Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Evil manifestations in Christian values

December 25, 2019 6.19 pm

Evil manifestations in Christian Values

Christians are not better than one and another. Jesus said the least must be first to demonstrate this. What is a Christian? A believer in the biblical Jewish Jesus Christ. In the first centuries they were called believers in messiah. Hopefully they learn and obey Jesus Christ's teachings. Hopefully people believe in the biblical Jewish Jesus Christ and not deny the power thereof.

There is an article in a publication being Christian Media founded by the late evangelist preacher Billy Graham. The article is entitled: "Trump should be removed from office." The editor is Mark Galli. In current times there is so much wickedness is this world and I wanted to address some issues regarding this articles ramifications.


"On December 19, 2019, a day after the U.S. House of Representatives voted to file two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, Galli wrote an editorial entitled "Trump Should Be Removed from Office."[8] The publication said the criticisms of Trump were similar to the magazine's approach to the impeachment proceedings of presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton.[9] "


I've seen them call Street Preachers hate preachers in Canadian media recently and actually bunch them true hate groups some of them being violent of course with Biblical Street Preachers. Scripture tells us that in the end days it will be as so. The word of God tells us good will be seen as evil and evil will be seen as good in the end days/end times. It also tells us that people will be lovers of entertainment in the end days which is very true. People will follow anything that is none biblical, wicked, deceiving with contempt. Scripture tells us people will be into spirituality and deny the power thereof in these end times/days. It tells us a lot more in mind boggling detail. And we have been seeing that.

People will follow anything that is far removed from the biblical truth. Scripture tells us people will be into spirituality/materialism and entertainment and deny the power thereof in the last days. Great knowledge will be increased.  It tells us a lot more in detail as it is exactly as it says in real life. We learn from "The Book of Revelation" that God hates lukewarm preaching/i:e Luke warm Christians and he would vomit such out of his mouth. This is what we have today being the great falling away that scripture tells us about. Matter a fact we're seeing prophecies being fulfilled these days. Did you know the twentieth century has been the most bloody and violent ever. 

It's stunning to know how accurate/realistic the word of God is and this is because it is God-breathed. It did not come from man. Men were moved to record those words that came from the Holy Spirit. There's no other book like it on the face of the Earth. The word of God is a Living Word and it is truth. There is so much going on in the world that many people are blind too in these end days. True Christians are told to pray for their leaders. I've heard it said that they are not to take part in politics. The evils we see today are unprecedented. When true Christians stand up for the word of God many see them as hateful. There's a cross to bear. That cross is not in vain. As I say there's been an article written on President Trump. This article is by Christianity Today as written above. It is said that as this publication being Christian Media was founded by the late evangelist preacher Billy Graham. The article is entitled, "Trump should be removed from office." There have been interviews, some debate/discussions regarding this issue on media. They say/report   the president has been impeached. They are waiting for the Democrats to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate. And there is drama present.

Jerry Falwell Junior has appeared on Fox News defending the president. And in his defense he talked about Jesus Christ. In fact Jerry called the president a champion for people of faith. I just thought its important to point out some issues/things as I say. The editor of the magazine being Mark Galli whom is extremely educated and has written published books is calling for President Trump's removal from office. He's basically saying that Christians should stand up for Christian values. He says that people that take the 10 commandments seriously and Jesus seriously should use moral judgment and stand united to remove the president. In other words based on everything known president Trump has an immoral character and he is saying Mr. Trump is unfit for office. Video interviews HERE & HERE

Jesus Christ said the one without sin throw the first stone. My personal view as a Christian in the  biblical Jewish Jesus Christ is that while things  may appear to be as seen/reported in some ways it's best to let due process complete its self before you condemn. Pray!!! condemn NOT!

Jerry Falwell Jr is the Liberty University president. He basically says that there's a far-left extremist group in Evangelical biblical Christianity that took the opportunity before Christmas to point out the difference between true Christianity and fair say, being judgmental Christianity. Jerry's making the case that this is done unfairly and wrongly as the timing was chosen is vindictive and cunning. Jerry says that there's an elite establishment among the religious community just like there is in the government, there is a liberal and left-wing group that thinks they are more moral and smarter than the rest of us.  Smarter??? So Jerry makes an analogy based upon if Jesus were here today how he would be seen as a Walmart shopper and insulted. ((He is RISEN)). He talks about the Pharisees and how they were always trying to trap the lord Jesus Christ and Jerry said Jesus Christ saved his harshest criticism for the religious Elite of his day. So Jerry says that we are seeing that same thread throughout the two thousand year rain of history. So basically, Jerry is saying that this group that's always existed somehow thinks that they are morally better than other Christians. Not in God's eyes perhaps! This is the troublesome issue where Christians are judging Christians now. This is the part that concerns me. Jerry says that Christ said judge not that you be not judged. The Bible says to use moral righteous judgement. It doesn't tell us we are not the judge. It tells us condemn not. You know I talked about the circumcision of the heart somewhat before. Christ told Nicodemus unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. I've read an article where a Christian man thinks that the second rebirth is in heaven and born again Christians are not really born again. But it isn't so. What do you think baptism is. Biblical baptism is the rebirth where people are giving spiritual gifts and the old man is done away with. And with the guidance of the Holy Spirit which teaches all things, in all truth you are given/assisted with the power to overcome those obstacles that you could not in your carnal state.

