Monday 17 February 2020

Satin hates God

February 18, 2020 9.44 am
Updated February 28 2020 9.43 pm

First John 3:8 KJVHe that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

Satan hates God. Satin hates true godly biblical marriage. Remember Satan was a cherubim angel and yes he's real because God'sword does not lie. Christ said that he was a liar from the beginning and even a murder. Matter of fact Jesus Christ said he is the father of lies and when he lies he speaks of his own (John 8.44). It is no error that the word of God says to call no man on Earth father for you have one who's in heaven. As Christ told the Samaritan woman that the time will come neither in this mountain nor in this place will they worship God as he will be worshiped in spirit and in truth? (John 4.21) He told the Samaritan woman that God seeks this type of true worshipers for God is a spirit and he must be worshiped in spirit and in truth. (John 4.24The truth is Satan hates God and hates the Sabbath.  Satan hates true worshipers. Satan hates godly righteousness and biblical hymns and can't stand these things. Satin hates the bible and true bible believers in messiah/Christians. Satan hates the true Jewish biblical Jesus Christ whom has never spoken English but spoke Hebrew and probably an off-shot of the Aramaic language and what he does is preach another Jesus Christ and another gospel to the world that no angel in heaven ever preached. God is all knowing and understands everything. Satan mixes Pagan traditions and a form of Christianity that has resemblance to the true faith and he counterfeits whatever he can. Satan was named Lucifer prior before he fell as lightning from heaven. The word of God says he and fallen angels that he deceived were kicked out of heaven. King Harold the great had many babies murdered to try to avert the baby Jesus's birth as he was full of Satan. He was a wicked King. So you'll probably ask yourself if this could be true how can a cherubim angel turn and hate his own creator? Well we know from scripture that the Saints will be judging angels. We also know from scripture that God reserved fallen angels in chains of darkness for the day of judgement. (2 Peter 2:4So again you have to ask yourself how God could allow this demonic world to affect mankind. Through a man called Adam sin entered the world as the scriptures tell us. God made the labour pains on a woman's pregnancy painful and he said by the sweat of the brow man will work. In the garden they had perfection and they had true peace and a relationship with the living God. Before the foundations of the earth were laid God already appointed his only begotten son to save his own creation. (Ephesians1:4) Can you imagine that! So you say why God allows Satan, fallen angels, demons and a demonic world to affect mankind. Because man fell into sin and most men are also ignorant to the spirit world that does exist. God warned about things that he considers an abomination. Scripture warns about defiling ones self. So God put life and death before him/man to test him or her. To see if they really love God with all their heart, might and soul or will they adhere like glue to an ocean of sin and a world of deception. Man must repent and believe on the gospel. We are to chose life in ChristMatter of fact he put it in his Commandments that you must love him with all your heart, might and soul. Those who try to serve two masters are showing God that they are not serious about true salvation which is only found in the Lord Jesus Christ. The "deceived" are rebellious and God gave them over to a reprobate mind which is really a deprived mind. The Bible says they might always be learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. What could that mean? They (deceived reprobates) have tunnel vision/far from God. You see Christ said if you love me you will bear your cross. He said his sheep obey him and they know him. (John 10:27) That they must deny themselves. There is a cross to bear! That's why he told the Rich Young ruler sell everything, give the money to the poor then pick up your cross and follow me/Christ. The cross is the real narrow way of truth and the biblical truth that the world rejects. This way is not to follow the world (1 John 4.5) that's filled with a ocean of sins and rebellion against the truth living God. As the street preachers preach on the streets alcoholics and people who indulge in abortions love their sins. What that means is they are so lost in it like an alcoholic that is enslaved to drunkenness that it's hard to reach them.  They are trapped by this mind frame that enslaves them to a sinful life. God created many venereal diseases to punish the wicked who indulge in sexual sins and unrighteousness. They love their alcohol/drugs which destroys their brains and their bodies that God gave them. They drive drunk, get high and get other people killed as they swim in a sea of selfish sins. They are selfish Brute beasts. Especially the very wicked.  They disobey traffic laws when they are driving drunk. They indulge in so many rebellious sins. They are rebellious to the letter and hate God but love Satin by doing that of a reprobate worldly sinner while defiling themselves before mankind. 

You see the devil Satan seeks worship. He had the audacity to temp Christ to kneel down and worship him. So the lord “Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."

Yes Satan hates the Holy Spirit. Those under his control blaspheme the Holy Ghost. You know Jesus (Yeshua) said “There is nothing from without a man that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man".

I hear people take the name of God in vain in many different ways all the time like never before either around various places and especially on television or movies. I hear people cursing others either by words or gesture too. What a wicked generation this really is. Heard a pasture saying why we can’t bless people instead of cursing them. People store up wrath unsaved and when they abuse grace they are being ignorant to their own salvation let alone existence. Be forewarned 
hell is a real place.


Below I compare hell to exercise (Working Out). While I draw that analogy reading from the five facts of life to the left here you have to know hell is real. Please seek the kingdom of God people. Seek God's / his narrow way.  

A person said I'm going to work out. They are not knowing the true God. They are ignorant and deceived. I've preached to them the word of God. I said God will give people a true work out that is timeless with no rest in hell. Can you bench press 200 pounds? In hell you will be able to exercise and feel much pain. There is no aspirin relief in hell. There is no Dr. that can give you pain relief in hell with any kind of drugs. The very wicked are perishing but little do they know what that means. So let me remind you that a friend of the world makes themselves the enemy of God. (James 4.4)


Satin hates the Jewish people and that became apparent through Hitler and those nations that hate Israel and wants that nation/to be minus Jewish people or them leading Israel. How do we know? It’s reported! And scripture tells us so. Satin wants their/the Jewish peoples extermination.  God loves them. 


Satin loves the deceived and those whom worship him either aware or unaware. Satin hates true believers and history shows us how he tries to wipe them out. God created the earth and not Satin. Greater is he that is in the true believer than he that is in the world. Satin wants to control Jerusalem and create a one world religion & government. 

In this very evil and wicked world hatred runs rampant. Discrimination of various races exists. Bullying is horrible. So why do I say this? Because you can see the devil's works/influences on earth. Have you watched the evening news lately or seen the two preachers reporting what is going on around the world? We are living in the evil day and Satin knows his time is short. Get Saved ASAP. 


We are not under the law and christians meet on the first day of the week. See below...

"What day, then, should Christians set aside? There is no commandment given to Christians in this area. Every day of the week belongs to God. The idea of worshiping God one day in seven, whether it be the first or the seventh, and then living for self the rest of the week is a grievous evil existing today. People often think that they can go to church one day of the week, pray and sing a few hymns piously, and then live for the Devil the rest of the time. Every day is the Lord's, and Christians owe Him their worship and devotion as much on Monday as on Saturday or Sunday."

Colossi-ans 2:16 KJV

"14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. 16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days:”

1 John 3:10 KJV10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother"

Reference 1
Reference 2

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