Monday 13 August 2018

What is relevant

Christianity is about knowing God and he is interacting with us through prayer and his word. This of course would include his only begotten son Jesus Christ otherwise born as "Yeshua" as he was Jewish.  Is Christianity true? Depends on which version you follow. The God and Christ of the King James Bible is real and yes is the rejected cornerstone. That is Jesus Christ was rejected, mocked and hated. He is an unmovable rock and a true King. 

To be saved you must repent of your sins and ask Christ into your life. Cry out to God and say you would like to be forgiven of your sins. Believe he died and rose again on the 3rd day in your heart and call upon the lord/Jehovah and you shall be saved. And read his word when you can so your faith can grow and blossom as faith comes by hearing the word of God. Then you must be born again of the spirit and water. Find a pasture or bible believing Church or Congregation and go there and tell them you would like to get Baptist-ed in full immersion and die to your old man/sinful self and be reborn of the spirit. Do it. Then you may receive the gifts of the holy ghost but you have to be serious. There is no fooling the creator God. He knows our thoughts. 

Like many other people I wonder about things. Why was the name of God taken out of the bible? Well I did a we bit of research and one reason was that Christ was Jewish and way back in the centuries the bible came out I am told Christ was hated by the Romans and Greeks. In fact the Christians from that time period were despised too. They felt that a Jewish Christ would not have sold many bibles. They say antisemitism also existed at that time. They say not other biblical names were not removed nor Satin's name. Satin does everything he can to pull the wool over people's eyes. And yes he exists as they know demonic s exists as well as fallen angels and Christ.

Who is Christ Jesus? That is his English translation from the Greek and he was born as "Yeshua" which mean "savior of his people." Christ kept the sabbath and the law perfectly. He was the suffering servant who came and was written about that he would take away the sins of the world. Yes, it is he!  He was the word of God that was in the beginning, became flesh and dwelt among us. Without his word nothing created was created. He was the suffering servant foretold by prophets and was born from a virgin. He claimed that before Abraham he was and that he & the father were one. The Jewish people rejected him, hated him, but not all of them. His doctrine/word came from God. He demonstrated where the religious leaders went  wrong by reading the letter of the law but disobeyed the heart off the law. He demonstrated how wicked the inside of the pharisees & Sagittarius/scribes were by making an analogy with the washing/none washing of the hands of the apostles as apposed to the pharisees questioning why they don't wash their hands after picking corn. The sermon on the mount was profound that Christ preached and it showed what is expected of a person as well as how valuable God values people. God esteems the upright. He demonstrated by cursing the fig tree and it died that those who don't bare good fruit are cut down and they wither away. They parish. In other words they are thrown into the fire. At the end of time Christ said he will instruct his angels to gather the tars and cast them into the fire/hell. Are you saved?

The bible was written by more than 40 authors over a long period of time. Some were prophets, scribes, believers such as Paul and the apostles, Moses, many others. The bible was edited-it and these men were moved by the holy ghost/spirit to write/record the words of the bible. The full 66 books of the King James Bible exists because the living God wanted it too. God foretold the beginning from the end. Christ never instructed anyone to kept any pagan traditions but he did say "you will keep your own traditions making to null effect the living word of God." His doctrine came from his father which is his word. In the beginning was the word and nothing made was made without it. The word became flesh and dwelt among us. Christ is the word of God. He bought/purchased his church with his blood. You were purchased with a price and you are not your own. This included people that are evil. "A man can gain the whole world and lose his soul." What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul. Are you saved?

Christ said where two or three are gathered in my name there I am.  He also instructed us to pray and ask God things in his name. To cast out demons in his name. He said nothing is impossible to the believer if they have the faith of a mustard seed. In fact he said if the world hates you know it hated me first. There are some he called out of the world and that is why they are hated. "Yeshua" said that the first must be last among us. When we give do not let the right hand know what the left hand did. Just do it! When we get to judgment day it will be quite a day as the world is reluctant to obey God. Many will be brought to shame. Glory is always Gods as the earth is his foot stole.

We wrestle not NOT against flesh and blood but against a wicked and evil world unseen to us. This world effect people in different ways. It seeks to put Satin the Anti-Christ to rule the world.  In fact he is the prince of this world. They know that a one world government is in the works and the bible foretold this. We have entered the end times/end days when it is the beginning of sorrows.  It's hard to believe that with 195/196 Countries in the world a one world government will come into being and a one world religion will surface as we are told in Biblical prophecy.  The world/universe moans because of sin as we are told.  It seems surreal to think and believe the 666 Mark of the beast will be in effect in all the nations of the earth. However it will happen. It will happen because God does not error but man does. In what manner it happens I don't know. But those who are deceived have a blame as much as the ones doing it. The ones teaching that which is contrary to the truth gospel will have to give God an account for doing that.

The trinity is not supported by the bible but the God head is. They say it was added later because the bible had been edited to support the 3/in one God. Baptism was to be performed in the name of God/The messiah/Christ. When we worship God we are told to do it in spirit and truth. Many come in the name of Christ and they are wolves in sheep's clothing. That means they look good to the world but their deception is known to the living God. Hell exists and God is not mocked but the evil parish as the bible says. Get saved as soon as you are able. Walk with Christ and not the defiled and wicked/evil world. Sin brings forth shame and then spiritual death. Your speech can send you to hell. The tongue has the power of life and death

Remember the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains if you really believe. Ask and believe you receive what you ask but don't over do it.  God is REAL. Pray and serve God instead of people trying to defile you.

If you look on the news you can see we are in the same type of time when Noah was around. The earth is FULL of evil, deception and demonic s as well. You MUST deny yourselves and enter in at the straight gate. If you want to be a disciple
of Christ you MUST pick up your cross, deny yourselves and follow him.

It is important to stress that there have been people that mocked God and had near death experiences whereby they were clinically dead yet they were able to tell detailed information about things happening in the hospital in other rooms and floors. Some seen hell and they were able to come back and tell about it. God's word says to fear him and not man. God can send you to hell. The deeds of man may be impressive as God created him and gave him a mind/brain but at the same time his deeds are "very" wicked and evil in nature. Really! Yes! Jesus Christ testified against man. Go ponder that.  Just look at the evil around the world. We have truly arrived. Get saved.

The bible warns about adding and subtracting from the word of God.

“I warn everyone who hears the words
of the prophecy of this book:
If anyone adds anything to them,
God will add to him the plagues
described in this book.
And if anyone takes words away
from this book of prophecy,
God will take away from him
his share in the tree of life.”
(Revelation 22:18,19
The suppression of The Name of God is: (Jehovah).
The Name of
   God – YHWH (translated Jehovah in English) 

In these end times people are falling away. This was foretold. The gospel must be preached to the end of the earth and then the end will finally come. Put your faith in God's word and keep his commandments. You know Christ said if he did not come they would not have anything to worry about but know that he did they are without excuse. Hell is real and many will TREMBLE and they are hell bound. Get saved!

Repentance needs to be serious. YOU MUST CHANGE! You must turn from darkness to light and come out of the hands of Satin. God will make you a new creature in Christ Jesus.

8.17.2017 Addition

A candid sermon/talk of reasoning about the bible and the faith in Christ. Here is another video regarding that issue. The bible is TRUE! Yes TRUE! God is the author of life. And the bible records his word and his commandments. So many ASSUME that the bible was created by man. It was guided/moved by the spirit of God unto men to record and write those words. 

Now a little song about what is relevant is the believers life. Praise him always. When Jesus Christ (Yeshua) was baptized by John the baptist a voice was heard from the heaven saying, "This is my son listen to him". Can you imagine  the people standing around who heard this what they thought.


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