Friday 24 July 2020

God is not the author of confusion but of peace

  • July 24/2020 7.44 pm  Update July 26, 7:44 am

Official Video Link : Official Statement From Watchman On The Wall 88 

 Chad Thomas did a video explaining why he closed his YouTube channel as he was getting a lot of fighting and complains on his channel as it was up one day and not/down the next.  It appears Chad's statement video is time-wise some 16 minutes and 35 seconds long. So, this video was done about a week ago as of July 17th 2020. Chad says there was a lot of fighting and disagreement on his channel. Especially after he did a video about Counterfeit Christianity. (I never personally seen it). He said some person he thinks is called sister Jewels teared him apart in a new video which he didn't agree with at all. He said she ended up locking her comments because many people went over to defend him. Chad also said many other people did videos attacking him but he doesn't go looking for them but people send them to him. He mentioned his Channel is about the current times and making people aware of these times in this so-called Church of dispensation age of Grace that will end when a new dispensation comes in and so he's pointing people to Salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. He mentions he does not like the divisions as Jesus is supposed to increase as we are to decrease. He mentioned that he acted out in the flesh and that he was wrong in doing so. Now Chad says that he did this video entitled Counterfeit Christianity about a month ago dating a month back from July 17th 2020 and there was a group of people that apparently didn't get it and we're upset. Chad said that in the video he was accused of back loading works into salvation and preaching a false gospel which he says he does not do such a thing. Chad said he was also accused of not separating Salvation from Discipleship. That's a bit odd. Because true saved Christians do labor for the Lord. Many people misunderstand works. We are not saved by works but we are saved by faith alone through grace alone.  A true believer should have fruits that are evident. We cannot earn our Salvation.

Now Chad explains a little bit about that video where he had his relative being drunk around a campfire as an example and it was meant in a way as we are not to abuse Grace. He himself said he wasn't saying that his relative wasn't saved as he does not know his heart. Chad said that his relative professors the name of Jesus Christ but he doesn't know if he really believes in him. Even if somebody is truly saved and they get drunk it doesn't mean Gods going to cut them off right away but the word of God does give warning to fear the lord. As the Apostle Paul "What then shall we say?  Shall we continue in sin so that grace may increase? Certainly not! How can we who died to sin live in it any longer" God for-bid Romans 6.1

Once a person is truly saved and ind-welled by the Holy Spirit some people say that they are sealed and nobody can tear them out of the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is actually written in Romans 8.35.  But there are those who preach if they backslide, they could be cut off and there's no more sin offering for them. It's called biblical wise : not trampling the blood of Christ Hebrew 10:29 or as in-counter reference in Romans 6.1 stated above. We don't have a license to sin especially for true believers who are truly saved. I have known true believers who I believe appear truly saved and heard a few of them swearing and seen them doing things that they shouldn't have been doing. As a true believer I would just advise them to review their commitment on the day of their salvation. Yes sometimes they would react angry. I also pray for them as well. You know people have a cross to bear especially true believers. How many people are truly willing to pick up that cross? You know the Bible says you must rebuke people with long suffering. 2 Timothy 4:2 So, you might ask yourself why is it long suffering? Because you have to defend the gospel and your commitment to Christ especially if you're one of his disciples/a true believer in the lord and saved. God is holy and when you are a part of his body you are to be separate from the sinful world and uphold those things that are holy.

Now then Chad mentioned that in the last month or so prior to the date of July 17th 2020 that it had been the hardest time in his life regarding spiritual warfareSo, he's emotional about this deli-ma. He did say that at one time he had about a hundred thousand subscribers (Starting with his original channel) and he didn't have any moderators and he was handling everything himself. On top of that Chad said that he is a husband and whom of course has a wife and a full-time job. So today he spoke from his heart a little bit according to his own words. He talked about walking in newness of life once you are truly saved and we are called to be separate. Is this true? Absolutely! We need to be in the world but not of the world according to the gospel. 

