"Jesus Is Nailed to a Cross
and two (2) criminals were led out to be put to
death with Jesus. 33 When the soldiers came to the place called
“The Skull, they nailed Jesus to a cross. They also nailed the two criminals to
crosses, one on each side of Jesus."
Who was nailed to the cross/stake? The son of the living GOD. The King of Kings and a man that is much more then a man. A prince. The prince of peace. The heart of all hearts. The son of the living GOD whom is GOD. The love that men know NOT!
Who was nailed to the cross/stake? The son of the living GOD. The King of Kings and a man that is much more then a man. A prince. The prince of peace. The heart of all hearts. The son of the living GOD whom is GOD. The love that men know NOT!
Many of us know this story and it is very sad when one can sense the reality of what he went through despite the fact he was innocent. Now I know the son of man was to give his life as a ransom for many and he became the lamb that takes away the sins of the world. He paid the price in full and even said it is finished just before he drew his last breath. We were ALL bought with the price, and those wicked/evil people that care not when they are thrown into hell will be because they did not care that God sent his only begotten son into the world to pay the debt that people deserved. Yes he paid it. Are you aware of the love GOD must of had for his own creation/people as this was decided on before the foundation of the world was laid. This is why we must repent and believe on the gospel. This is the absolute truth. Can you imagine what the people there including his mother and disciples/Apostles saw that day. Can you imagine the feeling that was present and the events of that day. There was an earth-quake and the tearing of the veil that got torn. And some saints were raised. The POWER of GOD raised him from the dead. He is risen.
Women of Jerusalem don’t cry for me! Cry for yourselves and for your children. 29 Someday people will say, “Women who never had children are really fortunate!” 30 At that time everyone will say to the mountains, “Fall on us!” They will say to the hills, “Hide us!” 31 If this can happen when the wood is green, what do you think will happen when it is dry?[a]
He Knew the future as when one reads what he told this woman. I wonder if the woman could have understood what he was saying. Being the Christ I bet he knew his words would spread throughout the generations. That terrible day of the lord will eventually arrive. That is when God finally applies the wrath to people on earth as written in the gospel. In the day of the flood it was water. Now it will be the end of the end. The people that will experience that will be in great fear as the earth will go back and forth like a cottage that has been removed. The gospel says men's hearts will be failing them for great fear. They will see the sky scroll up. This is not fiction as those with spiritual eyes know the gospel is real. Turn from sin NOW!
This is a profound event and story. Yes it really happened. The GOOD NEWS apart from this horrible day is he is REAL and RISEN. He will give you the living water if you seek him, call upon him and ask him to come into your life and save you. That narrow door will open if you really care. He died for all. Don't wait as there is a life to come after this one. The question is where will you spent it in hell or with the lord.
Thanks him and praise him for what he did. See why YOU must not live in sin. So many are lovers of sin. Turn away from sin.
"Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers,
you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully
aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While
people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will
come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not
escape. But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to
surprise you like a thief. For you are all children of light, children of the
day. We are not of the night or of the darkness." —1 Thessalonians 5:1-5
"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.
The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be dissolved in the
fire, and the earth and its works will not be found"
"Since everything will be dissolved in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to conduct yourselves in holiness and godliness."

I will be looking into this later again but I updated the audio video.
Love is coming to the cross and repenting. Are you willing to pick up your cross and follow Christ? Many are not. Many love NOT the truth. The will of GOD is that you believe on the gospel and call upon the lord and get saved. Then to preach the gospel and bring others to the knowledge of the biblical truth. And of course to live holy.
