Update : September 2/2018
2.9.18 Update sermon audio
Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist on the day of Pentecost. A voice from heaven said this is my son in which I am well pleased. Is God pleased with you and your sins?
2.9.18 Update sermon audio
Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist on the day of Pentecost. A voice from heaven said this is my son in which I am well pleased. Is God pleased with you and your sins?
is the good news that Jesus Christ commissioned to be preached? The gospel! The
living word of the living God. That two edge swords. The good news is that
Jesus Christ was prophesied to come into the world and be the lamb that takes
away the sins of the world. He came to save YOU & restore HIS world from the fall. You need
to be baptized in full immersion. "You will be born again, not of corruptible
seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth
Isaiah 11:6
5 Righteousness will be the belt around His hips, and
faithfulness the sash around His waist. 6 The wolf will live with the lamb, and
the leopard will lie down with the goat; the calf and young lion and fatling
will be together, and a little child will lead them. 7 The cow will graze with
the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like
the ox.
11 Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.
Some teach it's not the chain of commands
that will get you saved and into heaven but the blood of Christ and what he did
on the cross. And some born again Christians in retrospect to some biblical
teachers/Pastures seem to differ on this. In the end we are human but there is
a requirement as Christ commissioned and this is what this blog and sermon will
be about.
Can the Good news become the bad news? In
other words, will everyone be saved? According to Christ himself. No!
But God does not want any to parish. But the evil in heart parish unrepentant
and unsaved as written in the gospel. Christ said those who don't believe are condemned already! Why! They are Satin's subjects! This is not easy to accept I bet.
23 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,
you hypocrites! You pay tithes of mint, dill, and cumin, but you have
disregarded the weightier matters of the Law: justice, mercy, and faithfulness.
You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. 24 You
blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.
What is their sin? They shut up the Kingdom of heaven for men. They are not concerned with getting souls saved. They make converts and they become twice the child of hell as themselves. It is said they are enemies of the cross. Can you imagine! They have omitted the wight-er parts of the law.
What is their sin? They shut up the Kingdom of heaven for men. They are not concerned with getting souls saved. They make converts and they become twice the child of hell as themselves. It is said they are enemies of the cross. Can you imagine! They have omitted the wight-er parts of the law.
(THE HEART) Judgment, mercy, and faith. These are the three
things these religious leaders seem to overlook. God choose the Jewish nation
to have a covenant with himself and he warned them what would happen if they
started to worship the doctrine of bail-em. They went astray.
There are people who believe in Jesus Christ but say
no to God and him. They want their cake and to be able to eat it too. They want to
have their ears tickled. They don't love the truth but there are some that are
lovers of falsehood, and God gave them up as he sent them strong delusion as it
is written. Many refuses to acknowledge the absolute truth while they are
engulfed in a sea of sins. Many are ignorant to what baptism or the rebirth of
the spirit is. They love the things Christ came to destroy and teach against.
They refuse to come out of the wicked and defiled ways of the world, let alone
read this word. What did Christ tell the rich man? Obey the
commandments. Pick up your cross and follow me. Sell everything and give the
money to the poor (Than you will have treasures in heaven).
Matthew 7:21-23 King James Version
21 Not everyone that saith unto me,
Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will
of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day,
Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out
devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them,
I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Is everything nailed to the cross and now it all has been paid for? So,
in other words you don’t have to follow the law any longer. Lawlessness? Seems redundant
and misunderstood. No! To do that we would have to
take from one area of scripture and subtract from Christs teachings and words, so we can
enter sinful, and on our own merits instead of the biblical calling and commission. I never knew you. WHY! Inequity!
There is : Dispensationalism which is a religious interpretive system for the Bible. It considers Biblical history as divided by God into dispensations, defined periods or ages to which God has allotted distinctive administrative principles.