 Chad says that there are tons of counterfeit Christians in the world. As he says these are people who profess the name of Jesus Christ but really don't believe in their heart. Yes this is true. Better said there are people with God on their lips but their hearts are far from HIMYou know the Devil is a master deceiver and he come’s preaching another gospel and another Jesus Christ. Galatians 1:8 He is the prince and the God of this age, of this world. Chad says/stresses just look at religion, legalism and false Gospels.   Now this can be a huge debate of course. There is one gospel being the 66 books combination with the new testament and I prefer the King James Bible.
Chad says we are saved through faith alone and through grace alone and through Christ alone. What does he mean by Christ alone? There's no one else that died for your sins but the biblical Jesus Christ. The one the Bible  describes and I would recommend the King James Bible. 

Chad mentions that believers are apparently in different walks of life along their Journey. He's grown in the faith as he says since he was saved being a while back now.   I believe it was Apostle Paul who talked about the solid food or the milk for beginning believers. As one matures in the faith and grows spiritually each person is probably at a different stage from the other. It doesn't mean that some believers aren't at the same stage in their so-called walk with the Lord.  

People have different gifts and as written in scripture in 1 Corinthians 12:21 "And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you." People were given different gifts and the body has many parts. In other words many members. As written in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 kjv "4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all."
So, Chad says that the Lord is still working in him and he will be until the day he is passed on/dead in the body or is rapture-d. Of course Chad is right when he says our attitude towards sin should change once the truth has set us free. True!

 Chad said he had nasty comments, fighting and emails going on and this has upset him / stressed him / caused him great concern. I think this is horrible. It truly is a cross and somebody said there was a bumper sticker saying "it's not God that I hate but it's his fan club." Are they really his fans? Strange times and you know it happens. We are living in a day similar to that of Noah's day. Christ said that his sheep hear his voice and they obey and they won't go to another sheepfold. So many people are not his sheep but they think they are. That doesn't mean that they can't be one day. You know the Christianity of today is not the Christianity of the end of the first Century. The gospel tells us that wolves came in and would not spare the sheep. History also confirms this. Act 20:29 Why does it matter. In some cases it has little bearing for some but in another way the  lord meant it to be different. You would have to study the way they did it in the 1st century to understand that. These days they have turned the house of the lord into a house of merchandise. I am reminded of John 2:16 quite often.

Chad also says that he loves each and every one of those people subscribed to his You-tube Channel. He is talking even about people whom attacked him. He said "I love you" in his own words. He has never preached a works salvation message is what he said. 

Chad finished his message with 1st Corinthians Chapter 1 10 -18. You know there should be peace in the body of Christ. People argue biblical prophecy and they also argue many other doctrines but they forget to love and that is why Christ said FEW BE THERE THAT FIND IT in their lifetimes. There have been preachers that I specifically heard about or read about/even known about that have quit all together because of the bickering and fighting among-st believers including preachers. None of us are perfect and some of us have understanding Scripture Wise/Other Wise but not in all areas while other people confuse it and take it out of context. No one is perfect. And the Bible is wonderful to have the word of God. It is the living word of God and also a manual filled with so much including prophecy. Christ is the life also and many people forget to live the life in Christ. Could you imagine fixing a computer and you studied the Manuel intensely and thoroughly but when it comes to the actual mechanical workmanship you're lost and confused. There are musicians who have become very famous who can't read dots on a page which of course to those trained are musical notes. Not to say that we shouldn't study scripture as we should. The word of God says that we should study and show ourselves approved unto the lord. 2 Timothy 2:15 But in these end times it was foretold and it is written in Scripture that people would become cold and wicked. Matthew 24:12 Where is the love gone? Where is the Christ glorified in people today? You know the gospel tells us blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth.  Matthew 5:9 & of course as written in Psalm 118:26 "Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord: we have blessed you out of the house of the Lord."
I would like to see Chad continue in his walk with the Lord and grow in wisdom and overcome these obstacles in his way. I would ask people to pray for him and be supportive as well as understanding. God loves him. Would be nice if he could continue what he was doing and as I say overcome these divisions that don't sit well with the body of Christ. As written in 1 Corinthians 14:33 "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints".

Let God judge people's hearts. Bless you CHAD! 

Recommended Links :  Interview with Chad Thomas, Founder of Watchman on the Wall 88 –  Welcome to I Am a Watchman! 

Other: Forfeited souls lost for eternity

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