Monday 29 July 2019

The good & bad news

Updated: July 30, 2019  6.22 am


Galatians 4:16 King James Version (KJV) 16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

I am not perfect, and I know the name Yeshua is not found in our bibles for good reason. But he was Jewish, and he knows we call him Jesus. God is not petty, and he knows our hearts, minds as in what we think. He does not think as we do.  I know keeping the sabbath will not save you, but I believe it was made for man for rest and to show God respect. Christ was upset at the pharisees as they attached all sorts of human conditions to this 7th day rest in the lord. Jesus made the point if a sheep or if you have it donkey falls into a pit on that Sabbath day would you not go get it out. That is love in reason.  If I take anything wrong in scripture, I repent of it. The bible warns us about not adding or subtracting from the written word of God. There are people that ad all sorts of traditions and even idolatry to the bible/their worship.

There is a cross of heavy weight to bare and many don’t realize it or are not willing to do it even if they say they bare it. Christ never forced anyone his way even when the rich young man/ruler asked what he needed to do to inherit eternal life. Christ said/told him sell everything he owns and give the money to the poor, then pick up his cross and follow him. He was already a believer!! Why sell everything and give the money to who?? THE POOR (NOT THE RICH). Why? Because Gods ways think of the less fortunate than others. Christ died for human beings everywhere. He paid a great price and we were purchased if you like to believe it or not. See why everyone will be present at the judgment even Sodom & Gomorrah. Many will be cast away. Are you saved?

Why did the rich man have to bear and pick up his cross? We fight a fierce enemy of our soul and our fight is against principalities and rulers in high places. A demonic world we cannot see unless God shows us by his holy spirit/power. The cross is beard because the world rejects the true light of God. You must be willing to obey God and say yes instead of no. See why many are called and few are chosen. The worlds deeds are evil as Christ himself said. The Apostles, disciples, prophets bearded that cross and it was not easy for them even knowing the true messiah some of them. 

Today as in other times as we are human and have a fallen nature. People MANIPULATE instead of COMMUNICATE. This is everywhere in marriage and in workplaces, etc.  We need to be humbled before the lord. God highly esteem’s a contrite human being man/woman. You can gain THE WHOLE WORLD and forfeit your own soul. People are offended by the truth. In fact I've sensed that Jezebel spirit in some people.

The gospel must be preached unto the world as it is the greatest news ever. God is real and I am a witness. Preach the word. I am not judging you if you keep the Sabbath or not let alone any pagan holidays or what you eat as a Christian. Like many others I have my opinions/views, but the lord judges the none believer whom is condemned already. God would like people saved and so please preach the word. We need revival. And we can do it. You have the know-how and the capabilities to save many souls. He is with you always. Pray that it might come to be so. Pray for each other and give thank and praise on all occasions.

The Christ/God that the King James Bible testifies to is he/the real one. Is there a WILL. Yes, God has a will so there is a way as well. Please be supportive of those preaching and give so they can get their preaching on the road. Don't abuse grace and extend yourselves to God's work.

 Warning HELL IS REAL!!!!

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