."

Some say. "Dont worry God understands.Yes that he will send idol worshippers to hell that rejects his word and keep their own traditions making to none effect the word of God. Repent and believe on the gospelThe lord commands touch not pagan religion.   (Cor 6:14-18).

1 Samuel 15 22-26
"22 And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king. 24 And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned: for I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord, and thy words: because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice. 25 Now therefore, I pray thee, pardon my sin, and turn again with me, that I may worship the Lord.  26 And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not return with thee: for thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord hath rejected thee from being king over Israel."

Acts 17:11
"11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."

LUKE 12.53
 "53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."

My thought is Jesus Christ came to divide as he said himself. People talk about all these gospels but they add & subtract from the real gospel. Christ said the division is there.  Yes, I know everything has been nailed to the cross and now we are not under the law so we can break Gods laws. We are under a new covenant and you can make provisions to find a way and excuse to a break Gods laws as you are not better than the Pharisees who did the same. Hell will be no picnic as it will be eternal separation from God unless you repent of your pagan idolatry. Hell enlarges herself. You will cry legalistic which you use as an excuse to over-ride the commandments of God and Christ's own words that you hold unto your own tradition making to none effect the word of God.

Christmas is no doubt a pagan holiday and the bible condemns it. If you say/think yourselves to be a TRUE Christians and you say/think because we are not under the law but grace and we are just celebrating Christ’s/baby Jesus birthday you are not telling the truth as December 25 is not his birthday. Let me ask you? What year? Are you certain? We know as fact it is not December 25 regardless. We know the devil was a lair from the beginning and you are participating in a pagan festival and given heed to doctrine's of demons. Mr. Claus is a pagan myth which is a lie teaching children lies and he seems to have the same attributes of God which is sin of course. So I direct you to some links about this issue below. It is spiritual Idolatry without question. We know the spirit of Anti-Christ is “already” in the world. 2 Corinthians11:4 We also know another gospel and Jesus Christ that no Angel preached is being preached unto the world. The Angel you put on top of the tree is idolatry. The tree and its decorations are nothing more than idols and cannot represent the true despised and rejected messiah that paid for the sins of the world with his own blood. You were “purchased” with a great price and reprobates are lost. Who are you “really” worshiping? The devil is ”very” clever as the WORLD is greatly deceived!

Here is a video about Christ's birth!

A couple of important scriptures on pagan celebrations concerning Gods commandments and word. Liars are not of the truth. 
(1) The LORD condemns doing anything under green trees in His worship(Deut 12:1-4). 
(2) The LORD commands us to separate from/not touch pagan religion  (II Cor 6:14-18).

Jesus Christ being the suffering messiah that is now risen was born most likely sometime from March to October. The bible does not tell us to celebrate his birthday. In fact there are a host of biblical verses about the error and pagan customs of people which are vain and none biblical. God warns about steeling his glory and having other God's before HIM! Idolatry is idolatry and it is SIN and will lead you to hell. 

The pasture Justine Peters whom is a true Christian teacher wrote an article on Christmas and about Santa Claus. Go read Christmas and Santa and it's very interesting. We might not be under the law but it makes sense in a profound way and he backs it up with scripture.  

Here is one link :Santa Pause - Justine Peters And you will find Santa Pause a biblical perspective here by Justin Peters.

John 8:44 King James Version (KJV)

"44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." Shall we continue to lie to children and deceive ourselves.

God says in his word the customs of the people are vain and learn not the way of the heathen.  Jeremiah 10:2-4

Meet the true God of the world which has great relations with Satin. You who break Gods laws serve two masters. Deceived you are. Christ chased the money changers out of the temple. He is risen and overcame the world and sits at the right hand of the father. He is no longer a baby. He is feared by demons but many today don't fear God. They will when judgment comes do unless you repent and believe on the gospel. 

First of all Christmas is a time that merchants make money off merchandiser, a false pagan holiday which is a lie as the Messiah wasn't born on that day and we know it is a sin to keep pagan holidays from pagan sources. Revelation speaks about the merchants who will cry in revelation 18 when God brings his judgement on the harlot of revelation 17.  Also you can't par-take in the table of the Lord & the table of demons. This world full well should know it holds its own traditions making to none effect the word of the living God. You should be cautioned about the great day of the Lord that's coming and God is not mocked. Read Revelation 18 9-15/HERE I know we are not under the law but do we really love the lord if we disobey him. There are Christians that don't keep pagan holidays. You are in essence disobeying the true God of the bible and the only true God there exists. Satan is being worshiped by deceiving the world. Hell will be full of idol worshiper. You either love the truth or you make piece with the devil. Christ came to destroy the works of the devil. Pagans and idol worshiper give the devil support.

