Monday 3 December 2018

You MUST be born again

Friday December 7, 2018

A man or woman must be born again by the spirit of GOD. Don’t be deceived. These days are probably worse than any other time period as people are being persecuted in the world for their faith in Christ and there is a great falling away in societies across the world and there are varying news media reporting the abuse, evil as it persists in the world today. They say crime is on the increase and in various places certain types of drugs have become legal or they are in the process of doing so. It is astonishing how many students don’t understand/know the bible, Christ or why they have been granted life on earth. They may learn in school that evolution is real, and that they are just a cosmic accident.  Satin is a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. Yes, this is true! Life starts at the cross. Amen

The evil one is working hard because he knows his time is short. Do you? No one is promised another day and today is the day you should seriously make the wise choice to repent and believe the gospel. I recommend you pray and read God’s word. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be open unto you. There is a way that leads to hell and the lies of the devil will lead to hell. Wake up from your slumber NOW. 

Christians are being persecuted and killed in various parts of the world and I would ask that churches, congregations, politicians, media if they will bring attention to this issue please and that these people are PRAYED FOR.  "In our continuing efforts to combat genocide, this week through our international affiliate with consultative status at the U.N., the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ), we sent a letter to the U.N. Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Adama Dieng."

Read the rest of the story HERE

I was reading a fellow Christians blog today and he quoted James 1:27 as it is stated below. This scripture is true. Now is a time to go out there and feed the hungry. The media needs to ask the question "With all the millions of dollars given to the poor why don't they/the poor and homeless, sick, children, have the funds and food donated? We know that missionaries do a great job and put their lives on the line but something is wrong with a system that appears to be self serving in the end. Please pray and extend help for those less fortunate than you. Christ commanded to sell everything and give the money to the poor and follow him. Do you follow the wicked world or Christ?

James 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."

Recommended TPGH Prophecy for Today

In closing for now let it be remembered and known that many are called but "few" are chosen!  Why! How many are religious and lost? How many are beguiled by the devil and his trapping and deception! How many have walked away from the faith giving HEED to seducing spirits. How many care about others that they will smoke in front of them knowing second hand smoke causes cancer.  How many really help other Christians in need? God extended grace but we must repent and turn to Christ/the gospel and the way of the cross. Nothing sinful enters heaven. You MUST be born again by the spirit of the living GOD.

"In the Gospel of Matthew, an alternative for "an eye for an eye" is given by Jesus: You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." Many people cast that first stone these days while they are not sinless. So many will be perishing because they think God and hell is not real. I will tell you they are both real and while we are carnal and human we are able to do the will of God because greater is he that is in us than in the world.  Don't parish as hell is a very unpleasant place. Turn from sin and unto believing the gospel today. See why God commanded to love him with all your might and putting him first is very important. 

Here is the first of the audio/video sermon for this blog. We have to walk with him and not the world. Be in the world but don't be a part of it/in other words be interested in those things that are of God and not of the defiled sinful lusts of the world.  Christ is the end of the law and he is the truth and the life.



  Here is PART #2. Reasoning in the faith of overcoming the sinful ways of this life that will not lead to heaven/eternal life but will lead you away. You can gain the whole world and lose your soul.


Continuation of this blog: News regarding the faith

To elaborate on present times there are signs all over the earth today including the weather and things we/they are seeing as Christ said what to look for near his return. This is not normal, but I am sure they don’t want people to be alarmed.  It seems the showdown may be nuclear war, but the planet is going through some sort of none normal process. Some say it is God’s warning and wrath. The bible prophecies are being routed right before our eyes, but many are carnal scoffers and blind to the truth. So many are falling away, and the earthlings are turning to lusts, and those things that will secure their eternal/age lasting damnation. Many hate the truth and there are false teachings that I would hope God would hold them accountable doing so. Gossip won't save YOU but Christ will if you turn to him ASAP.

Let me tell you the absolute truth  that the evil being Satin when he overrides truth that does not change no matter what the circumstance. We may/are sinners but God is always perfect and so it is written he does not change. It is written Satin attempts to change God's laws but if we are to do those things that Eve did and think we are covered or, it is accepted to God think again. Let no man take you by vain repetition or falsehood. Christ did not teach many abominable things they do and they pass it off as if he did. Many people are led into spiritual fornication and they feel this is okay. Yes, Until judgment day and then who will they blame? They may say well I was being taught a false gospel. But you did not care. You were not concerned about the biblical truth but the defiled wordily ways you took pleasure in such unrighteousness.  You were not only part of the problems but you supported lies of the devil. So God just may make you a goat which is sent to hell. Now, today make the decision whom you will serve. You either side with deception/Satin or the Christ of the bible. That is the Christ of the world standard King James Bible.

The stressing point is that many souls will be lost because of a false gospel being preached unto the world. They will stand judgment for doing so just as God has said in his word that many will receive damnation for taking part in that which is not really his and have pleasure in doing so. This brings spiritual fornication.  

In the news: Iran Tests Missiles, Funds Terror Tunnels to Israel. This is a time to not give Satin a pat on the back but move forward. Don’t celebrate pagan holidays as the harlot will have many souls lost to hell as it is written. People teach their children falsehood through deception. What we are seeing is what  Christ and the prophets said. A one world religion and government one day will surface probably after World War #3.  And everything stage wise is being set to go against Israel as Iran they say have being building tunnels to Israel

I would hope/think God will hold accountable those teaching falsehoods but you stick to the gospel truth.  

"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

Another explanation for the name Yehoshua is that it comes from the root ישע yod-shin-'ayin, meaning "to deliver, save, or rescue". ... The name Yeshua is a shortened version of the name Yehoshua or Joshua and is the literal Hebrew word for Salvation.

The blind man said all I know is I was blind and now I see. Do you see? That you MUST be born again.

Recommended Link- Well said sermon from  Anchorpoint Radio
A Sinner and a Savior Meet

May God bless you and keep you.

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