July 8, 2019 10:26 pm
We praise the lord and its not that we don't want people to be blessed.
Blessed is he that comes in the name of the lord. The REAL Jesus Christ
whom was Jewish and not a pagan. The one the scriptures testify to. The
66 books of the bible. The one that was rejected even by his very own. So many think there are many paths to eternal life/heaven and some even think all you have to do is be a good person. No a man or woman MUST be reborn by the spirit of GOD. Christ must be your personal savor.
Revelation 3:17 King James Version (KJV)
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
You lost your first love or did you "really" "ever" have a first true love? The devil is a master professional at deceiving the majority of people on planet earth. As they say the people of the earth are deceived and guess what!! They are! In Gods true Kingdom there can be zero sin and zero falsehood. The heart must be right with God. The spirit must obey God as Adam & Eve did not! Do you? Pride is a stubborn sin of evil manifestations before God. God created the earth because he has a WILL after the fall of man. Adam & Eve & Satin/Fallen Angels/Demons do not obey GOD. God put life and death before us so we can chose whom we will worship/SERVE in our houses, in our lives, in our temples. We were ALL purchased with a great price and we are not our own. We will be accountable to the true and living God for our wicked lives and the wicked words we spoke unsaved and not forgiven. Pride is a word that is associated with the fall. God was preparing people for Christ's coming as we know as he became the real lamb that takes away the sins of the world. That does not mean he will take away everyone's sin. You have to come to him and call out and make him lord and savior of your lives. Pray and seek his face. The real one. The Jewish Christ whom kept the Sabbath and was not pagan. The one the world rejected that is the rejected cornerstone. He is the only name every given unto man to be saved and he is Yeshua (Jesus Christ) - Emanuel (God is with us). He is the one that had a face that men turned away from and was well acquainted with sorrow/suffering. Yet he was perfect in spirit and not a sinner. He is a TRUE KING above all other kings of the earth or even in that hidden world that we cannot see with the eyes. Christ told Satin to get behind him as he is a stumbling block for him yet people make Satin/his ways the center of their lives as they are so deceived. People embrace everything that Christ say's is death thinking they will live but God see's everything and I mean everything. God knows the thoughts of men. How deceived men are when they are wicked. God is all knowing. You can hide but sin will find you out as you will parish in the fires of hell.
We hear of celebrities passing on in the media these days and if they were Christians we sort of are happy thinking they are with God. We don't really know them but their families might. The truth is we can hope they went to be present with the lord but they may not have. Why am I saying this? Because I personal know of a family "member", a woman that is so deceived they teach/embrace the lies and re-enforce those lies of the devil/false teachers to children whom are now grown up. Many of these children that are gown up are not following the God of the bible but deception. Educated and living in a democracy they embrace the deception of the devil and when even preached too many of them are like a brick wall that is unmovable. They stay in the deception and don't even question it? Why? Well I heard demonic s plays a great role. Yes true! They have been brain washed by false teaching and cultist techniques and they have embraced the lie of the devil thinking there are many roads to salvation but narrow is the way and broad is the way to deception/hell. They have been sold another Jesus Christ with a deceiving spirit and another gospel that no Angel is heaven ever preached. In fact what they really are doing is trying to find God in pleasing two masters which is impossible. They have embraced the lie and shown God they are not worthy of eternal life. Many of them have been turned into pagans and idol worshipers but they are so far removed from even understanding what has occurred. God gave them up because they have gone their own way and he even says they could have been saved by they hated the truth.
One particular lady confided in conversation with myself that God has showered her with blessing after blessing. She is into spirituality, false teachings as her kids/grown up now have embraced this deception, another Christ, another gospel, another spirit and not the gospel of the lord Jesus Christ of the bible (KJV). She is more concerned with family being around her when she passes in a loving way then her children following the true God/Christ. So many have been deprived of the true God/Christ as people use rituals in their worship and in vain do they worship another Christ that never was/never existed or the real one for that matter. The Christ of the bible exists and he is risen. Although this lady/she has been showered with gifts, blessings in her life little does she know she is blind, miserable, poor and naked. She is deceived GREATLY! God see's everything. Getting through to them is next to impossible. It's like they are "stuck" in neutral. They see life as things and blessings but little do they know or understand the true GOD foretold everything from start to end including that he knew us even before we were born. God knows who truly has the heart to obey him and who is deceived and loves sin including the blind broad ways of the world. If your children/grown up now were on the way to hell with false teachings and evil doers teaching such should you care? Yes! Does she!! No!! "knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked." So many see vanity as life. They love seeing tourist attractions and going on vacation but Jesus Christ had NOWHERE to lay his head. Why? because the world is truly EVIL! Such deceived people don't deny themselves. They follow the world of falsehood and deception. Christ was rejected and he had nothing that we should as-teem him in vanity. Why! Because he was meek, humble and his yoke was/is easy. He was not prideful or deceived. He was not a fornicator or sinner. He said you cannot hear the word of God because YOU are not from God. Humans just cannot embrace the fact that sin brings forth death spiritual and physically too. People don't truly understand what it means to walk in the spirit and not the flesh. When God's word say a friend of the world makes themselves an enemy of God that is 100% very true! Satin will not cast himself out and we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities of evil in high places. There is a world structured very well evil as can be that opposes the true God unseen to our human eyes and when you don't worship the true God whom are you "truly" worshiping? Deception and ignorance makes a person as such: art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: God hated the Luke warn Church/Congregation in scripture because it started following the world/things/money/vanity/deception/and lost it's first true love. Same DO prosperity preachers do. They are like used car salesmen doing their own will and they have become wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. God will eventually vomit them out of his mouth as hell will swallow them up. Same as false teachings/false teachers have been/are sending the multitudes to hell. How many just cannot embrace the gospel truth as they are so far removed from true blessings and they are poor though they think themselves as blessed without the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, lest the
light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God,
should shine on them. (2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9)
I ask for prayers on this matter brothers and sisters in Christ PLEASE! Where two or three are gathered in my name there I am "Christ said that". By the word you believed as it is written. The heart MUST be in God's character and not carnal mans.
Ask yourselves "Whom do people say that I am?" Christ asked this to his Disciples/Apostles? Do you truly know whom you are following or is he another Christ that never lived? See HERE. Are you sure you understand biblical prophecy?
A man or woman must be born again by the spirit of God to see heaven. There is only one very "narrow door" entrance and it is not worldly at all. Spiritual fornication will shut the door for eternity unless you repent and turn from that sin/falsehood to the true God of the bible.
SEE HERE - Get Saved Cry out to the Christ of the bible and make him lord and savior of your lives. Do it! Many will parish because they have been deceived. Good works will not work as salvation is a free gift that no man can boast. But you MUST know whom Christ REALLY was/is and follow HIM and not the devils deception that will send the multitudes to hell.
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