All this information came about from referencing scripture in the book of Revelations mainly on the mind recently was the Synagogue of Satan". Revelation 2:9 God tells us he knows where Satan has his seat or even his throne on earth in the book of Revelation. The nation God chose to represent him was Israel and through that nation came the savor of the world being the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the biblical Jewish Jesus Christ. Not going to get into a huge study here of the book of Revelation although the phrase "The synagogue of Satin" is disputed and can be seen as a few different outcomes.. There are 7 churches from the book of revelation and they say they would have been located somewhere in modern day Turkey.
When one studies scripture it is evident that there are things that God is against. Things that are in abomination to him and humans highly esteem such things. Many humans have been deceived and are being deceived as was in the past throughout time. Many humans live a lie and think they are believers. The devil is above man in power, might, even gifts and is extremely deceptive but greater is he that is in you than in the world. God tell us/reveals to us through his spirit/sometimes Angel of the lord or Christ himself "I know thy works". He is all knowing and there is nothing hidden from him.
As written "And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols". Even in modern day people have so many idols before the Lord and they are ignorant of it or that they continually are committing fornication. So many people are trying to enter being them whom say they believe in Christ's Kingdom by the BROAD HI-WAY! Narrow is the gate that leads to life. Few be there that find it in their lifetime.
As Christ said...
"For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies …" "And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery."
Humans need to understand what fornication is either sexually or spiritually. God is the author of all life and he knows what he is talking about. When people take the name of God in vain or swear as they do that is also sin and a type of fornication.

"15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you."
God hates the doctrine of the Nicolaitans and the teaching of Balaam. So below there is information regarding such and more.
"In the New Testament, Balaam is cited as a type of avarice; for example in Book of Revelation 2:14 we read of false teachers at Pergamum who held the "teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast a stumbling-block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication."
"According to Revelation (Revelation 2:14), Balaam told King Balak how to get the Israelites to commit sin by enticing them with sexual immorality and food sacrificed to idols. The Israelites fell into transgression due to these traps and God sent a deadly plague to them as a result" (Numbers 31:16)
What is the doctrine of Nicolaitans?
"As a symbolic reference (according to this view), the "teaching of the Nicolaitans" refers to dominating the people, compared to the "teaching of Balaam" which refers to seducing the people."
Definition of Nicolaitan. "1: one of a group reproved in Revelation 2:6, 14–15 and generally associated with those who were rebuked for eating things offered to idols and for fornication. 2: one of a group of 3d century antinomian Gnostics."
What or who is balaam? "Balaam, a prophet from Mesopotamia, was willing to use his God-given talents for illicit purposes. Even though he knew Balak was God’s enemy, he tried to sell his prophetic gifts to help him. When that didn’t work, Balaam counseled Balak on the most effective way to weaken Israel. This was through seduction, using Moabite and Midianite women to tempt the Israelites into sexual relationships and into pagan rituals. The Israelites who participated brought God’s judgment upon themselves"(Numbers 25:1–9)
Who was Antipas? "According to Eastern Orthodox traditions, according to the Commentary on the Apocalypse of Andreas of Caesarea, believe Saint Antipas to be the Antipas referred to in the Book of Revelation, Revelation ... Wikipedia
Born: Pergamon, Turkey, Died: 92 A.D, Pergamon, Turkey, Full name: Antipas
Feast: 11 April, Antipas of Pergamum/Cause of death". The traditional account goes on to say Antipas was martyred during the reign of Nero (54-68), by burning in a brazen bull-shaped altar for casting out demons worshiped by the local population. There is a tradition of oil ("manna of the saints") being secreted from the relics of Saint Antipas .
Who is Antipas in Bible? "Herod Antipas, (born 21 DC—died ad 39), son of Herod I the Great who became tetrarch of Galilee and ruled throughout Jesus of Nazareth's ministry. In The Gospel According to Luke (13:32), Jesus is reported as having referred to him with contempt as “that fox."
More information: "Nicolaism was an early Christian sect mentioned twice in the Book of Revelation of the New Testament. The adherents were called Nicolaitans, Nicolaitanes, or Nicolaites. They were considered heretical by the mainstream Church. According to Revelation 2:6 and 15, they were known in the cities of Ephesus and Pergamum."
What was the error of the Nicolaitans? "Victorinus of Pettau held that the error of the Nicolaitans was that they ate things offered to idols. ... As a symbolic reference (according to this view), the "teaching of the Nicolaitans" refers to dominating the people, compared to the "teaching of Balaam" which refers to seducing the people."
There are things such as eating food sacrificed to idols that is an abomination and very sinful. The other one is fornication either being sexual fornication or spiritual fornication. Christ taught that the first needs to be last. So dominating the people is wrong in a sense. The way they administered doctrine and love in the first century was more personal and pure. Today you might go to a Church and hear a teaching with hundreds or thousands of people there. Not personal. Let's see what the word of God says about sexual fornication. Spiritual fornication is another matter but just as grave.
1 Corinthians 6:18-20 King James Version
"18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. 19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: ther-fore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."
