Sunday 16 December 2018

The world is truly deceived

Sunday December 16, 2018

John 1:1-51    
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were  made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

The world is truly deceived

The world is deceived just as it is written. Satin the devil and that world of fallen angels and demons does exist and any sort of paganism is offered unto demons and devils. The world serves Satin as he is the prince of this world unsuspecting. Yes, he has beguiled the entire world. Surprised! God does not change yesterday, tomorrow or forever just as it is written. There are those who follow the bible standard (KJV) being pastures/preachers that have sort of taken on pagan holidays as they have made an allowance for that and it appears they have drawn on their own interpretation and amalgamated theology as an opportunity to reach people on those dates. Let me tell you it is still over riding God's commission and authority regardless. So if they save 5 lives and 200 go and join those pagan cults than that is 200 more lost than saved among the 5 for arguments sake. At the same time they are denying biblical absolute truth. Satin replaces this type of truth with his corrupted gospel theology. Christ rebuked the devil and never made peace with him. Did Christ make peace with Judas? No! A devil was among them as there is in this world. Did Christ make peace with Satin when he spoke through Peter? No he rebuked him.

Are you surprised that since the beginning of mankind the devil fabricated many falsehoods and men served them. Why? Because he is dark and hates the light of the true God. Christ said no one comes to the father but by me. Which Christ are you following? Christ was not born December 25. Satin was a liar from the beginning. The bible narrows down the date sometime between March to September. Men/people have been beguiled just like Eve was from the devil. The devil is clever but could you imagine the force that will be required to take the whole earth out of existence. The bible says it will go out of existence with a huge fervent heat and so we are told store up treasures for heaven and not for earth where moths will get at them. The reason this was referred to in this way is because the force to replace the entire universe men do not have. Only God can do these things. Many are going to parish because they are lovers of falsehoods and not the true biblical truth. There are many making allowances for pagan tradition and that serves the devil/demons/fallen angels and not Christ "Yeshua."s (Jesus Christ). Even the Jewish name of the messiah are they ashamed to say. Christ will be ashamed of such in front of his father. He chose Israel and that nation is the apple of God's eye. Pride comes before a fall. Many will reap with their toxic mouth and lose their own souls. Hell will be full to the brim but no worries as it is written it enlarges it's self. Are you truly saved or living a lie? Have you been beguiled by the devil and his false pagan teachings. The devil comes serving you a pagan world of tradition, culture and another gospel. He will sell you merchandise that are idols and money grabbers. Christ said it is finished on the cross. It is! You add no works to your salvation. Your deeds are done because a good heart bears good fruits but he paid the price and you did not! 

Good parents teach their children the biblical truth and don't follow the lusts of the world and false teachings. I know someone that is deceived and keeps pagan tradition and they said their family is good. I know their family is wicked and always in their sins, not born again and follows paganism/the way of the heathen. Wicked to the core. Deceived as Eve was! That Evil One is truly evil and the world is vanity based and worships it's self instead of the one true God. The world worships lust, things and money. The world is concerned with it's self. The world loves it's own. Those that are like it and accept it and live it's wicked lusts and evil. Let me tell you Christ was no liar. He had a face men looked away from and was mocked and despised. All knees will bow one day.

You see God's truth does not change based on weather or homelessness/even disease. God is merciful and Christ proved it when he restored the Roman soldiers ear or even the other soldiers leaders servant. Those pagan cults are bringing the multitudes to hell and not telling the biblical truth to their deceived followers. Christ is the only door. Not Christ + Paganism, or Christ + lies, not Christ + Santa, Not Christ + Traditions. Those teaching such lies will find themselves in hell and they will know why!! There is no water there. God said come out of her as her sins reach the heavens. Wake up!!! This evil world is beguiled by the serpent Satin and demonic forces.

The peace that defies all understanding is that which the messiah came to restore and seek and save that which was lost. It comes through the righteousness of a true and living God. Not a pagan deity man has created and worships. Get saved. I recommend the King James Bible. I recommend you read Mathew, Mark,  Luke & John for starters. Than pray and seek a close relationship with the savior of mankind. Pagan religion is not the savior but Satin's counterfeit Christianity that DAMS your souls. It is impossible for God to lie. Who paid the price for you? Christ! His sheep hear his voice and obey. Those that love their own lives and the defiled wicked ways of the world are wasting your time and these are wicked people. Truly WICKED to the core. 

May you be blessed. Let me stress he is risen and glorified light now. He is no longer a baby as he is risen. We are in the end times/days when evil is sufficient for the day. You must be born again to enter the Kingdom come of the living God. You know the bible speaks about the harlot and of the abominations of the earth. Come out of her. If you don't God does not lie as you/your children will receive the plaques thereof the bible speaks about. Those teaching you such lies don't love you like Christ but will do the work of "their" father the devil. Oh yes! They truly do.

WAKE UP: Preach that word and write it on everything possible. Give him thanks and praise in everything you do. Remember he was despised and rejected of men but the same men want eternal life without biblical truth and without submission. Your heart MUST be right with God. He knows your wicked hearts and the things you think/do. Your sins are naked to God who cannot stand sin. And you will not be seen as whiter than snow until you come to the cross and call out and ask the lord into your heart/life to be your savior and lord. You can do it!! Because he paid the price and he is greater than Satin and all evil that exists. One day that evil will be no more but many will find hell their eternal home.  No water there but torment. Your wicked friends did not die for you on a cross as only Christ did. Turn to God NOW!