So then what was nailed to the cross? " Was anything nailed to the cross? Christ was. He paid the price and even said it is finished before he gave up his ghost. But that does not mean you can be lawless and practice inequity. I NEVER KNEW YOU
Here is a profound article : This article is very interesting and even makes sense. Christ said on the day of judgment people will say they cast out demons in his name and such and he will declare he never knew them. Even the apostle John said the law must be observed. Ten Commandments in the New Testament
Christ died for the sins of the world so anyone can come to him if they make the decision. Yet another interesting Article! "That which was really "nailed to the cross" was NOT the Ten Commandments at all! Rather, it was the figurative record of our indebtedness due to sin — which we incurred as a result of breaking God's Laws in order to follow human precepts — which was "nailed to the cross"!" Reference HERE
There is : Dispensationalism which is a religious interpretive system for the Bible. It considers Biblical history as divided by God into dispensations, defined periods or ages to which God has allotted distinctive administrative principles.
So then what was nailed to the cross? " Was anything nailed to the cross? Christ was. He paid the price and even said it is finished before he gave up his ghost. But that does not mean you can be lawless and practice inequity. I NEVER KNEW YOU
Here is a profound article : This article is very interesting and even makes sense. Christ said on the day of judgment people will say they cast out demons in his name and such and he will declare he never knew them. Even the apostle John said the law must be observed. Ten Commandments in the New Testament
Christ died for the sins of the world so anyone can come to him if they make the decision. Yet another interesting Article! "That which was really "nailed to the cross" was NOT the Ten Commandments at all! Rather, it was the figurative record of our indebtedness due to sin — which we incurred as a result of breaking God's Laws in order to follow human precepts — which was "nailed to the cross"!" Reference HERE
In other words we don't have a license to sin. And born again Christians SHOULD NOT go around thinking they should SIN. They should stay close to the scriptures with prayer and a renewed mind & deny themselves and walk the required walk. What did Christ commission? To preach the gospel. The good news. To NOT be lawless. To not practice inequity. To save souls out of the hands of Satin. Be Baptist-ed of water and spirit. Do unto others as we would have done unto ourselves. Believe in his father. To love you’re nab-our as yourselves. Did he say insult them, hate them, murder them, and steal from them? No! He said to do the WILL of his father. To forgive and be as peaceful as a dove. To keep the commandments. To pick up your cross and follow him. To deny yourselves! And that he will tell many he never knew them. Why? Because they are lawless. They don't listen to him. They have shown God their interest in not in loving God with all their heart, might and soul. They keep the commandment of men and not those of GOD.
If you have been born again than you follow what that means as in the bible verse posted here entitled A NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST. Again we do not have a license to sin. And I have taken a look at 1st John 2.2 Well God gave grace and his commandments too but there are none believers, and people that follow another gospel and another Christ. There are people that follow many other religions. There are people that are none believers and unsaved. There are the wicked and evil people that just don't care. Yes he is the propitiation for sins and even those of the world, but the world is deceived as it is written. But what was really nailed to the cross is not the commandments. This would be lawlessness. THE GOOD news is: these wicked & evil people and none believers can turn to Christ and his gospel. They can be saved but they must turn to repent and to the gospel. They can make that decision. If you are one of these people yes he is REAL. And yes the world is VERY deceived. Turn to the gospel as HELL is REAL. I recommend you read the first four gospels and then pray and ask God to guide you and show you the way. And that you get saved.
The gospel MUST be preached. That is the great commission regardless. We have a lot to be thankful for him coming into the world. When we do sin we MUST confess them to the living GOD and ask for forgiveness but if you have been born again you must focus on what that means. It is written he will continue what he started by doing that great work in the born again believer. Amen
1 John 2:2 King James Version
2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours
only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
1. the action of propitiating or appeasing a god, spirit, or person.
"he lifted his hands in propitiation"
atonement, especially that of Jesus Christ.
1. the action of propitiating or appeasing a god, spirit, or person.
"he lifted his hands in propitiation"
atonement, especially that of Jesus Christ.
Job 5:23
For you will have a covenant with the stones of the field, and the wild animals will be at peace with you.