Satan is the prince and the god of this world. He deceives the entire world. He mixes a little bit of Truth with Lies and counterfeit everything. God has made known in his word what is acceptable and what is not and who his only begotten son really is in whom he is well pleased. He is now risen and glorified. But many people continue to trample the blood(1): Many people are deceived and lost. The Bible says thinking themselves to be wise they became fools. It tells us in God's word some people are reprobates and lovers of falsehood. No one is perfect but there is only one name given under heaven in which man can be saved and he is the biblical Jewish Jesus Christ. He is the one foretold by the prophet Isaiah. The one who was despised, rejected, and a man well acquainted with sorrows. He is one "men" hid their face from and rejected him. He is the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world. "6 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) There is a way that seems right onto man but in the end, it is the way of death. Christ said choose life not death. He said let the dead bury the dead. He also said a man who puts his hand on the plow and who looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God. Thy will be done.
So you may ask/wonder what is the Synagogue of Satan?
I said previously this is seen as different things to different peoples/groups or religious sectors. There are those who say this is a false church with replacement theology. Some say this was the Jewish religious sector of perhaps the Sanhedrin members being Pharisees and others such as the Sadducee's, etc. Some say this goes into modern day of those that hold the seat of these mentioned groups in modern times. There are those calling themselves or thinking they are Jews according to the lord Jesus Christ and he found them to be liars. There is such a thing as a real Jewish person and a spiritual Jew as they say. There was a process that was debated of the first Century Jews that became Christians as to how the Gentiles could be saved and if they needed to follow the traditions of the Jews. Some did! In other words, become Jews by a process. Some say after the Jews rejected their messiah the gentile Christians became inward spiritual Jews. As scripture reveals that God knows where Satin’s seat is. He all-knowing and nothing fools him.
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary:
"Say they are Jews, and are not—Jews by national descent, but not spiritually of "the true circumcision." The Jews blaspheme Christ as "the hanged one." As elsewhere, so at Smyrna they bitterly opposed Christianity; and at Polycarp's martyrdom they joined the heathens in clamoring for his being cast to the lions; and when there was an obstacle to this, for his being burnt alive; and with their own hands they carried logs for the pile." As Jamieson-Fausset said later in commentary " The Jews, who might have been "the Church of God," had now, by their opposition and unbelief, become the synagogue of Satan. So "the throne of Satan" (Re 2:13) represents the heathens' opposition to Christianity; "the depths of Satan" (Re 2:24), the opposition of heretics."
As Henry Matthew Stated which is absolute truth regarding Revelation 2:9
"Many who are rich as to this world, are poor as to the next; and some who are poor outwardly, are inwardly rich; rich in faith, in good works, rich in privileges, rich in gifts, rich in hope. Where there is spiritual plenty, outward poverty may be well borne; and when God's people are made poor as to this life, for the sake of Christ and a good conscience, he makes all up to them in spiritual riches. Christ arms against coming troubles." And the way Henry summed it up is : "The second death is unspeakably worse than the first death, both in the agonies of it, and as it is eternal death: it is indeed awful to die, and to be always dying. If a man is kept from the second death and wrath to come, he may patiently endure whatever he meets with in this world."
These Churches such as The Church in Smyrna was under persecution that Christ talked about in revelation as he tells them be faithful unto death and Satin will try them casting some of them into prison. There are a couple of other Churches as The Church in Pergamos the lord is not content with because they have held the doctrine of balaam and taught ba-lac to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel to eat things sacrificed to Idols. So in other words the lord Jesus Christ knows their works and even whom is at fault for doing such. Satin is cleaver but God is all knowing.
Out of many articles there are strong possibilities I think this next article gets it right. Not that some of what others said in their studies do not apply in someway for the time in which these things occurred in the past. But revelation is a future event.
"True Christians are spiritual Jews because Jesus says in John 4:22, "Salvation is of the Jews." Those in the "synagogue of Satan" say they are spiritual Jews—pretend to be real Christians—but are not. This false church was already developing in the days of the apostle John, masquerading as God's true church. It had congregations in the cities of Smyrna and Philadelphia in Asia Minor even at that early time. It and its daughter churches are further described in Revelation 17." Here is the full article. What Is the 'Synagogue of Satan' (Revelation 2:9; 3:9)?
Updated June 28, 2020 8:44 am June 28, 2020
June 24, 2020 1:33 pm 2:21 pm 3:21 pm
Updated June 30, 2020 2.20 pm
Out of many articles there are strong possibilities I think this next article gets it right. Not that some of what others said in their studies do not apply in someway for the time in which these things occurred in the past. But revelation is a future event.
"True Christians are spiritual Jews because Jesus says in John 4:22, "Salvation is of the Jews." Those in the "synagogue of Satan" say they are spiritual Jews—pretend to be real Christians—but are not. This false church was already developing in the days of the apostle John, masquerading as God's true church. It had congregations in the cities of Smyrna and Philadelphia in Asia Minor even at that early time. It and its daughter churches are further described in Revelation 17." Here is the full article. What Is the 'Synagogue of Satan' (Revelation 2:9; 3:9)?
Updated June 28, 2020 8:44 am June 28, 2020
June 24, 2020 1:33 pm 2:21 pm 3:21 pm
Updated June 30, 2020 2.20 pm
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