See the video as Christ said blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. 

God says in his word that he sent some people taking part in pagan celebrations and pagan religion whom are idol worshiper's strong delusion that they may believe the lie. He said their conscience has been seared as with a hot iron. Think of taking an iron and cutting a wire by melting it. It is as if part of their brain that would have spiritual discernment is missing now. Almost like somebody who has dementia or memory loss. Reaching them is next to impossible as God says in his word they have deprived minds. They close their minds to preaching and they don't love the truth as God says they are lovers of falsehood.  They are considered lost and he warns them that they are partakers of the sinful process and he warns them to come out of it and touch not the unclean thing. And in all honesty they have been lied to of whom the true person of Jesus Christ really is. This is achieved by using cultist techniques. As I said before it's hard to talk to the wall who refuses to listen but God has warned people about judgement day. He said there will be crying and gnashing of teeth. You know Christ told the Pharisees they don't enter and neither do you let others enter. It's the same thing here they don't enter because they've been lied to by false teachers. They don’t live nor follow truth. And they believe the lies. The word of God tells us so with mind boggling accuracy. 

And as Christ told The Pharisees others do the same. Read Mark 7: 5-15 HERE. Yes, God knows whom obeys and whom does evil before the lord.

Thanks Bryan. Well done! & Said

I like the way Bryan explained whom Christ is and the scriptures he quoted. The way is very NARROW. The world is on the broad path to destruction and deceived GREATLY. I don't particularly like to condemn everything though but I like to acknowledge the biblical truth. Christ is the life too. Pray for the lost!!! 

The Unknown God Of Christmas

120 Reasons Against Christmas SEE HERE


The Biggest Lie Ever Sold — The Santa Claus Deception

Why Some Christians Don't Celebrate Christmas

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Sunday 22 December 2019

A Babylon of lies

December 22, 2019 8:33 pm


Exodus 20:4-6 King James Version  "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments"

Revelation 21:8 King James Version 
"8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."

How do you secure your ticket to hell. How do you show God I hate you and I don't care what you think but I love the world. By following paganism and by being deceived and following lies. But following a Babylon of lies. You see God is a jealous God. Why? Because he's the only God there is and he hates it when his creation worships other God's through paganism, rebellion & ignorance. That's really what it is doing. It is really sinful. When & if we use anything that is a pagan symbol to represent anything holy we are sinning. See God sees this as rebellion. What it is truly is spiritual fornication. It gives heeds to a doctrine of demons. You see the lord Jesus Christ said you make the word of God to none affect and if you adhere to paganism even in  biblical circles you are sinning and you are stacking up sins just like having a stack of traffic tickets. In essence you are committing spiritual idolatry. Why does this concern me? Because the world is deceived and many people don't have the circumcision of the heart. They don't even know what that means. God is looking for people that really love him and will worship in spirit & truth. It's hard to believe that in this huge world there is a world and it's a demonic world that deceives mankind. It rejoices when people use pagan symbols or keep pagan holidays. Somewhere I read that demons rejoice even when people celebrate birthdays which is actually pagan. I'll bet people didn't know birthdays are pagan. The Bible says that God is a consuming fire. God did not prepare hell in vain. God is looking for people to worship Him properly and believe his words. And yes those teachers incorporating paganism into Christianity unless they repent of it they will give God a full account of their actions. I've heard it preached even in biblical circles that teachers will be judged differently and harder. It is written in the Bible. If you hate evil and you truly love the only God that exists whom created everything then you will worship Him the way he expects/commands to be worshiped and not follow the world. If you look at the amount of abortions around the world on a given yearly basis you will see that the world hates God. And that is just abortions. The world is a sea of rebellious sins. That's why he said if you are a friend of the world you make yourself his enemy. What is this type of contamination? Once contaminated as such like salt that loses its saltiness it's useless. Just as Jesus said "in vain do you worship me." Can you serve two masters? If you're incorporating paganism into your worship are you truly worshiping God  the way he commanded? Do you want the answer? No! You are committing spiritual fornication which is perpetual sin. You are telling God or showing him you don't care about the contamination let alone what he commanded? Can you serve two masters truly? If you're incorporating paganism into your worship are you truly worshiping God the way he taught and expects? You want the answer? No. You are telling God in essence I don't care what you think or what is written in scripture. In biblical Christianity when they incorporate some of these pagan traditions and practices they overlook this by saying everything has been nailed to the cross. They are (+) adding (-) subtracting from scripture which the Bible warns about doing such things. In fact the Bible gives a stern warning that if you do such things your name may be blotted out of the Lamb's Book of Life.   Either you love the truth or you don't. It's that simple. What is your excuse going to be when you're being judged on Judgment Day? I didn't know or I didn't care to know. I didn't mean to do it. I didn't have the time to inquire what was wrong or right. Or are you going to plead with God to please let you into his kingdom. The Bible makes it clear there will be crying and gnashing of teeth. People will be told they are workers of iniquity and we already know that Christ said many people keep their own traditions making to none affect the word of God. He even said likewise there are many other things that people do as such. 

