Tuesday 7 April 2020

A word about the day in which we live

Tuesday April 8, 2020 12:44 am

Lean not on your own understanding. Proverb 3.5-6 KJV We are in trying times as the world is gripped by a world wide pandemic. Strange that in modern times they put such things in movies. As the movie : The Apocalypse. Then they have movies such as : Men in black and others. We've also had films regarding religion. That is Ben-Hurr, The Ten Commandments, Jesus of Nazareth, and others. Then we had documentaries and books regarding ancient times. You know that saying "The actor plays the part!". 

You know what Jesus said! That God's thoughts are above men's thoughts. Matter of fact it is written in the word of God that those things that humans highly esteem are an abomination to God. You know you might be looking at your favorite band that is famous or actor or television sitcom and might be wondering wow these people are so talented and God must have given him/her that incredible talent. While it's true these people are gifted and those gifts can  momentarily give us pleasures they could also lead a person into perpetual sin such as Fame has destroyed many lives. You know the saying money is the root of all evils. So what am I getting at? Well with this enemy the corona-virus being a worldwide epidemic people in biblical circles and even outside of biblical circles are wondering what this is. Did God send this and is it a punishment for our sins? If it started in Wuhan China and it came from bats and somehow has gotten to humans then it couldn't have come from God some might reason. Some will turn to science and look at the genetic makeup of this virus. Either way I have read some of the information about how such may have happened and they say that people are just guessing when they try to say it's this or that. I said it before that God said in the gospel through his prophets where were you when I built/created the Earth? Did you give me counsel? Can you tell me what measurements I used? You see we are not God but we underestimate his divine power and his mighty hand. Why? Because we can't phone him up and talk to him and hear his voice as we would another human. We have prayer which is communication. Some people actually walk with God. Ever hear the term God works in mysterious ways? It's true. His capabilities are only a shadow of what we understand. How do we know that? Because of the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ and what he told us, what he taught us and the miracles he performed. It is also written in the gospel that he would show us mighty things that we know not of if we would lend our ears and serve him. We live in a fallen world which is hell for some and may appear as heaven for others. Some people drink alcohol and get drunk and try to wipe out their sorrows. Does it work? No it may be a temporary fix and it might fix you right into the grave. Some people turn to drugs and to the worldly ways for entertainment. All they are is distractions filled with sin. They are illusions. Humans do so many things that could astonish us such as go to outer space, build enormous buildings and very beautiful automobiles and airplanes. We might sit there in ah even at the magnificent artwork or fashion human come up with. But it is all abomination filled in a sense to God. While some of these things might contribute to our everyday life they don't add anything that stores up treasures in heaven. Some of us had great fun times in our youth perhaps when we owned for example an expensive sports car. And we would wash that car and treat it like a lady. We would be so impressed with how it looked and sometimes with the power it had. Sometimes on the weekend we would go on the town and feel so cool/good. We would see life in a bubble. And I am sure there were other such things we could relate to. In a world that can seem so unfair and other times feel like heaven it can become confusing. And it's very complicated while some people might think it's simple. Because there are crippled people and people born with all sorts of physical impairments. There are children with cancer suffering and even babies being born with defects. There have been wars with millions of people that have died and pestilences like the bubonic plague and the Spanish flu. We live in a place with life and death before us. The Lord Jesus Christ said choose life as there is no life in sin but death. God put life and death before us as he created the Earth after the fall. You know what I wanted to get at  prior was that people told Christ look at the temple, I guess in Jerusalem in his day. Probably the splendor of that Temple which took a long time/centuries to build and they wanted to perhaps see what he thought. He said I tell you destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it again. Of course he was talking about his body. And I guess why I went so deep into this is because what men highly esteemed is foolishness and in fact an abomination to God just as written. We can't understand this as carnal fallen human beings. We see things in a bubble. Did you ever think while somebody is living it up in one part of the world some baby is being aborted or somebody is going through hell in another part of the world. How do we justify this? Or somebody is starving in one part of the world in some city or town while somebody has an abundance and is selfish as hell in another part of the world. Some people think God is so loving why would he send people to hell. He said to love your neighbor as yourselves. We send ourselves to hell people.

Now then with the corona-virus bringing the world to a halt people think where is God and why is this happening. Is this judgment from God or is this just human error. Some say this is a reflection that occurs after/because of the fall of mankind. Scripture tells us that nothing happens without God's involvement or signature. We're not talking about really evil things of the devil. We're talking about his/God's Council and some things he allows to happen for some reason that he has. We might not see it physically because it is spiritual in nature. But we have to trust in what is it written in the gospel. Just think about it. How do you suppose all those great prophets we're able to make prophetic predictions with great accuracy such as Isaiah's. They had God with them.

Now is the world going to go back to what it was before? After this pandemic ends will life go back to what it was. To be honest it will probably never be the same. It might recover and we might even discover how to overcome this virus. But down the road another plague may come or even some natural disaster. The truth is we are accountable for our actions to a God that many people deny that does exist. Some people even have said this will turn into the New World Order. Somewhere down the road it's quite possible. But we can't be a hundred percent sure that it is this moment in time. We can suspect! What matters is are we saved and are we following the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Or are we wasting our time on worldly things that only hinders our walk with a living God. That is with the lord Jesus Christ.

People are given different gifts and many are called but few are chosen. Matthew 22:14 KJV Ever hear the phrase that people put God into a box. Some will say we will use the gospel and that will be our book by what we measure and weight everything. The messiah Jesus Christ warned us about that servant who slacked off when his master was away and sort of how he lost his inheritance. Many are going to hear on the day of judgement that he never knew them. So the just of the matter is God doesn't change yesterday, tomorrow or forever. What does matter is are you saved and do you know the Lord Jesus Christ. Have you repented. Where are you going to go when you close your eyes and step into eternity? God put life and death before you and he sent his only begotten son that who ever believes in him should not perish but have life eternal. John 3:16 You have prayer and the gospel. You also have a risen true living Messiah named the Lord Jesus Christ and you can turn to him/gospel. He is more than a friend. In my house we serve the Lord. What about your house? Who do you serve? Jesus once said come to me all you laden that are burdened and I will give you rest. Mathew 11:28 KJV Call out to him and repent of your sins. Try wiping the dust off your Bibles. Try reading it. Lean not on your own understanding. Your trust and faith must be put in the God of the bible/Jesus Christ. You cant please God without doing that. 

I admire Chad's heart and so I am putting his video message here.

What If TODAY Was Your Last Day???

Updated: 04.8.2020 8.22. am

Calling saints pray for corona virus victims

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