December 5, 2019 8:55 pm
Luke 24:5-7 King James Version (KJV)
"5 And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee, 7 Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again."
Why do you search for
the living among the dead? Christ is risen. Many people are spiritually dead and deceived greatly. Many live they live a lie and in a lifetime few be there that find that narrow door. Christ said "Let the dead bury the dead". He also said "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." When you die from this life your spirit/soul does not die as you are either absent from your bodies and present with the lord or absent from your bodies and in
torment/hell. Every thought is known to God and narrow is the way that leads to life.
Now then man's God is money. Man is sometimes made appointed himself his own God. Money can't save you. ((Error is not truth)). You cannot follow the world and God. You cannot serve two masters. Money cannot buy you love but it also won't and can't save you. Salvation is of the Lord. The truth can set you free. Pilate asked what the truth is. He certainly could not have understood. Either did many of the Jewish religious leaders of Christ's day. They even treated John the Baptist with contempt as they did the Apostles. Pontius Pilate had Christ scourged as he thought he was a king according to the Sanhedrin hi priest/representative of the Sanhedrin syn-agog religious outfit of Christ's day. Interesting when Christ restored the sight of the blind man who the Pharisees/Scribes said faked his blindness. As they were so wicked/prideful they called a true miracle lies. They were religious, arr-agent and lost. Are YOU? So many people are blind to the biblical truth. So many people keep their own traditions and they worship in vain. Some biblical believers think because Salvation is by grace through faith once saved there is nothing more to do. They think once saved you can keep pagan traditions and be in the world and this is acceptable as everything was nailed to the cross and we live not by the law. A friend of the world makes themselves the enemy of God. See, the world loves its own. Christ loved the broken & lost but he didn't do as they do. The apostles did not keep pagan traditions and they were devout Jewish men afraid at times but they came to faith in a profound way and what a huge price thwy paid. So many people are spiritually dead as I once was and believing in ones own righteousness is improper. Reprobates are sinners who are not of the elect and are predestined to damnation unless they repent and believe on the gospel. So many have been bewitched and blinded to the glory of the gospel of Jesus Christ by the God of this world. There is no Salvation among the dead for if the lord Jesus Christ being a Jewish savior did not rise from the dead on the 3rd day then we are still in our sins. However, he did RISE! Give him thanks and praise.
Now then in a material world why would money be a God to mankind when it is used and also earned mostly to live and survive? Mathew 15:19 "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornication's, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:"
The world is fallen and its deeds are evil just as the Messiah said so. Money can buy "things" (CANNOT/WILL NOT SAVE YOU) and as Christ said
People worship Gold/Jewelry/Money/Creators/Things/Self and even the devil. In vain do they worship God. As written and as the Lord Jesus Christ said so you cannot do anything without Christ. He is the vine and we are the branches if we abide in him. If not we will be cut down and thrown into the fire. Please note the fire is hell/destruction/outer darkness. So then there is life of the vine/the savior of the world.
When the lord Jesus Christ turned the water to wine at the banquet wedding that was to signify a few things. People were getting married and when two join together in marriage they become one flesh. As they say let no man separate what God has joined together. The feast and marriage to the lamb will be GREAT as this is between true believers of Messiah the savior and his called out ones being the members of the body of Christ whom will enter eternal joy where every tear will have been wiped away. This feast will usher in everlasting joy minus evil. The former things will have passed away as written in the gospel. The question you must ask yourselves is the same question Pilate asked. What is the truth? Ask yourselves "Am I living in the truth", "have I been deceived?" Ask yourselves "Am I following the real gospel" being the King JamesBible/Christ's gospel and do I read it? Ask yourselves if you understand prophecy and God's word to come out of her.
The Gospel is the TRUTH as you are not saved by GOOD WORKS nor by doing things that God's says is an abomination in his word.
A tree is known by it's fruits. An evil man cannot bring forth good fruits. When you go to a funeral do you look for the living among-st the dead. As Christ asked someone who was weeping at someones death he siad "Why do you cry" as stating that the person is only sleeping.