If you go to work, ONLY (1) one day and expect to get paid for seven (7) is that proper? No. People search the scriptures for eternal life, but they have been programmed and accustomed to the ways of the world that cannot save them. People speak of God on their lips but their actions and heart shows they are far from him. Many say NO to GOD and cry and want in. This is redundant. They will follow "their" friends instead of God. They care what their friends think more than God. Man is far from good. He rejected the light that came into the world. Draw close to God and he will draw close to you.
Christ said who swears by the alter swears by all things on it.
So, God's words are extremely important as is our words when we make an oath to GOD. God is holy, and we just cannot wrap our minds around that when we love sin. When we want to get a fix that is wicked but at the same time we expect God to be merciful and grant us opening that door without listening to him. Many times, in the gospel it says that Those who have ears to hear let them hear! Why? Many have ears but they don't hear and many don't even perceive what they hear. No wonder he said on the day of judgment he will part the goats from the sheep. And then many will be cast into outer darkness. Maybe he could make them whiter than snow without repentance. What! Without saying YES to God. This is what people expect in some cases. Then there would have been no need for him to come into the world. You have to make the choice. He even warned about calling someone a fool and being close to the fires of hell. Are we that narrow minded? The good news is he was born into the world and you now have a chance to say yes to GOD and save you soul.
You see God has put eternity in our hearts but the temptation and deceitfulness of this life traps or enslaves people to drift away. They are blinded by darkness. We are engulfed with THINGS and PLAY but not the gospel or holiness. This is what darkness wants. But this is not what Christ came to do. He came to destroy the works of the devil but MANY embrace these things and say No to GOD but at the same time they either want, expect eternal life or heaven. Christ said if you want to be my disciple pick up your cross and follow him. The cross is the light men reject and they will hate you when you walk this walk.
For you will have a covenant with the stones of the field, and the wild animals will be at peace with you.
You would think it is such a burden to listen to God.
We want to have eternal life on our terms and merits, and we make excuses and
continue to love the things of the world that God calls an abomination and sinful.
Some people make excuses thinking God will accept them as they are without
change, without repentance and they will find out when there is weeping and
gnashing of teeth that they cared not! That is on judgment day as written in the gospel. They will cry because they hated the
truth and loved that which Christ said bring spiritual death. They will cry because they will find out that Christ meant what he said. Some people have been
given up as I said before to the abominations of their hearts. See Satin is
extremely more intelligent than humans. He was created above us. You have to make the choice to walk
with God. Get saved! Call out to God and get saved.
If you go to work, ONLY (1) one day and expect to get paid for seven (7) is that proper? No. People search the scriptures for eternal life, but they have been programmed and accustomed to the ways of the world that cannot save them. People speak of God on their lips but their actions and heart shows they are far from him. Many say NO to GOD and cry and want in. This is redundant. They will follow "their" friends instead of God. They care what their friends think more than God. Man is far from good. He rejected the light that came into the world. Draw close to God and he will draw close to you.
Christ said who swears by the alter swears by all things on it.
Therefore he who [j]swears by the altar, swears by it and by all things on it. 21 He who swears by the temple, swears by it and by Him who [k]dwells in it. 22 And he who swears by heaven, swears by the throne of God and by Him who sits on it.
So, God's words are extremely important as is our words when we make an oath to GOD. God is holy, and we just cannot wrap our minds around that when we love sin. When we want to get a fix that is wicked but at the same time we expect God to be merciful and grant us opening that door without listening to him. Many times, in the gospel it says that Those who have ears to hear let them hear! Why? Many have ears but they don't hear and many don't even perceive what they hear. No wonder he said on the day of judgment he will part the goats from the sheep. And then many will be cast into outer darkness. Maybe he could make them whiter than snow without repentance. What! Without saying YES to God. This is what people expect in some cases. Then there would have been no need for him to come into the world. You have to make the choice. He even warned about calling someone a fool and being close to the fires of hell. Are we that narrow minded? The good news is he was born into the world and you now have a chance to say yes to GOD and save you soul.