Have you ever been in school and the teacher gave instructions for a coming exam and the whole class fails. Then in the review the class is told that the instructions were very clear. And the teachers puzzled that the whole class would fail such an exam. The instructions in scripture are very  clear yet people disobey them. I've asked people before why don't you read the Bible and I've heard people say "I did it when I was younger." They don't care what God has to say but they sure love the world with all its pomp, worldly ways and deception. And what is astonishing is there are biblical Christians that want to tell other biblical Christians that they don't believe the Bible when in fact it's some of them that disobeys scripture and make excuses for incorporating pagan traditions into their agreement/worship. You know the scripture where Christ said he came to divide. Why? Because there's a wrong way and a right way and if he's the head and he's the instructor as such a master then shouldn't his disciples/followers listen and obey. See why he said my sheep hear me and obey me. People often ask a question why is there so much evil in the world and yet a holy God does exist and by loving him who is perfect you are doing his will and not your own will by obeying. There are so many reprobates that don't have ears to hear the truth and don't have the circumcision of the heart. Funny how, which is really not funny is the messiah was aware there was a devil among-st them being Judas. Who are you truly worshiping when you're not worshiping God in the way that he commanded. I'd like to reference a scripture that says by her sorceresses we're all Nations deceived. Think of that! The Bible tells us that HELL'S mouth gets larger. Think of that. God understands. Yes! he does that many people will forfeit their own souls because they did not love the truth as he says in Scripture. He says they could have been saved but they just did not love the truth. But so many people love all of the wicked ways of the world and are sucked into spiritual fornication. No wonder God hates lukewarm preaching

  • Some people are like animals and animals will never know God in their lifetimes.. In a short span of a lifetime many people have come and gone & many people will come and go thinking they understood God or that they actually knew him but many/they were deceived because narrow is the way. The world is deceived. As written a small remnant exists and existed that actually obeyed/obeys the Lord.

Tell me what do you accomplish by disobeying God and what do you gain by forfeiting your own souls?

King James Version (KJV)

I'm going to reference an articles on this issue.

Paganism In Christianity | United Church of God

2 Corinthians 11:3 King James Version (KJV)
"3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."

Salvation. Simplicity YES "But" there are false converts as well. Can you read people’s hearts? Perhaps a tad but not like God can. You need to know whom the person of Jesus Christ really is. You must BELIEVE on the gospel.

We are under the new covenant/NT and the old is perishing but that does not 1. Give us a license to sin 2. Amalgamate paganism into biblical Christianity. 3. Nor supplement counterfeit as truth. The laws will be written on the hearts and minds of people. You know right from wrong but reprobates DO NOT when it comes to belief in the biblical Jewish Jesus Christ. Have studied cultural studies to understand where this paganism even in biblical circles comes from and how they justify it. We know many people in varying religions are blind and people should pray for them. Minister the word of God unto them.

2 Corinthians 3

"6 And He has qualified us as ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." 

Read the commentary HERE

Here are some testimonies. You view them and hear their testimonies if they are real or fabrication. God know the heart of men/woman. We can consult the word of God for answers but listen/view these testimonies.

Testimonies (1HERE
Testimonies (2HERE

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Spiritual intuition, chaos, intimidation, and tribulations

September 26, 2021 2:16 pm / 2:44 pm  / 6:44 am / 9:44 pm Updated 6:44 am / 7:44 am September 27, 2021 /  Update it September 28, 2021 5:44 ...