Insert ********************************************************
Insert : September 22, 2018
I read just the section of Luke 23, 26, Jesus Crucified at Calvary. The whole story in MUCH more in-depth of course. Prior in the story Christ is sent to Pilate and he is beaten, flogged, and all sorts of horrible things are said when they insult him and question him. They flog him (Beat Him) (The Roman Soldiers) did as well as others who belittle/insult him when he appears before the council and even Herod the King and the chief priests, and scribes they even put this beautiful Robe on him. Christ was blindfolded and struck on the face. They blasphemous him by saying horrible sinful things against him. Somewhere in there the soldiers mocked him saying "Save yourself", even get yourself down from the cross. They insulted him and joked about holy things in which they had contempt. Yet on the cross he said forgive them for they KNOW NOT what they do to his father. Who was he talking about? The Jewish people, the crowd or the chief priests, the scribes, the soldiers, or even everyone. The point is Christ was truly holy and even the mockery of nailing him naked to a cross was extremely sinful. Just like when Christ accused the pharisees of being the children of those who killed the prophets they now became the sinners, the murders, the blasphemers, haters of those who accused an innocent man and either were accomplice too or the ones who actually killed him. Those people that struck him insulted him tempting him by insult to see some miracles saying to get himself down from the cross, and they called him the King of the Jews. Of course he did not full-fill their wicked evil desires as this was not the occasion. Now of course he died to pay the debt for the sins of the world, and it satisfied the father to crush him as it is written. To think about it he was sold out by Judas, denied by Peter and rejected by the religious leaders and scribes. Many people screamed "Crucify him!" What does that say about their pride, sin, contempt and arrogance? See why Christ taught the least must be first and those who humble themselves will be ex-halted. Think about it he said "there is NOT even one who is good." Our righteousness is a bag of dirt to God. This again is why a man must be born again of spirit and water to enter into the Kingdom of heaven. He only told (1) thief he would be in paradise that day. One MOCKED and one repented.
(End of insert) ***********************************************
(Insert: September 16, 2018 ************************************)
What did Jesus do? He said he was a King and he became a threat to the Sanhedrin and then the Roman Empire, King Herold and even Caesar. Remember Kings came when he was a baby to see him. There were good hear-ted Kings to. When they flogged him, it was also to teach him a lesson because saying he is a King was a threat to King Herold and the Kings of that day including the Roman Empire who demanded worship of their many God's. What he was too do was PROFOUND! Notice the sign on the cross said King of the Jews. Not King of Israel or Judea. I am sure this irritated them. When Pilate asked him, he said he was a King he said you say so as it is. See the people that followed Christ were to follow ONLY him and not those Kings. Their authority was too be from Christ as strange as it may sound. When he said give to Caesar what is Caesars the soul/your spirit is of God and not his. God gave you the breath and spirit when you were born. Not only that what do you own that is his? Perhaps he demands taxes but worship as a King too. See that is an abomination and blasphemy against the highest God. The rich man was instructed to give everything up and follow him and only then would he be granted eternal life with treasures in heaven that are not of men but of the eternal living God.
(End of insert************************************************)
What did Jesus do? He said he was a King and he became a threat to the Sanhedrin and then the Roman Empire, King Herold and even Caesar. Remember Kings came when he was a baby to see him. There were good hear-ted Kings to. When they flogged him, it was also to teach him a lesson because saying he is a King was a threat to King Herold and the Kings of that day including the Roman Empire who demanded worship of their many God's. What he was too do was PROFOUND! Notice the sign on the cross said King of the Jews. Not King of Israel or Judea. I am sure this irritated them. When Pilate asked him, he said he was a King he said you say so as it is. See the people that followed Christ were to follow ONLY him and not those Kings. Their authority was too be from Christ as strange as it may sound. When he said give to Caesar what is Caesars the soul/your spirit is of God and not his. God gave you the breath and spirit when you were born. Not only that what do you own that is his? Perhaps he demands taxes but worship as a King too. See that is an abomination and blasphemy against the highest God. The rich man was instructed to give everything up and follow him and only then would he be granted eternal life with treasures in heaven that are not of men but of the eternal living God.
(End of insert************************************************)
In conclusion what does the cross mean? Too
the world of hate, evil and self-interest whereby it may be complete nation's,
kings, peoples that make their own God's it may either mean nothing or is just a
story, or a process people go through in their deceived worship. They could also see it as an extension to their faiths. This includes hatred and they/many are enemies of the gospel. Can you imagine. Of course they are GREATLY deceived! Too others who
think he was a fraud it may be justice. Too people that are in pain in places where
there is no freedom it can be healing and hope, purpose and the answer. To the
devil, demons, fallen angels, saints that ever lived and peoples who put their
hope in Christ it mean eternity and the absolute trembling truth. Too
many evil people I bet it means curiosity in they question "can this be??" Truth
be told YES!