You should know Christ is the God of the living. He swallowed death up on the cross. Oh death where is your sting. As I said already Christ said let the dead bury the dead. He is RISEN and LIVES! Are you sure you know what true life is. It's in Christ!/Obeying him! And knowing HIM! Are you in Christ or in the world of vanity, unbelief, sin and a counterfeit gospel. Have you examined yourselves you see if you are "truly" saved and in the faith.
torment/hell. Every thought is known to God and narrow is the way that leads to life.
Now then man's God is money. Man is sometimes made appointed himself his own God. Money can't save you. ((Error is not truth)). You cannot follow the world and God. You cannot serve two masters. Money cannot buy you love but it also won't and can't save you. Salvation is of the Lord. The truth can set you free. Pilate asked what the truth is. He certainly could not have understood. Either did many of the Jewish religious leaders of Christ's day. They even treated John the Baptist with contempt as they did the Apostles. Pontius Pilate had Christ scourged as he thought he was a king according to the Sanhedrin hi priest/representative of the Sanhedrin syn-agog religious outfit of Christ's day. Interesting when Christ restored the sight of the blind man who the Pharisees/Scribes said faked his blindness. As they were so wicked/prideful they called a true miracle lies. They were religious, arr-agent and lost. Are YOU? So many people are blind to the biblical truth. So many people keep their own traditions and they worship in vain. Some biblical believers think because Salvation is by grace through faith once saved there is nothing more to do. They think once saved you can keep pagan traditions and be in the world and this is acceptable as everything was nailed to the cross and we live not by the law. A friend of the world makes themselves the enemy of God. See, the world loves its own. Christ loved the broken & lost but he didn't do as they do. The apostles did not keep pagan traditions and they were devout Jewish men afraid at times but they came to faith in a profound way and what a huge price thwy paid. So many people are spiritually dead as I once was and believing in ones own righteousness is improper. Reprobates are sinners who are not of the elect and are predestined to damnation unless they repent and believe on the gospel. So many have been bewitched and blinded to the glory of the gospel of Jesus Christ by the God of this world. There is no Salvation among the dead for if the lord Jesus Christ being a Jewish savior did not rise from the dead on the 3rd day then we are still in our sins. However, he did RISE! Give him thanks and praise.
Now then in a material world why would money be a God to mankind when it is used and also earned mostly to live and survive? Mathew 15:19 "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornication's, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:"
The world is fallen and its deeds are evil just as the Messiah said so. Money can buy "things" (CANNOT/WILL NOT SAVE YOU) and as Christ said
Mathew 19:23-24 "Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. 24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
People worship Gold/Jewelry/Money/Creators/Things/Self and even the devil. In vain do they worship God. As written and as the Lord Jesus Christ said so you cannot do anything without Christ. He is the vine and we are the branches if we abide in him. If not we will be cut down and thrown into the fire. Please note the fire is hell/destruction/outer darkness. So then there is life of the vine/the savior of the world.
When the lord Jesus Christ turned the water to wine at the banquet wedding that was to signify a few things. People were getting married and when two join together in marriage they become one flesh. As they say let no man separate what God has joined together. The feast and marriage to the lamb will be GREAT as this is between true believers of Messiah the savior and his called out ones being the members of the body of Christ whom will enter eternal joy where every tear will have been wiped away. This feast will usher in everlasting joy minus evil. The former things will have passed away as written in the gospel. The question you must ask yourselves is the same question Pilate asked. What is the truth? Ask yourselves "Am I living in the truth", "have I been deceived?" Ask yourselves "Am I following the real gospel" being the King JamesBible/Christ's gospel and do I read it? Ask yourselves if you understand prophecy and God's word to come out of her.
"4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Revelation 18:4 King James Version.
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A tree is known by it's fruits. An evil man cannot bring forth good fruits. When you go to a funeral do you look for the living among-st the dead. As Christ asked someone who was weeping at someones death he siad "Why do you cry" as stating that the person is only sleeping.