You see God has put eternity in our hearts but the temptation and deceitfulness of this life traps or enslaves people to drift away. They are blinded by darkness. We are engulfed with THINGS and PLAY but not the gospel or holiness. This is what darkness wants. But this is not what Christ came to do. He came to destroy the works of the devil but MANY embrace these things and say No to GOD but at the same time they either want, expect eternal life or heaven. Christ said if you want to be my disciple pick up your cross and follow him. The cross is the light men reject and they will hate you when you walk this walk.

And this sermon takes a candid deep look into the rules of the gospel as opposed to it's not a chain of commands. It’s the heart that MUST obey and not omit inequity. God esteems the upright righteous person. That is what the gospel says. It tells us to be HOLY. Christ told Peter it was the spirit of God whom is in heaven who revealed to Peter that Jesus Christ is the son of the living God. Just the same God's holy spirit/power will gives man the new heart. And he deserves all the glory and praise forever. AMEN
Christ told the woman at the well that the Jews KNOW what they worship. God! The God of Israel. And she had 5 husbands and lived with a man unmarried in sin and he was willing to give her the eternal water. The spirit of rebirth. Can you imagine! He is the living water and the King of Kings.
You must be born again by the hand of God. That is by his doing. Not your own. You repent and "WILL" to change. You must realize that following the things of the world is NOT what Christ taught. As Christ said this is the ways and thinking of Satin. This world loves it's own. If this world loves you and speaks good of you somethings wrong according to scripture. If you follow the world you make yourselves "an" enemy of God. You cannot have it both ways. It can NEVER work because you start to love those things that take you away from GOD and then despise your master/God. He came to set you free by his word and by the cross. Your walk must be in spirit & truth.
Lets face it we are living at a time when the world appears to be in chaos. People have gone astray. They are "steep t" deep into the worldly lusts. Wickedness and evil has filled the world just like the time of Noah. This was foretold. The gospel is proved right many times over. They are lost in a sea of sins and entertainment. Their vanities are of the world and not of God. Their idols are their Gods. The sad reality! They chose hell and ignorance while they cry "Let me into heaven". "I never knew YOU!" Wake up.
That does not mean everything is nailed to the cross and you don't have to repent! If everything is nailed to the cross what are you repenting for. If it's all been paid and done for you and you don't have to come out of your old man/your sin nature why get baptized. Just what the devil wants. You to live in sin and care NOT. Grace is offered because of God's righteousness and heart. God does not omit the weightier parts of "his" laws but he still said HELL is real and people don't fear him. Many will wish they obeyed him when they are cast into outer darkness. All things have been put under the feet of CHRIST. Not man! Man has been "granted" dominion over the earth but the bible warns about that terrible day of the lord. The world cannot save it's self! That is why GOD sent CHRIST into the world. You know the bible says the time had to be cut short or else it would be impossible to for any flesh to be saved. In other words for souls to get saved. That is what GRACE IS! He made a way by his love and mercy despite evil. Get saved.
Here are some examples of "grace".
Reference article is : https://www.christianity.com/theology/what-is-grace.html
* Grace is the love of God shown to the unlovely; the peace of God given to the restless; the unmerited favor of God.What is grace and what are some ways people have defined grace?
“Grace is free sovereign favor to the ill-deserving.”(B.B. Warfield)
“Grace is love that cares and stoops and rescues.”(John Stott)
“[Grace] is God reaching downward to people who are in rebellion against Him.”(Jerry Bridges)
But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.
Many do not enter as the are deceived by Satin. It's that simple.
The will of GOD is that men repent and believe in his only begotten son. And to be saved. Then to worship God in spirit & truth, and bring others to the knowledge of the biblical truth. To believe on the gospel. And to PREACH THE GOSPEL UNTO THE WORLD. To visit widows and those less fortunate and those broken. To care about others. He said let your lights shine before men. Not your sins.
Prayer is KEY too.
September 1, 2018
Rebirth of the spirit &
gospel truth sermon