Too nations and people of POWER they probably
think we will never let someone like Christ take over the world even though
they may worship him or make it look like they do. Too many he is a business
and a name. Too powers that are under demonic control it means world control/domination and we know what scripture says about this. Can this really be? Yes! God cannot lie. Prophets like Isaiah told the truth and the prophecy of revelations speaks volumes in of it's self. To the devil he knows his time is short and he knows what it really
means. Pure evil is what the devil is. Fallen angels as well. They fear God and it shows his mercy and grace that he allows the time to mature, expire and be fulfilled. What! God lets the devil
and fallen angels effect the earth. They know their time is short. Why? There
has too be a profound reason and they have written about these things but
since they fought and were thrown out of heaven they must have known something
we don't whereby angels would turn on God. The bible saints/others will be judging
angels as it is written. So that means they could sin too. They are created. Too scoffers and
people who live in lust, evil and for pleasures that are against God and all
other people that are of faiths that oppose the biblical truth it is
foolishness and sometimes they laugh about it. But in ab-salute truth it is the
truth and that great day of the lord will come about where-by Christ made a
prophetic predication on the way to the cross to the woman whereby he told her
the future. I bet she could not understand but he did.
Too people following a false gospel and that are deceived it could mean hell and God has foretold the punishment for doing so in scripture. Too people teaching a false gospel and it does say it is taught by demons and fallen angels it will mean hell unless otherwise repentant. Too many that live apposed to the truth gospel they may be under God's curse. That is generational curses. To stubborn people that insist of worshiping God as they did by the doctrine of Baal ) (in short form) they are hell-bound.
Whatever means it will occur angels are
instructed as in revelations to start the process off. To the roman soldiers
that mocked Christ it may mean they awake to damnation or even forgiveness. God
is merciful. But God has set the beginning from the end. You should take it seriously
as it is the truth. To many it will mean either mercy, salvation or torment.
Wake up. Get saved.
To people that teach or are atheists it is
threatening to their positions or even curiosity. They hate the truth and are
deceived of course.
Too Israel it means the WORLD of restoration of a city created by GOD probably on the new earth. Those who hate Israel they are doing the true God a great injustice but of course they are so deceived they cannot perceive this. Satin has fooled the nations.
Too GOD it means the restoration of what he
willed in the begging and eternal unconditional love that humans cannot
perceive as they are creatures of vanity and evil. Christ said you being evil
give good things to your children. So that says it all. In God's eyes that's what human are. Therefore, you
MUST be born again. You need that rebirth of the new heart and new vision
whereby all things are made new. Wake up HELL IS REAL,
and people could care less. Christ was not commissioned to come to earth and
die on a cross, so others could steal his glory. Get saved. Turn from
your sins. Turn from your evil ways. Those who laugh today cry tomorrow! What
does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose HIS SOUL?
A word :
As I was once many people don't realize who Christ really was. He was a Jewish man by the Jewish name "Yeshua." He did not keep pagan celebrations or holidays. If he went to the Jewish Temple it was too teach but they were looking for ways to accuse him. He was not sinful. He taught a great portion of spiritual lessons that people take/teach literally. Now in those days people from their faith read the law of the prophets and tried to do those things that be of God. Christ was humble and meek and that's why he said to follow him as his yoke is easy and his burden is light. So the question is does he know that they have made many things pagan/used them in worship that are really of the devil and attached it to his name. YES! Follow him in spirit and truth. These days people are into Spirituality but they reject the biblical truth and sound doctrine/the narrow way. They have been bewitched. And they love NOT the truth. So many have gone the way of the he-then. Relating
to heathens. "heathen gods" So many are lost and are dead set against even accepting the truth. We JUST hate the truth and then we suppress it through vain pagan culture and commandments and doctrines of men, and not of GOD. See Christ knew the future and that men were going to be led astray so he taught against doing those things but because people follow men they have been led astray to disobey the God of scripture. And in turn this is what darkness desires.
Get saved.

Profound Implications
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