You should know Christ is the God of the living. He swallowed death up on the cross. Oh death where is your sting. As I said already Christ said let the dead bury the dead. He is RISEN and LIVES! Are you sure you know what true life is. It's in Christ!/Obeying him! And knowing HIM! Are you in Christ or in the world of vanity, unbelief, sin and a counterfeit gospel. Have you examined yourselves you see if you are "truly" saved and in the faith.
Matthew 23:9 King James Version (KJV)
"9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."
Regarding this video below. Watch and learn from these video's. I could tell you it may be different on the day of Judgment than portrayed in these videos but they do offer some biblical shocking truths.
The walk is not easy. You must bear YOUR CROSS. It’s not just that people don't listen but that dark world is WICKED and does everything it can to many people to make them stumble. True that the walk is hard and takes a lot of faith and we fight a spiritual fight. The devil loves those deceived that he has in his back pocket. That demonic world is not GOOD. It is EVIL!
You watch the film below and I think it is accurate but it will be much worst than portrayed even in this film. The smoke of their torment went up for ever and ever! Can you understand God is a holy God and he knows every single thought as when you conspire to cheat people, do evil before HIM and even lie. Turn/Repent from SIN. Pride is an abomination to the lord.
You know I heard Justine Peters say that hell will be full of preachers, liars, false prophets & false teachers let alone evil doers unrepented nor saved. What man highly esteems God considers an abomination. If you examine the generations since mankind walked the earth of evil doers it is MUCH worst than even that. Read about HISTORY. A wicked heart is known to the lord. Hell is separation from God for eternity. Your wicked sinful friends of the world did not die for you on a Roman cross. The Jewish Savior of the world did. The love he demonstrated on the cross is the love the world lacks. Get SAVED.
Before your read this bible verse/scripture below ask yourselves
"DO YOU BARE YOUR CROSS.?"Are you saved and following the biblical Jesus Christ? Are you continually sinning and think God knows not and sees not.
The walk is not easy. You must bear YOUR CROSS. It’s not just that people don't listen but that dark world is WICKED and does everything it can to many people to make them stumble. True that the walk is hard and takes a lot of faith and we fight a spiritual fight. The devil loves those deceived that he has in his back pocket. That demonic world is not GOOD. It is EVIL!
You watch the film below and I think it is accurate but it will be much worst than portrayed even in this film. The smoke of their torment went up for ever and ever! Can you understand God is a holy God and he knows every single thought as when you conspire to cheat people, do evil before HIM and even lie. Turn/Repent from SIN. Pride is an abomination to the lord.
You know I heard Justine Peters say that hell will be full of preachers, liars, false prophets & false teachers let alone evil doers unrepented nor saved. What man highly esteems God considers an abomination. If you examine the generations since mankind walked the earth of evil doers it is MUCH worst than even that. Read about HISTORY. A wicked heart is known to the lord. Hell is separation from God for eternity. Your wicked sinful friends of the world did not die for you on a Roman cross. The Jewish Savior of the world did. The love he demonstrated on the cross is the love the world lacks. Get SAVED.
Before your read this bible verse/scripture below ask yourselves
"DO YOU BARE YOUR CROSS.?"Are you saved and following the biblical Jesus Christ? Are you continually sinning and think God knows not and sees not.
" Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us ." (Romans 8 L35 KJV)
Link : Why Do You Look for the Living among the Dead?
Look God loves you dearly as he sent his only begotten son to die on the cross so you could be forgiven your sins as he is the lamb that takes away the sins of the world. Please watch the testimonies about him. Many do not know him.
Here are some testimonies. You view them and hear their testimonies if they are real or fabrication God know the heart of men. We can consult the word of God for answers but listen/view these testimonies.
Testimonies (1) HERE
Testimonies (2) HERE
Here are some testimonies. You view them and hear their testimonies if they are real or fabrication God know the heart of men. We can consult the word of God for answers but listen/view these testimonies.
Testimonies (1) HERE
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