Christ said "destroy this temple and I will raise it in three days". He did not say Church. He said Temple. The bible says God does not dwell in temples made of human hands. Christ said my Kingdom is NOT of the world. The devil is building his earthly Kingdom. One day Christ will rain and rule and with the brightness of his coming he will destroy those falsehoods that are wicked and have a very evil/wicked past and present. Come out of her as you do not inherit her plaques. Wake up NOW.

Many are reprobate and God has said HELL awaits them as they are lovers of falsehood. Many of these types of people take pleasure  in unrighteousness and are unknowing to the evil in those pagan religions and their past/present let alone their false teachings. Their demonic inhabitants. The God of the bible is real and his word will outlast everything. Christ said scripture can not be broken and that many don't receive his fathers word don't receive him. Many LIVE a lie of the devil.

Salvation comes ONLY by Christ and not by keeping the traditions of men. It comes only through his sacrifice on the cross and by his stripes we are healed. In the end days it is written that much of the religious system would give way to the Anti-Christ as to allow the one world religion and new world order, as for a short while the beast will rule.  Many people say they love their children so much that they will allow false worship to dam their own souls and those of their loved one. Christ is REAL love and not some song by John Lennon "Imagine". You can imagine there is a heaven and a very real hell. When you pass you will be absent from your bodies and in torment in hell or in heaven with the lord. Wake up! We don't need more broken heart songs but people to turn to the gospel message/get saved.

The cross is not JUST your burdens on this earth. The cross is the biblical news/truth and religions that teach Christ did not come or he was not whom he said he was or that throw that first stone are not of GOD. Christ is untarnished and man denies the power there of as it is written. Remember SATIN was a liar from the beginning and many REFUSE to pick up their cross. Though these types of people live carnal and hating the true God they are dead spiritually. Life start at the cross. 

Satin counterfeits everything including mans calendar.  His mission is to turn you away from the bible, from God and unto the carnal ways of the world. This way you can not inherit salvation but damnation. He is the sub total of lies and falsehood and amalgamation of pagan tradition into Christianity. 

As you can read in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 There are those that will parish because they loved not the truth and they cared not about the truth. God sends them strong delusion and they fall for it. Sad state of affairs.

Why would the devil counter-fit everything.  He knows he can deceive your minds and that man is attached to lust and vanity/money. He knows that men worship luxury and all those things that be NOT of GOD but of the world. He was kicked out of heaven and must think because it is possible to deceive perhaps God can be replaced. He took 1/8th the angels with him as it is said, and God reserved them to chain of darkness. So if he did not spare his own angels what makes you think he will spare you unless you get truly saved. Amen

There are people that have been brought into spiritual fornication by false teachers and Hosea 4.6 is true that they lack knowledge but that is not all they lack. They have been given up by God as they reject sound doctrine and have been made into reprobates never perceiving the truth as they thought themselves wise. Trying to reach them is like trying to reach someone in a cult as they have been manipulated and brainwashed by the lies of the devil. They have been programmed! Imagine the day when they are cast into the furnace and the excuses but there will be fear and trembling. What am I doing here? How can this be possible? Imagine what will go through their minds. Sad for anyone when they find out hell is a real place as it is IMPOSSIBLE for a true and living GOD to tell lies. We ONLY fool ourselves.

Reference (Keeping pagan holiday as Merry X)

Catholic man dies and finds out by Jesus Christ that Catholicism leads straight to Hell for eternity LINK

Catholic woman goes to Hell. Demons sliced her flesh for UN-forgiveness idolatry and lying. "DO NOT WORSHIP MARY AND SAINTS", this alone will send you to Hell. This woman was a good catholic, and did everything her religion asked, and so she was totally shocked when she died in an accident, and found herself being dragged by demons into Hell.  LINK

THERE IS ONLY ONE NAME GIVEN UNTO MEN TO BE SAVED! Yes we live in a world that has been deceived and worships the devil. The debt was nailed to the cross. The payment in full was nailed to the cross. So when preachers tell you now you don't have to keep the law that is false teaching. Under the old law you would have been guilty of breaking all points by just one. Under the new covenant God allowed grace and he made an inheritance will whereby many will reap his true love in full one day. Particularly those he truly chose. It allows for room for repentance and growth spiritually speaking and you will grow in your knowledge regarding God's Kingdom. One day everything on earth will perish so you should seek God's ways and submit yourselves unto the true and living God. 


There are those that follow the system of Anti-Christ foretold in scripture (prophecy) and that is what I was referring too. The bible says Christ is the only high priest and mediator between GOD and men. Falsehoods will justify their pagan worship and you will be defiled if you follow this system. Either you obey GOD and be saved or obey that pagan system which they will tell you only their system leads to heaven but that is the deception that will send you straight to hell. 




Bless those who truly love the truth and walk with the messiah in spirit & truth. God's word says MANY have GOD on their lips but their hearts are very far from him.

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