Saturday 27 October 2018

The tongue an unruly evil



Praising the lord on piano. Hope you can enjoy these performances. Worship the messiah (11-2018)
We are living at a time as said whereby evil is sufficient for that day. They say "PRIDE" comes before a fall which is the truth. Today no doubt we have arrived at that time as foretold whereby there is a great falling away from morals and people are more and more vanity based. They have in part legalized drugs and gay marriage. Unfortunately this is against God. 

What does all of this mean? They/people are not ONLY extremely sinful but they have accepted more & more carnal sinful ways that leads to hell instead of life in Christ. So many are blind to the gospel truth and follow men but not God. Not the gospel. People take the name of God in vain and so many smokers today defile themselves and others with second hand smoke. The manufacturers of such will SEE HELL. The gospel says if you destroy your temples God will destroy YOU. Christ said "every liar will have their part in the lake of fire" and when a person is spiritually inclined and aware then it is understood why! No one gets away with anything unless repented and actually changed, but God is judge in the end.  That great falling away is here in these end times/days. The tongue is prideful, boasts and does the work of the enemy instead of God when it is carnal and evil based. People have IDOLS and they dress like them and imitate them. They follow the entertainments of the world that is vanity based and in most cases serves Satin and not God. This does not mean everything is evil but it is said everything is passing away. You must stay away from those that defile you. It is written than God will then receive you. 

The redundancy is that even though many people have built up much they will leave with nothing and parish. They will end up in torment/hell. Many people know people for what they did in life and many people don't "really" know the heart of people. There is such a thing as strict NONE LUKE WARM preaching. There is such a thing as righteous anger. Do not sin in your anger. Many people hate the biblical truth and follow the world of Satin's counterfeit while they are wicked never perceiving how truly wicked they are.  They will think those following the lord in spirit and truth are strange and weird when they are the ones following paganism that is offered unto demons and devils as it is written.

I knew someone who were told by their mom, if you have nothing good to say "bide that tongue". True! But they were under the impression that you only love those who love you. Many follow a foreign Christ. This was foretold.

The very sad thing is so many have TIME for the worldly ways but not for their husbands, loved ones, and God.  Many reap nothing and are spiritually dead!

You MUST get rid of those idols and put God first in everything if it be possible for you today. "If not" pray and call out to Christ NOW.  Please pray for those who are wicked, deceived, persecute you, are evil and for yourselves as a day is coming soon when GOD will bring wrath to the entire earth because of sins. Christ is coming back!! Are you ready?  Will he find you sinful and unready. You will be left behind is so. We are in the end times/days and now is the time to turn back to the God of the bible and away from the defiled evil ways of the fallen world.  Get saved and don't leave earth without salvation in Christ. There is NO OTHER.

It is JUST a matter of time when things will wax worst and worst and it really will become apparent and vivid across the earth. Seek God. WAKE UP from your slumber. Wake up from your sleep and sin no more.

Of course I have covered  "The tongue an unruly evil" before but we do it again in this video audio sermon massage.  People are BLIND to how evil they really are and think their friends are GOOD when they are as wicked as hell. 

Your speech has the power to get you thrown into hell fire. Out of the abundance of your heart.. that is your spirit the heart speaks. They will regret this one day when trembling and giving God an account for their sinful lives and evil ways presents it's self.

YOU MUST be born again of the spirit of GOD. Heaven and earth will pass away but the word of God will NEVER pass away. He does know his sheep!! They hear his voice, obey and listen to him. He is the only mediator between God and man. 

Praise his holy name.


The tongue an unruly evil!!!

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