Now to get back to Jerry as he said this type of left-wing judgmental Christianity has turned more people off to Christianity then on. It could be so but we know there are false converts and we also know that the true way is very narrow. In fact Jesus Christ said that most people are on the broad way to destruction. Many people think there are many ways to God. The truth is the way it is very narrow. Christ said few be there that find it in their lifetime. Why? Because the world loves its own and the world is concerned with its own. People get enslaved to all the worldly ways and then they despise the true way because there's a cross to bear and people are led astray too. As Jerry points out that Christ said look at the beam in your own eye before you look at taking the beam/spec out of your brother's eye. That's true. But we got to be able to "acknowledge" the biblical truth. The Bible makes it perfectly clear what is an Abomination to God and as Jesus Christ made it clear that his followers referred to as his sheep follow him and obey. He told us Satin will not cast out Satan for if he does this how can his kingdom stand. We know Satan has a kingdom. Many people try to serve two masters. We also know that the heart of people is abundantly wicked. This is why Jesus Christ said every liar will have their part in the Lake of fire unless they repent and believe on the gospel. So basically Jerry said that it is ironic that they chose this week to do what they did in this magazine. I guess he's making the case that it being Christmas and the impeachment Articles have to go to the Senate this might help remove President Trump. In other words it's deliberate and Evil. 

But I think one of the most troublesome issues is Christians thinking they are being better than one another. You have preachers calling out preachers and Christians calling out Christians. I've seen all of this. I seen a writing by Mark Zender a Bible scholar who talked about a bumper sticker that said its not God I hate but his fan club referring to Christians. There are people thinking they are that and are not! There are people whom think they are Christians and are deceived. It can get so overwhelming in biblical Christianity that they use Jesus Christ against the Apostle Paul. People argue all the time about biblical principles. Christ also said he is the life. He said no man can come to the father but through him. The Bible tells us that God searches the heart and he knows our thoughts. It tells us that nothing is hidden to/from God. I think before you make a final judgment you have to let due process fulfill itself. We can make a moral judgment based upon what we hear in media and what we know from somebody's past but it should not be with contempt. Remember no one is perfect. But people that are not involved in the political process that is still in progress should really wait to make any type of judgment that is final as citizens of the US or human-beings. So Jerry is right when he says if you are without sin then go ahead and cast that first stone. No one's perfect but I do think the president of the United States being Donald Trump has done some good/great things. He's not perfect. But as Christians and believers in Jesus Christ that is the biblical Jewish Jesus Christ people should let due process fulfill itself. People should be praying for Donald Trump and everybody else including the left wing Elites. God does not think like people do as he says himself his thoughts are above men's thoughts/ways. He tells us in his word that the wisdom of the world is foolishness. The heart is abundantly wicked and people have many faults, sins and they fall away. People worship people, money and absolute power absolutely corrupts. 

In the interview with Fox News Jerry Falwell said that Jesus Christ hung around sinners being the tax collector and other such people. Yes it's true because he said himself as some people need a doctor/preacher. But he didn't conform to their sinful ways. He change them and turn them to God's ways. You see people use this as an excuse to amalgamate into even biblical Christianity things that are sinful and not biblical. A preacher preached recently that a  little poison added to Gods word takes us off course and changes scripture. Jesus said be in the world but don't take part in its wickedness. But many people do just that and they don't see it as wrong. When you have spiritual discernment and biblical righteous judgement then you could better make a proper analysis focused with righteous judgment. How do you sum this up? The heart is abundantly wicked and what does it profit a man or a woman to gain the world and lose/forfeit their own soul.

People often judge other people but if they could see how God sees them as a bag of filthy  rags they would understand why Christ said he will tell many on the day of judgement he never knew them. He says many have God on their lips but their hearts are far from him. You can see the fruits of people. Christ knew this because he was the son of God. I remember the scene in the Ten Commandments where there was death and mourning as the plagues came upon Egypt. Moses said shut the door and let death pass. I'll remind you as written in the gospel, absent from the body present with the Lord, absent from the body present in torment. What is a life? It's only a short period while you are on Earth. Jesus Christ said that those that listen to his teachings and obey them is like a wise man who built a house on a solid foundation. He gave many parables to explain these things. People should be praying for their leaders and realize that there is evil in the world and the Heart Is abundantly Wicked. Let due process finish. Pray that there is some growth Gods way/will. 

Please listen to my video message on Christian values & forgiveness.


Update 12-27-2019 8.18 pm

The world is deceived and God has a will. This world is EVIL and HATES GOD. Remember the devil is the prince of this world. God MUST have a reason to have it exist as in such a state/condition that it does. Without the shedding of blood you cannot receive forgiveness. He is RISEN ((AMEN))

Jesse Morrell a street preacher has his views as an American citizen and preacher.  In this video below: Jesse an Open Air Street Preacher entitled: "On The Trump impeachment Scam The Democrats are  organized crime." Jesse weights in on this impeachment process in America.

Journalist leaves Christian Post  amid its plans to attack Christianity Today
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